5 s$ h- Y- l: t% A" U 5 Y* v1 G J" }; ?& J歐債危機正越演越烈。從財政問題演變為政治危機,迄今已有八個國家變天,各界關注八日將舉行的歐洲央行決策會議、九日將舉行的歐盟高峰會,如果德、法等國未能提出有效對策以化解危機,歐元區可能陷入崩解危機,進一步危及全球金融體系,後果將比三年前雷曼兄弟破產引發的金融海嘯還要嚴重。 / g0 A* q/ z5 J I1 K" \/ W I! T; ^tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb ( Y! T' Z1 z! b5 ^: g8 u& E. G公仔箱論壇近期《經濟學人》指出,歐洲央行與歐元區領袖再不趕快大刀闊斧提出強有力措施,歐元區崩解的大災難就要降臨了。這段期間,市場任何風吹草動都可能引發某大銀行倒閉,或某國家因公債無人問津而財政破產,最後被迫退出歐元區。尤其,明年一月底前,義大利必須籌措三百億歐元公債,如果屆時市場反應冷淡,這個歐元區第三大經濟體將面臨破產危機。% P1 q0 [3 W; P
9 Z+ z: { Y; B: I+ X9 Z這次歐債危機赤裸裸反映出歐洲領導人先是誤判形勢,接著又錯失良機,導致情勢進一步惡化。如今新一波歐債海嘯警報已經響了,歐洲許多銀行因手中持有大量公債價值減損,在市場上拆借面臨困難,而債信出問題的國家如希臘已面臨嚴重資金外流,不論企業或個人均悄悄把錢搬到較穩健的國家如德國,情況若無法改善,再大的銀行也撐不了多久。 / g* u7 P; A% W( J. P# f: d9 h ! m( v2 t1 H. X: s# @3 @TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。歐債危機若導致歐元區崩潰,與三年前金融海嘯有何不同?首先,三年前是大型投資銀行破產,導致全球金融市場瀕臨崩潰,美、歐政府被迫對金融機構紓困;這回政府成了被紓困對象,進而拖累銀行,但經濟實力佳的德國對於紓困缺乏財政紀律的國家卻退避三舍。其次,三年前,儘管無人預料金融海嘯如此凶猛,但美國政府適時採取必要措施穩住情勢,這回歐元區卻陷入政治癱瘓,未能及時提出因應對策,反而使問題惡化。第三,美元即使走弱,在危急時仍是全球資金的避風港,這回歐債危機,卻使得歐元的存續成了大問號。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, M8 e; ?1 q: e9 Q8 a# P
www2.tvboxnow.com4 Q" _, q! L, @* Z s% ?- J
針對新一波歐債海嘯,金融家索羅斯數次警告說:「全球金融體系瀕臨崩潰邊緣,將引發大災難。」聯合國日前大幅下修明年各國經濟成長率預測並警告:「世界經濟徘徊在另一波重大衰退邊緣,如果歐債情勢不樂觀,明年全球經濟成長率可能僅有○.五%。」此外,在歐美需求減緩下,全球第二大經濟體中國已受到衝擊,官方最新公布的採購經理人指數十一月跌落至四十九,為上一波金融海嘯以來最低,房地產與出口部門首當期衝。4 f2 s' _( w# f: L& G B2 Q b* m
; s1 U. e9 A4 N. QTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。歐、美、中等三大經濟體無論是陷入衰退或成長趨緩,對於以出口為導向的台灣所帶來的衝擊肯定非常大。主計處已預測明年台灣出口成長率將腰斬,如果歐債問題未能適時止血,明年台灣經濟成長率想「保四」都成問題。面對新一波歐債海嘯的衝擊,我們當然需要有經驗的舵手,以穩健的政策帶領民眾安度危機。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, V* `$ u$ R' I8 S
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& @' @3 J5 \- B. L3 W
日前總統大選辯論會中,三黨候選人都未針對新一波歐債危機因應對策提出具體說明。例如民進黨總統候選人蔡英文指出,未來四年要把赤字減半,同時要投入千億元基金,創造台灣在地經濟動能;一面砍赤字,另一面擴大內需,兩者前後矛盾。其次,蔡英文強調要砍赤字,不過,老農津貼加碼千元案是民進黨帶頭喊,在選票壓力下,理想與現實又是南轅北轍。馬英九總統強調政府已擬定七策略、十焦點,以後每周開會,天天都會盯;不過,這些方案包括擴大臨時工作津貼、節能家電補助等多為既定政策的延伸,成效如何仍有待檢驗。 8 l- z2 A& Q$ W Vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 6 }5 I5 C/ s4 E2 p8 a' uwww2.tvboxnow.com歐債危機發展至難以收拾的局面,問題出在許多國家平時缺乏財政紀律、政府揮霍無度、民間逃漏稅嚴重,金融海嘯一來又大舉擴張財政,最後不僅政府垮台,還拖累整個歐元區、甚至引發新一波海嘯。歐債危機給我們最大的啟示是,國家領導人若事前無法有效控制國家債務,事後又拿不出對策因應,最後會把國家帶向毀滅的邊緣。近年我國中央政府舉債餘額大幅攀升,已瀕臨法定上限,因應新一波歐債海嘯衝擊,明年新當選的領導人,的確要做好最壞的打算。作者: felicity2010 時間: 2011-12-8 08:54 AM
本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2011-12-8 08:58 AM 編輯 & g, d- G0 D; w1 p/ W/ x# F" @公仔箱論壇 7 p( M# B( m6 J6 L& C公仔箱論壇Europe, Heal Thyself Daniel Gros ( N8 t, t% p- W5 x; @* i b公仔箱論壇 / I( b# k! K! R9 y" T- E! Z. uwww2.tvboxnow.com 8 K9 Q7 x+ R6 f$ N0 }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。European policymakers like to extol the strength of the eurozone: relative to the United States, it has a much lower fiscal deficit (4% of GDP, compared to almost 10% for the US). Moreover, unlike the US,the eurozone does not have an external deficit, which means that the monetary union holds enough savings to finance all of its members’ budget deficits and resolve their debt problems. 7 O% q4 g$ L4 a0 O ; a# Q. J6 U" j+ [$ G) |公仔箱論壇But, despite this relative strength, the European Union’s leaders seem incapable of resolving the eurozone’s sovereign-debt crisis. Despite meeting after meeting, heads of state and finance ministers have failed to reassure markets. Now, Europe’s policymakers are appealing for help from the International Monetary Fund and Asian investors. 7 w$ Q+ [1 t# k公仔箱論壇6 [4 ^4 G4 @! H1 G, S5 P
This appeal for outside help is misguided, given the reasons why the euro crisis has gone from bad to worse, despite the EU’s abundant resources. The key problem is the distribution of savings within the eurozone. The countries north of the Alps have excess savings, but Northern European savers do not want to finance indebted Southern European countries like Italy, Spain, and Greece.www2.tvboxnow.com4 d2 I+ v4 `7 K) j4 n& L5 o% ]
" x- T/ f9 G$ j8 k
That is why the risk premium on Italian and other Southern European debt had risen at one time to 5%, and why, at the same time,the German government can issue short-term debt at negative real interest rates. Northern Europeans’ reluctance to invest in their southern neighbors is the problem behind the problem.www2.tvboxnow.com6 Z6 U# I8 @9 M N ?2 T
