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標題: [旅遊資訊] 親歷美國的天價醫療:拔顆牙1500美元 [打印本頁]

作者: summei0529    時間: 2010-12-21 07:17 AM     標題: 親歷美國的天價醫療:拔顆牙1500美元

2010年12月12日 09:32:43                 來源:新浪博客



  1. 簡單的拔一顆牙1500美元,創傷包扎2000美元

2. 坐飛機出國看病,都比美國便宜

 3. 生個小孩的成本高達2萬美元!

  4. 一個CT掃描4600美元

作者: macbook207    時間: 2010-12-21 09:56 AM

作者: huit    時間: 2010-12-22 10:02 AM

I'm highly sceptical about whether these are the average prices people would pay in the US. Especially in this day and age.
作者: scyuen    時間: 2010-12-22 10:12 AM

too expensive  thanks for sharing
作者: Jetherodresden    時間: 2010-12-29 11:08 AM

Wow ......................
作者: puti    時間: 2010-12-31 05:03 PM

作者: bw168tvb    時間: 2011-1-5 01:22 PM

well that's why health insurance benfit is one of the main reason why you to go to work everyday!!!!!
作者: 脱脱    時間: 2011-1-5 07:18 PM

作者: 原味小白    時間: 2011-1-8 04:30 PM

作者: patsh723    時間: 2011-1-9 07:15 AM

That's why US government want everyone of you to have a medical insurance because medical and drug expenses is unaffordable in this country.   I really think I will go back to Far East for serious medical treatment in the future.
作者: dyldm    時間: 2011-1-23 04:36 PM

作者: dyldm    時間: 2011-1-23 04:36 PM

作者: samtsirhc    時間: 2011-1-24 10:47 AM


作者: chowdailook    時間: 2011-1-24 02:22 PM

作者: norman.ho    時間: 2011-1-24 08:30 PM

I'm highly sceptical about whether these are the average prices people would pay in the US. Especially in this day and age.
huit 發表於 2010-12-22 10:02 AM
It's absolutely the truth.  Believe it, and make very sure you have travel insurance when traveling to US. I had a minor allergy when I was there, went to the hospital (after hour), got and invoice for nearly US$1,800, and that was over 10 years ago.  Fortunately the insurance covers everything.  So don't get caught.
作者: viper168    時間: 2011-2-7 01:37 PM

It's true, but of course, the list above are average, some Asian Dr. will charge lot less if pay by cash.  Dr. seems make a lot of $$$, but their insurance is not cheap either.  Also consider most of the payment method is either government assistant or health insurance.  First one need to wait for long time and 2nd one pay very little, it's not like you request $1000 then you get $1000, most cases you get $200 or so.  But I still suggest travel insurance, because US medical bill is very scary, that's why people at age like 80 still working at walmart, because at 80, there is no government health insurance available if you are middle class or above,  you need to work because of the employer provide health insurance.
作者: chriskyk    時間: 2011-2-18 05:54 PM

作者: 噁心    時間: 2011-2-19 07:00 AM

作者: yeungking    時間: 2011-2-20 01:44 AM

美国就係咁     我黎美国7年唔敢睇医生
作者: salmonfishpie    時間: 2011-2-23 11:34 AM

If you are a traveller with no insurance, yes, that's what you will pay.
Dental is always the most expensive, considered the scale of the examination and surgery.
作者: luck0122    時間: 2011-2-26 12:02 AM

作者: cff99    時間: 2011-2-26 11:36 AM

创伤包扎这也太夸张了吧?还不如自己处理一下呢。去Rite Aid买点药水跟绷带就行了
作者: jamcream    時間: 2011-2-26 05:59 PM

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作者: yhfmichael    時間: 2011-3-2 04:45 AM

作者: boston05    時間: 2011-3-8 02:32 PM

thank you for sharing!@!!!
作者: washington.75    時間: 2011-3-19 02:10 PM

作者: madakafa    時間: 2011-3-28 10:32 PM

作者: spawn0414    時間: 2011-3-29 12:00 AM

作者: 重佳    時間: 2011-4-6 04:40 AM

作者: oldbb    時間: 2011-4-10 03:14 PM

I just fixed my tooth in AU, cost me $4000 AUD.......>.<
作者: wyb991219    時間: 2011-4-10 05:18 PM

I just fixed my tooth in AU, cost me $4000 AUD.......>.<
作者: viper168    時間: 2011-4-11 06:55 AM

