本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2012-12-1 06:15 AM 編輯 9 i; }; v3 P8 s& ?& t' zwww2.tvboxnow.com ) ]& `& y1 r& [ D6 H. k楊懷康: 第二個權力核心 % H+ K2 r s7 K9 Q2 RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。www2.tvboxnow.com( P7 t C. P' A4 `( b/ x! l6 n) f
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) \/ S: ]7 e% E* [' K2 }' _5 s; l
高靜芝進駐中央政策組、主責人事任命,引發第二個權力核心的「猜想」,弔詭也。此舉若然果如「猜想」所指,乃在各個法定組織、諮詢委員會以至政策局安插數達三千個梁粉,要麼那便是高估了梁粉的數目,再不然便是高估了梁粉的本事。* X! c Q0 R i3 x
4 o w! n1 l% D1 s6 B" oTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。試想想,若然梁粉人強馬壯、人才鼎盛,梁振英政府又豈致一起步即有那麼多局長「唔得掂」頻頻出事?不管「梁」才難覓是因為唐營人馬忠貞不二,抑或是梁振英誠信破產,賢能之士敬而遠之,以致二、三流腳色,甚至底子不大清楚的人亦要用上;落筆打三更、陷入進退維谷的困境,又還何來本事建立第二個權力核心?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! e( r1 z$ u8 a/ v
* c: g& j; V9 I8 K 徒令人眼寃的空殼www2.tvboxnow.com. U0 {1 n7 X m' A: c8 R1 m3 N+ n% h
\3 Q+ I& R- M1 ~3 }
君不見陷入國教困局的林鄭月娥不又愴然淚下:「如果我都離棄梁振英政府,如果我都跳船,那麼我是對不起香港市民。」即使梁振英果有建立第二個權力核心之意,亦得有料之人充實核心方能有效行使權力吧?否則空殼一個則徒令人眼寃而已。 0 O3 V# f! Q" c# n+ w; DTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。公仔箱論壇8 b( [' M% E+ h
這般說法的大前提,是梁振英確有誠意延攬達人良才幹一番實事。然而觀乎為他賣命的邵善波、陳茂波、吳克儉……以至羅范椒芬,他又哪裡像是古人說的選賢與能?當然,人才欠奉,也不表示他便沒有在現存架構之外,建立第二個權力核心之意。事實上他極有這個需要。 $ r+ P7 h1 i1 H6 `9 ~/ o4 [tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇/ G$ s2 }! b: l- S. ?
林鄭月娥說過了,梁振英的誠信備受質疑。即位當天便好幾十萬人上街要他下台,以這樣的民望,未來五年,漫漫長路,總不成像邵善波所言,一直捱打吧。職是之故,不管是為了保住現今的寶座,或是在一七年尋求連任,他都有需要用一切辦法——包括建立第二個權力核心——提升民望。www2.tvboxnow.com4 q$ k. ^2 e6 o9 s
+ Y N h9 i) Q8 n8 }. U要而言之,提升民望,兩道板斧而已:要麼便派糖,要麼便做出政績,讓七百萬人的生活一天天好起來。庫房裡有的是公帑,大有條件派糖,不這樣做才怪呢。事實上他一上任什麼長者交通優惠、長者特惠金、長者電梯……不便紛紛出籠了嗎?7 U; I& W* h) T W0 P" X
+ z7 ?% k* o% Y" w公仔箱論壇一直捱打TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% U* m( x- g. A3 H5 @# Z
本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2012-12-1 06:20 AM 編輯 ; u4 S! j/ A5 ]; m公仔箱論壇6 e& g4 m( r! j9 P* A7 n7 m5 V" x 盧曼思、鄔詠恩: 中策組始祖顧汝德反擊:我無做打手& [1 C- y4 o, g3 d" }; m
2012年11月29日0 l, O7 B W% o2 Z
% w6 F f% H# N6 b& Z3 T公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇6 v, U7 J5 r# q- F% ^" U
八九六四前夕,時任港督 衞奕信決定成立中央政策組,先打電話給縱橫商界的經濟顧問顧汝德( Leo Goodstadt),說:「我要你來,我將自己隻『右手』俾你。」 衞奕信的「右手」是他私人秘書 Richard Hoare,還有多個大名——滙豐鄭海泉、太古張永霖、三十出頭的張震遠、左中右各路英雄。顧汝德就此出任中策組首席顧問至九七回歸。公仔箱論壇7 @0 X5 Z( [1 P' h) b a8 ^0 m
' r. g0 I& H& C- p3 W3 N' ]9 h廿三年後,中策組變質成僭建特首梁振英的粉絲俱樂部,揸旗的邵善波八十年代已是梁振英向左走政壇拍檔,上週他大呼「中策組由顧汝德年代已非政治中立」企圖甩身。公仔箱論壇9 H% j) ^" K9 W) N
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' g3 d" W* e; u# a9 q: l, E2 {
[attach]1927305[/attach]TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! G1 t8 r6 {% J( {; j' I
本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2012-12-1 06:25 AM 編輯 8 z, k6 B: N4 [. b
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( c. Z3 D1 L" ` Stephen Brown: Interfere No Morewww2.tvboxnow.com# ] i* E$ U# T7 ]) P
2012年11月29日6 j n/ F+ F6 D
! ~* p9 M1 L& N7 Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 3 b: P L1 \6 G$ r Y, M: T1 Etvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThe last few weeks have seen the continued stagnation of the Leung Administration,as policy initiatives stumble and as the Administration seems unable to manage a united front. $ P( j8 b0 J+ n/ f- O0 ~www2.tvboxnow.com, h: ]: C- [' v% i9 m4 Q& s
Some of the events that have undermined the Administration have been self inflicted,while others, such as appointing an investment banker to Exco whose qualification seemed to be that he owned 27 properties must be seen by the public as being downright stupid.9 ^; w3 G+ Q6 @
But,despite these ups and downs, the real problem is the fact that we are still not clear about what C.Y. Leung and his team stand for, which became an even bigger issue when he decided to push back the Policy Address to early 2013.# ], [! h* N& y$ U
% X/ x, u# i" U# o* Z5 ZTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Looking at moves such as those to support the less well off, it is not clear if this is a portent of more social expenditure going forward, or if there is going to be some universal integration of benefits so that those people who are not able to gain access to public housing, for example, are not substantially dis-advantaged. ( j1 J( d# q% b% K5 ]0 F3 D 5 N- K0 e5 ]* f, w% HSimilarly,we have seen an Administration that has been harping on about Mainland integration while, at the same time, having to heed the cries of the local populace and starts putting in administrative measures to halt the one-way torrent of people coming across the border. ' O0 P$ o3 Q1 ]3 M- Dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇* p7 r# L# a( b( h
