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“Nigga stole my flag!”~ The United States of America on Malaysia公仔箱論壇0 P" v- g) W* h
Essentially the wang of Asia, which is located to the north of their cousins who live on an even smaller island Singapore, Malaysia (also known as Bolehland) is a young nation of diverse cultures and races such as F1 Formula-1 and Nascar. The timezone of Malaysia is unique because it follows the system of +1/+2 PMT (Predetermined Meeting Time) which is 1 or 2 hours later than PMT. Most foreigners have difficulty adjusting to this new timezone as they tend to show up 1 or 2 hours earlier than their local counterparts. The nation is moving forward with a vision towards becoming a developed nation by the year 2020, 3030, 4040 or whatever catchy number.
Malaysia is made up of 13 states namely Selengor, Kedoh, Police,Thengganew, Kelentoh, Berak, Pening, Sembilan, Malacrap Johor Balu (just north of Singkaypoh), Sabah, Sarawek (which are essentially Malaysia's eastern colonies). The three federal territories Kuala Apek, PuteraUmno and Lawak don't count as states since they're too small, like Canada. Another common state that Malaysians have is denial (no lah, where got?), which incidentally, is a river in Egypt.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 @7 H2 E% F7 M7 N6 g
Contents [[url=]hide[/url]]' z! V: T6 d5 m& C* }6 O/ E3 C( |
- 1 1Malaysia
- 2 History of Malaysia
- 3 Language : Rojak
- 3.1 Useful and Common Phrases
- 4 Ethnic composition
- 5 National Culture
- 6 Malaysian Economy
- 7 Food and Popular Attractions in Malaysia
- 8 Wonders of Malaysia
- 9 The Malaysian National Service (PLKN)
- 10 Smatijoves
- 11 Transportation In Malaysia
- 11.1 Highways and Lowways (and their friggin' tolls all the way)
- 11.2 Jam Industry
- 11.3 Accidents
- 12 Politics of Malaysia
- 13 Winning elections in Malaysia
- 14 Religions in Malaysia
- 14.1 The Allah Dilemma
- 15 Education of Malaysia
- 15.1 SPM
- 15.2 Language Dillema
- 16 Corruption in Malaysia
- 16.1 Free Online Tips & Techniques
- 16.2 Lagu Duit Kopi (Malaysia Coffee-Money Song)
- 17 Anti-Corruption
- 18 Malaysia's Space Tourism Programme
- 19 Entertainment in Malaysia
- 19.1 Local TV Shows
- 19.2 Asstro
- 19.3 Real Live Entertaiment
- 20 Products Manufactured in Malaysia
- 21 Telecommunications in Malaysia
- 21.1 Favorite quotes of the Customer Service representative at TMwait Slowmyx / TMnerd Shitmyx
- 21.2 How many TMnutters/TMwaiters it takes to change a light bulb ?
- 22 Intellectual Jobs in Malaysia
- 23 Drugs
- 24 Street Rallies and Protests
- 25 The UnBiased Government of Malaysia
- 26 Street Rallies and Protests
- 27 Malaysian Celebrities
- 28 Tengok, Jangan Tak Tengok
Edit 1Malaysia The latest national motto, coined by incumbent (read: incompetent) Prime Minister Najil "Mongolia" Razak is '1Malaysia', which is actually stolen from One Israel. (apa lah Najib, mau tiru pun tiru orang yahudi mia, mampui la kalau macam ni). Elaborating, Najis defined One Malaysia as in One Malay-sia, or simply, Malaysia with only a homogenous race of UMNO-loving Malays, which can also be explained elegantly with the slogan '3Races, 2Allah, 1Malaysia". Whereby 3 races fight over the Muslim vs Catholic issue of Allah in 1Malaysia Land. Malaysia Boleh.www2.tvboxnow.com) Z: a& \+ U$ d% {0 _
The first and primary principle of 1Malaysia is, "if thou art not Malay, please get the sorry out". Upholding that principle, a mass deportation of Chinese and Indians back to their home countries is currently in effect. Those refusing to return to China or India have been reportedly sent to dungeons deep inside Najis' evil lair for torture, brainwashing and sodomy sessions with Anwar.
Tons of hilarious One-slogan variations have popped up recently, ranging from 1Toilet to 1Rempit, however satirical they may seem, these are real life 1Barisan projects, designed solely with the rakyat's well-being in mind, ya, really. 1Toilet aspires to abolish the gender binary and separation of female & male toilets, encouraging more [Insert Race Here] to engage in kinky toilet sex and erotic tranny cross-dressing culture.
6 f9 \$ l+ |: A* g3 q& N% h1 }
مليسيا8 h Z6 r2 z$ M9 G) B1 H3 s
Islamic Soviet Union of Malaysia . W. I/ G# n# {2 ^
Bodohland(Flag)(Coat of Arms)Motto: BALIK CINA DAN INDIA!!11!!!1Anthem: Negarakuku by namewee, Ala Canggung
CapitalAfrica Previous capital Great BritainLargest cityCity Inshah(sucks banana)Official languagesUnintelligible rojak of Malay, English and ChineseGovernmentFascist| Dictatorship Paramount Ruler www2.tvboxnow.com, M; n" m Q* h3 W" }7 k0 y
- Prime Minister 9 v9 M4 N* y1 W. d8 L9 g
- Head Of State 公仔箱論壇! Z& r- ]$ o# P% ^' d4 E
- President Mussolini www2.tvboxnow.com+ S/ I5 y+ v9 I. C
Najis Tong Rosak
Mad-hathir Moha-mad 公仔箱論壇. N2 S* g$ G9 t3 U" j+ a3 x/ i
Anuar I-Bra-Him National Crap Kereta Potong, Beruk-tua, KiaNasa Major exports Durian, Jihad Terrorist, Quran, Moral Textbooks, Pirated VCD & DVD, Smatijoves, Pork, Water, Sewage (to Sinkaypoh), Cooking Oil, Condoms, Hand gloves, Belacan, Nasi Lemak National Icon 1Toilet, KLCC, Tolls, Duit Kopi, Excellent Taxi Service, Dirty Roads, Polluted River and Beach, Vandalism, Snatch Theft, Uneducated Leaders and Dirty Toilets.National Hero(es)Mawi. Mat Rempit, Kerisman, Cicakman, Orang Utan, Ah Seng, Ah Long, Ah Beng, Mamak, Macha, Gay 'Astronut'Declaration
of Independence If it's a Malay problem, it's a national problem; If it's a Chinese problem, it's a racial problem; If it's an Indian problem, it's not a problem.CurrencyRing-ItReligionI-Slam, Rempitism, Rasuahism, Awek-Melayu-Bogelism , Mawi, Racism, Fascism Population 26 million citizens and 1.5 billion illegal immigrantswww2.tvboxnow.com; N0 j6 T! h* ]0 \) L# S
www2.tvboxnow.com- M# G, k8 r S8 ~7 X6 l
“A Malaysian with power is absolutely corrupted”~ Oscar Wilde $ p/ ]& t; X \) X8 T) Q- e' w0 J
“ People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. But here in Malaysia, it's a total opposite. Sigh ”~ V lamenting his inability to save Malaysia from corruption. * Y( C' n: k# R2 A' C& ^; x( p9 g
“PDRM Stand for Polis Dibenarkan Rasuah di Malaysia”~ Head of Police in Malaysia公仔箱論壇: `; X0 n5 A+ d* C4 S
“Although in Malaysia got Coffee Bean and Starsorrys but nothing is tasty as Coffee Money, it give us more power to get for it! ”~ Every Police in Malaysia
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