美国就係咁     我黎美国7年唔敢睇医生
yeungking 發表於 2011-2-20 01:44 AM
If you live near city with Chinese, then you may want to ask friends for relative and see if there is any Chinese that take cash with much lower price.  I know a Dr. who has an office in Monterey Park and he only charge $50 for visit, then get your medicine from costco, sams club or walmart because they usually has much better price in prescription medicine.  In fact, a lot of Dr. welcome cash client because it's headache to deal with medicare, medical and HMO, can you believe Dr. only get $20 from HMO when you visit him or her? But they have to take it because almost everyone is using insurance, they can't avoid it.  BTW, $20 is not net profit, Dr. liability insurance is huge, equipment, nurse, office rental, etc are extra and out of their pocket.  I'm not a Dr. (I wish i am), but I have some friends are RM and Dr. always complain to them.
作者: jeffchan928    時間: 2011-4-11 08:29 AM

Should have bought travel insurance.  Please keep this in mind next time.
作者: princess889    時間: 2011-4-11 09:10 AM

作者: inclemental    時間: 2011-4-11 10:30 PM

medical is very expensive cost me $1600 CAD to remove my wisdom tooth
作者: fengyuzaitu    時間: 2011-4-12 07:53 PM

作者: larrychen    時間: 2011-4-13 12:08 AM

我朋友有說  在美國看醫生  就像被搶了一次一樣....
作者: 2011J    時間: 2011-12-17 04:23 AM

作者: 艷若飛灰    時間: 2012-3-3 02:10 PM

CT 4600都算少的。我朋友之前收到的账单9000多。。。。
作者: petagador    時間: 2012-3-5 02:06 AM

US health cost is always a topic for political discussion.
作者: czj333    時間: 2012-3-12 09:12 AM

作者: tommy596302    時間: 2012-4-28 12:22 AM

我都脫過牙 , 冇您講咁貴 , 只要 US$100 大洋 .
作者: cyberryu    時間: 2012-4-28 06:31 PM

The insurance company is the very reason why the prices are so ridiculous.  When people get the insurance covers all their medical expenses, they won't think twice before visiting a doctor, pushing up the demand beyond the normal circumstances.  While the medical association limits the number of doctors via exams, and the high costs of malpractice insurance, all these factors jack up the prices.  Co-pay came to existence only in the later years, but it's already too late.

So, next time you visit a doctor, pay attention to what they are charging you, even though you have insurance.  Sometimes they put on some funny expenses, knowing that you wouldn't care.  But in the long run, your insurance premium will go up as well.
作者: hhli    時間: 2012-5-1 01:42 PM

One piece of cotton used in OT cost 50 cents, one glove cost 5 dollars, one teeth took out, 1500 is ok lah!!!!!!
作者: ninisdealnews    時間: 2012-5-6 10:18 AM

作者: hayashi_766    時間: 2012-5-8 02:23 PM

作者: chuinilee    時間: 2012-5-15 10:27 PM

作者: 恐怖ken    時間: 2012-5-15 10:45 PM

作者: khlau149    時間: 2012-5-15 10:45 PM

来马来西亚啦, 真便宜
作者: tomlau123    時間: 2012-5-16 04:08 AM

US health care system sure is not cheap but one will sure say US has the best health care quality in the world.  You get what you paid for.  Part of the reason is that to maintain this high standard, doctors and physicians can't afford to have big errors or there will be so much law suits involved that will drive up the cost more.  So you either go to a country where you will risk your quality of care or you pay up for the insurance to have good care.  Your choice.
作者: s152a    時間: 2012-5-17 01:27 AM

作者: Sorge    時間: 2012-5-17 04:08 AM

作者: icy88888    時間: 2012-5-17 06:12 AM

wow, that's expensive??
作者: burgessking    時間: 2012-5-20 09:11 AM

When I was student at US ( Houston ) , I need to take my wisdom tooth out , so I found one dentists on yellow page at China twon area , it cost me $120USD . Just saying .  
作者: movie338    時間: 2012-5-20 11:15 PM

I had similar experience. I paid $1200 for a 30 minute root canal procedure. When my dentist told me that it'll cost me $3000 to have a crown down, I decided that I need insurance. I did and got the crown for $900. But, I had to wait 30 days.
作者: omin81    時間: 2012-5-21 02:09 AM

作者: fightergz    時間: 2012-5-22 05:37 AM

作者: craziazn0503    時間: 2012-5-23 06:25 AM

haha the healthcare in america has never been good. Everything here costs a lot of money, i remember my friend said she had to take the ambulance for 5 minutes, and they charged her like $1000 for that 5 minutes, not to mention that staying at the hospital costed thousands too. Maybe people should just move to canada for its great healthcare system
作者: 红眼和和    時間: 2012-5-25 09:34 PM