And where does this Administration stand on economic policy? We have no clue either here, from what I can see. The portents here are not good, however.9 h$ E. R& u' z5 x6 G$ `4 ?5 `
The clumsy intervention into the property market by penalizing those who are not Hong Kong abode holders is not a smart move. 5 z& X6 Z2 r F9 N9 g, w6 J ^( otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 2 o% ~* z: @. [www2.tvboxnow.comFirst off, it does not, as a Government spokesman stated at the time, give a preference to those that are committed to Hong Kong. It merely gives a benefit to those that have the right of abode here. }& i" a$ R# v+ W ?+ N% r* Ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" w3 Q; y3 d1 g) L2 {
For instance, my two grown up children benefit from their residency status for all sorts of things, including avoiding the latest stamp duty measures, though they only irregularly return from overseas where they are students.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) @/ Q- j5 p. m. q
: K- x, _: T0 ]% ~, |- j. g, l0 A8 {They qualify for HOS and PRH public housing units because, as students, they still have no income; they can come back for free health care and later in life retire here and get the public to pick up the bill. And, of course,non-resident holders of the right of abode can sit across the border and use our educational and other services every day- for free.; k4 u( d$ h) A
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. V8 k& n# K# V u) w' E6 C3 Q; S
This nonsensical stamp duty discrimination highlights just how wrong the Government is when it adjudges the right of abode to be the basis for receiving free public sector goods and services, irrespective of the ordinary residency of the people claiming the benefit.; b! a5 `, n c; H# E/ m* m' a
7 a$ X7 S# }4 gSecondly,and more importantly, what the random stamp duty initiative undoubtedly does do is send a message to all around the world that policy in Hong Kong in relation to assets, their price levels and investment overall will in future be subject to ad hoc Government measures, as and when they see fit. Will they put a capital gains tax on stock transactions if the Hang Seng Index soars?) C; T6 N% ?/ W# K: ]
' Y1 o/ e5 @1 D- N
And then, finally, when it comes to the punitive taxation of property transactions,reducing liquidity in the major domestic asset market, and one that is used for funding all sorts of economic activities and which is a key component of household balance-sheets, is simply not smart. 8 S0 ~0 \" p* K. n公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 v# r6 r* d8 q8 J
We needed the meat put on the bones of the Chief Executive’ s Election Manifesto,but we are now months on from the election and the skeleton is still the only thing you can find in the shop window. ) l& G0 Z0 i( M& w: R 2 y8 ]( O3 F+ d2 k7 d! I: {You do not have to be an evangelical Republican to believe that excessive government interference is not the way to go, but the early signs are that we will get more frequent and increasingly dis-jointed policy initiatives that simply compound the perceived problems that they seek to address. : t" @, W4 g9 N+ [3 eTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ @7 g; \ @, F( I
In reality, C.Y. Leung just needs to do one or two simple things as a start: give the people of Hong Kong a break and start to solve a few issues with clear structural reforms,and stand back. How about for a start giving public housing away to its occupants and making sure that only those who have been ordinarily resident for seven years can get on the public sector gravy train. " `: f& y8 s! ]www2.tvboxnow.com& p3 m0 @; r* @/ G6 m+ C- G4 N
4 L8 A! b: p5 F) c公仔箱論壇Stephen Brown is a director of the Civic Exchange, a Hong Kong-based think tank