本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2011-8-15 10:02 AM 編輯 6 H7 e5 F: m9 P6 N7 c O$ t8 ?0 b3 Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbDavid Starkey claims 'the whites have become black' The Guardian公仔箱論壇5 b2 t+ w& S& k y
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The historian and broadcaster David Starkey has provoked a storm of criticism after claiming during a televised discussion about the riots that"the problem is that the whites have become black". 9 ^+ u1 c! A a) Y" _$ z公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇, I9 v4 Z/ _; G5 A
In an appearance on BBC2's Newsnight, Starkey spoke of "a profound cultural change" and said he had been re-reading Enoch Powell's rivers of blood speech. , \1 M+ n! g8 @% { C* H, F" h" ~ 7 t: T* ~ @8 W0 Q"His prophesy was absolutely right in one sense. The Tiber did not foam with blood but flames lambent, they wrapped around Tottenham and wrapped around Clapham," he said.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- [; g6 T3 v3 F0 U8 i2 i: B- Z
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"But it wasn't inter-community violence. This is where he was absolutely wrong." Gesturing towards one of the other guests, Owen Jones,who wrote Chavs: the Demonisation of the Working Classes, Starkey said:"What has happened is that a substantial section of the chavs that you wrote about have become black." 9 I$ R- w* p- l* B5 ], pTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 % u4 ~0 V4 @1 rAn outcry on Twitter began with the Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn asking the BBC: "Why was racist analysis of Starkey unchallenged? What exactly are you trying to prove?" A spokesman for Newsnight said: "I think that[presenter] Emily Maitlis very robustly challenged David Starkey. 6 y, G8 B/ ` h4 r公仔箱論壇"The two guests [Jones and the writer and education adviser Dreda Say Mitchell] that we had also quite clearly took issue with his comments." + w6 H! P& {4 G) t! {8 k6 Ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! V/ Y+ l8 e4 v1 {% k) e
Jones told the Guardian he believed Starkey's comments were "a career-ending moment". He said: "He tapped into racial prejudice at a time of national crisis. At other times, those comments would be inflammatory but they are downright dangerous in the current climate. ) l& [8 o7 { |4 v' ^+ P ) X) T6 [$ N; j6 m公仔箱論壇"I fear that some people will now say that David Starkey is right,and you could already see some of them on Twitter. I am worried about a backlash from the right and he will give legitimacy to those views in the minds of some." On the programme, Starkey said: "The whites have become black. A particular sort of violent destructive, nihilistic gangster culture has become the fashion and black and white boys and girls operate in this language together.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 @( Q/ V# L( S$ } V( i& P
"This language which is wholly false, which is this Jamaican patois that has been intruded in England and that is why so many of us have this sense of literally of a foreign country."www2.tvboxnow.com; X$ H. M& t- p& Z+ j( {
The historian and broadcaster, whose historical documentaries on Channel4 about the Tudors established him as a household name, went on to name-check Tottenham's Labour MP: "Listen to David Lammy, an archetypal successful black man. If you turn the screen off so that you are listening to him on radio you would think he was white." 9 q1 ~+ P$ z7 B/ W4 B6 W p. O$ o G& @) }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ r) V! s3 r& j/ N, J2 Q9 o0 q6 j
He was challenged by Mitchell, who ridiculed his theories about the speech patterns of young people."You keep talking David about black culture. Black communities are not homogenous. So there are black cultures. Lots of different black cultures.What we need to be doing is ... thinking about ourselves not as individual communities ... as one community. We need to stop talking about them and us."作者: aa00 時間: 2011-8-15 12:39 PM
騷亂之中見人性 l2 {; j% d% o. f : D! J- c' Q; J$ R( M/ c$ [6 f4 d ' A3 S0 q; K6 ]9 A9 ?www2.tvboxnow.com2011-8-15" f! _. g& j' N
8 P G$ {& `' e4 n* Z( Stvb now,tvbnow,bttvb ) E8 @( `1 A! d3 X+ s p1 M, Jwww2.tvboxnow.com若依照中國政府習慣的口徑,今次鬧騰數日的英倫騷亂,可以評價為「一小撮別有用心者,勾結境內外敵對勢力,歪曲普通的刑事案件,煽動一大批不明真相的群眾,製造的打砸搶燒殺嚴重暴力事件」。www2.tvboxnow.com, s( A: e* c8 V8 S. |
英倫騷亂,出發點無可厚非,是部分倫敦市民為一宗黑人青年遭警察擊斃案而引發的示威活動。但事實證明,這場號稱為了正義的行動,其目的可能只是為了一對運動鞋。從八月六日晚開始,示威突然演變成暴力事件,當地的青年開始不滿足僅僅焚燒警車、公共汽車和沿街建築,他們開始切斷交通,並劫掠各商店。騷亂最終蔓延至多個城市,並導致五人死亡,超過一千九百人因縱火、搶劫等行為遭拘留,各地法院徹夜審理嫌疑人。遭拘留者多為無業青年,其中不乏富家子弟。7 ]4 Q. t4 e% h8 s; ]% n
% ?; e$ T4 T P4 s' ?www2.tvboxnow.com而八月十一日爆發於中國貴州省黔西縣城的萬人遊行事件,起因也與執法有關,但後果判若雲泥。當天,當地城市管理者因暴力執法打傷了一名女子,百姓對此不滿,至當晚十時許,逾萬名百姓開始上街遊行。遊行過程中,政府部門的多輛執法車包括警車被推翻或被焚燒。事件中,十五輛官車受損、十餘官差受傷,但無論是官方媒體抑或網絡論壇中,並未出現遊行者趁亂搶劫的投訴,亦未出現平民及私家車遭打砸的傳聞。 # t' [- m" J3 }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 / @5 F1 p8 y. N- V5 v$ \+ v4 t. Y8 `公仔箱論壇不僅今次的貴州事件,翻看近年內地發生的群體事件,幾乎都未出現趁亂掠財的醜聞(藏獨、疆獨組織的暴力事件除外)。反觀西方近年發生的騷亂事件,幾乎都是正義開場、「劫」局難平。 " J) o1 }6 |+ W$ J5 K6 }# OTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。# x+ e& |: X' i4 c2 H% L
同樣是群體事件,在正常秩序下個個顯得風度翩翩的西方人,一旦在社會失控條件下,立刻展現了予取予奪的自由主義本性;而平時喜歡隨地吐痰、大聲喧嘩的中國人,即使在管制失控下,仍能保持一定的自律與自制。 0 }" B2 J0 ]; [1 Z0 Y3 P6 L4 C, z2 Q. ^* L* S8 v* S
甚麼叫做文明,甚麼才是人性?把社會打亂了,才看得清楚。 5 c! s. }3 y" M# m) ]* g# bTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 c% i: D; a% u" A, |0 _# c
西方人稍微失控,就會搶幾雙運動鞋,則當年八國聯軍進到北京城,燒殺搶掠的種種強盜行為,就可以想得通了。由此觀之,中國真的必須強大,否則就會直面強盜。 : t9 f v9 F d7 U公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& \8 D) Y! v' D0 K. D1 i% Q
尤可夫TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 e. [8 x( s3 C* p9 z) F
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