作者: mcdcool    時間: 2012-5-26 11:05 AM

作者: mcc存    時間: 2012-5-26 01:53 PM

哇  甘贵~~~~~~~~~~~~
作者: tongnok20    時間: 2012-5-26 09:34 PM

作者: 师宴    時間: 2012-5-26 10:28 PM

作者: swwlau    時間: 2012-5-29 11:26 PM

why type of insurance should I buy to cover my medical exp in us
作者: tgi_friday2009    時間: 2012-6-22 10:20 AM

wow. this is really expensive...I mean really @_@
作者: movie338    時間: 2012-6-23 03:11 AM

My wife just got laid off. Starting September, we have to pay over U.S$950 per month for our health and dental insurance.
作者: hcju    時間: 2012-6-23 05:47 AM

作者: brandy66    時間: 2012-6-23 08:14 AM

作者: kikilin52    時間: 2012-6-23 02:59 PM

作者: Jeremyc1205    時間: 2012-6-25 02:34 AM

作者: nene513    時間: 2012-6-25 09:52 AM

作者: 茶記    時間: 2012-6-27 09:25 AM




我有公司blue cross blue shield, 雖然話全包,都要給少少copay

作者: 茶記    時間: 2012-6-27 09:34 AM

hcju 發表於 2012-6-22 04:47 PM
你個case好有問題,車禍正常有汽車保險公司賠,不管對錯應該有medical expense claim
然後如果patient無保險,車禍victim好少會給人告medical expense,最多成日有collection letter,會同你settle同你deal

明知你無錢,告你都晒氣,medical debt唔同credit card或者mortgage debt,好少會給人告
作者: sheungshui    時間: 2012-6-27 09:47 AM

in north america, dentists charge rocket high prices for everything, and government allows that :(
作者: kmarstar    時間: 2012-6-28 03:29 PM




作者: mym3csl    時間: 2012-6-28 03:45 PM

在台灣真的是太幸福啦, 有健保, 不像國外要花好多錢在醫療上!
作者: HeeroH    時間: 2012-6-28 06:58 PM

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作者: tpk619    時間: 2012-6-29 08:20 PM

Same as in Hong Kong  and United Kingdom too, very expensive to see the dentists!
作者: rina922    時間: 2012-6-29 09:40 PM

hm... last time when I had a toothache ... and I took a tooth out without insurance that time...
only cost me ... 200$
and i live in NYC
作者: ha1980    時間: 2012-6-29 10:17 PM

看醫生 是種高級消費
作者: cooldaddy    時間: 2012-7-1 04:02 PM

作者: babayung    時間: 2012-7-1 06:26 PM

作者: 一匹羊    時間: 2012-7-1 07:48 PM

作者: harata2012    時間: 2012-7-1 08:15 PM

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作者: lucky2012    時間: 2012-7-4 12:54 PM

作者: eisenenoch    時間: 2012-7-4 11:32 PM

Ya! I was in Canada and America before.
That was very very experience. To fix a tooth almost 3000 USD. So if you do not have insurance , that will let you bank break. However in North America, tooth insurance is also very experience.
作者: wlmak    時間: 2012-7-6 05:47 PM

作者: ASKA翎    時間: 2012-7-6 08:54 PM

作者: david0224    時間: 2012-7-6 09:35 PM

作者: tammy.cg8    時間: 2012-7-9 02:36 AM

the first time i visit emergency room costed me  $2400....
作者: tonyic    時間: 2012-7-9 10:10 AM

That is not true, you can always find some way that is cheper. Dentis in China town New York are more reasonable, per extraction cost you only from us$ 40 - us$100. Doctor visit is also the same range, but, drug is not included.
作者: kenthevk    時間: 2012-7-15 11:17 PM

I thought Obama has done something to the system covers all the residents...anyways, this post is pretty old...
作者: dorishs    時間: 2012-7-16 07:27 AM

作者: trftk14a    時間: 2012-7-17 11:17 AM

作者: vincewoo    時間: 2012-7-17 01:55 PM

系你哋冇買醫療保險姐。 響加拿大。如果買左 發燒感冒都系政府全包gar 【not include 藥品】
作者: luvleanna    時間: 2012-7-20 06:01 PM

too expensive  thanks for sharing
作者: patsh723    時間: 2012-7-21 07:43 AM

Medical insurance is not cheap, I have to pay over $600 monthly. Besides I need to pay $50 co-pay for regular doctor visit.  Insurance is not covering everything.
作者: 香港男人    時間: 2012-7-28 02:11 PM

本帖最後由 香港男人 於 2012-7-28 02:14 PM 編輯

作者: cerrolinda    時間: 2012-7-29 12:11 AM

作者: Kekkekek    時間: 2012-7-29 02:16 PM


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