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標題: 求救! 急救! Please Help! [打印本頁]

作者: ADTVB    時間: 2012-8-23 11:49 AM     標題: 求救! 急救! Please Help!

Dear all

I am having a trouble of my Western Digital My Passport 750gb External HDD. When I plug in the HDD it did not appear on screen. The light of HDD still on but not spinning and no sound. The light blinking for few seconds then stop. Then I getting a message from PC is "The specified I/O operation on\Device\Harddisk1\DR 58 was not completed before the time-out period expired."

I have try both Mac and PC. Mac did not show anything at all. Actually when I pulg in on PC the PC freeze until, therefore I have to unplugged it.

Can anyone help me please, because I have all my important files in there. I am not sure what to do.

Appreciate if you can help and show me the steps.

Thank you very much in advance.
作者: cck_my    時間: 2012-8-24 12:44 PM

Try plug into another (not regular use/friend's/office) pc, if failed to detect then is hardware problem
作者: Cheval_Blanc    時間: 2012-8-24 07:22 PM

If you having the same situations in different pc, the external HDD is probably defective. Send back to WD or the agency if the warranty period is not expired. By the way, there are THREE agencies of WD in HK, which are Synnex, VST & Xander. Check the box of the HDD if it was preserved, or you can check the serial number of the HDD and search their website.

Here is the information about the data recovery by WD, but I am not sure about the terms and condition in dealing with the agency, maybe you should check the "Support" in the website of WD.
Kroll Ontrack (HK) Ltd.
1701-02 Central Plaza,
18 Harbour Road
Hong Kong
Tel: 2884 7788

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