美國總統奧巴馬首次表明,已要求伊朗交出犯境的無人機,但伊朗國防部長表示,該機已是伊朗的財產。& ?6 E! v1 x2 R5 G$ O7 N3 H
1 Q4 u- ` j7 b9 o# |' c$ Pwww2.tvboxnow.com伊朗ISNA通訊社引述國防部長瓦希迪表示,該架美國間諜機已是伊朗的財產,伊朗將會決定如何處置該機。美國示但不道歉,反而要求交出該架無人機。伊朗決不會放棄保衛國家或本國的利益。 W q& F, X( b奧巴馬12日在白宮與到訪的伊拉克總理馬利基舉行的聯合記者會上表示:「我們已經要求伊朗歸還它。我們要看看伊朗人如何回應。」作者: ckd08 時間: 2011-12-14 01:23 AM
This is quite serious because the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) is one of the most successful and sophisticated advanced technology for fighting war and terrorism. Some of the important defeats to terrorism were done by drone missiles. Now if this technology was stolen by Iran, this would have enhanced the capability of Iran or even of the terrorists. But then again, the most important of this kind of technology relies on the communications system and I wonder if Iran has such advanced tech yet.