原帖由 HONBITERU 於 2007-12-2 03:45 PM 發表
雲加的收成期差不多到了,看見一班新人搓波搓得像老鬼般,真的很意外!!! 但我唯一擔心的是他們的穩定性(不是平均數據),而是每場的表現! 就像上場作客對阿士東維拉為例;上半場踢得虎虎生威,甚有冠軍風範,但下半場就踢到險象環生 ...
原帖由 westbuckboy 於 2007-12-2 05:23 PM 發表
we rock, Honbiteru, i agreee wiv u that dislike of lehmann, buh gallas is alright, wiv his captaince, we hve gone through a lot of tough match, it is true that bendtner and walcott need more time, buh ...
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