, ?/ o& f6 n3 N8 ~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThe German government could change this if it were willing to guarantee all Italian, Spanish, and other eurozone debt. But it is understandably loath to do so, owing to the high risk involved. 1 `% W8 U2 w0 \7 dwww2.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇) h3 R. R( z% n2 ^( Q
The European Central Bank could also help solve the problem by agreeing to buy debt that has been shunned by financial markets.But, like Germany,the ECB understandably lacks enthusiasm about this solution.2 t3 I. |. O' s) S
www2.tvboxnow.com8 L4 P |/ \, V1 o( H
So the standoff continues, and the crisis worsens.The world’s major central banks recently agreed to make more dollar liquidity available, mostly to European banks. This has eased the immediate liquidity crisis, but the fundamental debt problem remains, because the Italian government cannot fund itself at reasonable interest rates. 6 d# P4 f7 O/ \0 @. ]5 y% e2 D/ R& | T( G
Because the eurozone finance ministers could not agree on an internal solution, their latest idea is to call on the IMF to finance an extra-large support package for Italy.But this might be wishful thinking. Why should the IMF’s non-European members agree to finance a massive support program for a member of the G-7 and the eurozone that has no external balance-of-payments problem and stronger public finances than most other developed countries?' t: }! g$ b/ @8 w v8 {* g
; E' c, v7 Y; h: Z L# }- y7 Z$ @7 ?www2.tvboxnow.comA month ago, the eurozone’s heads of state arrived at another way to appeal for foreign funds: the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) could package euro debt and sell it to foreign investors such as the Chinese and other Asian central banks. . ?- D: `- d6 K: A! M4 @公仔箱論壇www2.tvboxnow.com& G) w% m8 i7 }8 f2 o, t
Here the same question arises: Why should China buy Italian debt when Germany shuns it? Even if China agreed to buy the debt, it would likely consider buying some of the special paper that the EFSF plans to issue only if it obtained some political concessions and an implicit guarantee from Germany. , H! a: a% E: o公仔箱論壇 9 b, m( }" ?, `- p& v$ I9 P5 wBut it makes no sense for Germany to pay a political price for doing something – guaranteeing other countries’ debt – that it has consistently refused to do. The political concessions that China would probably demand – for example, EU recognition of the country as a market economy, or a greater voice within the IMF – may be overdue. Nevertheless,these issues should not be linked to the eurozone’s inability to solve its own problems.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ c3 D% M6 E5 S8 T# F
8 _$ d& R9 |+ X z0 k; H1 N. e6 OMoreover, a large inflow of funds from the IMF, China,or elsewhere could do more harm than good to the extent that it puts upward pressure on the euro’s exchange rate – and thus makes recovery in the crisis countries even more difficult. German growth could survive a stronger euro,because its exports are much less price-sensitive, but countries such as Italy and Greece,which must compete on price, would be weakened further.公仔箱論壇* P& O) G6 x7 y& h2 n
0 H+ Q' s" q; T. u& x, e8 hEurope’s policymakers cannot offshore the eurozone’s problems. Europeans can and must deal with this crisis themselves.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 g# @7 {* b. Y3 d5 n( p
www2.tvboxnow.com( f7 L3 e- }! A4 p$ \; ]7 ~
One option discussed these days is a special fund,financed by the ECB’s major national central banks and placed at the IMF’s disposal to help Italy and Spain.This would harness the ECB’s resources without formally violating the EU’s Lisbon Treaty, which forbids central-bank financing for governments.公仔箱論壇( D# n7 n S" B; k8 A+ Y8 k- v
" z$ f+ K$ k% M2 |
This plan would have the advantage of forcing the eurozone to rely on its own resources. But it would also fully expose Europe’s political weakness and lack of coherence. Indeed, if it turns out that a detour through the IMF is needed to allow the ECB to provide liquidity to countries like Italy and Spain,the rest of the world will ask why Europe cannot be more candid about the ECB’s central role in this crisis. Good question. 4 t& v" b0 W q* }/ c& n9 C& o! u+ K( N# F$ v# Z( l
+ m; o+ \: f: E2 L0 Y! G& LDaniel Gros is Director of the Center for European Policy Studies.