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標題: [自然百科] 毒蜘蛛, 怎麼辦 [打印本頁]

作者: w333333    時間: 2013-1-8 09:56 PM     標題: 毒蜘蛛, 怎麼辦


The FUNNEL WEB SPIDER is a species of spider found inAustralia. They are medium to large in size, varying from 1-5cm body length.

Their body colour can vary from black to brown, but the front part of theirbody (head) is usually hard and shiny.
A distinctive feature of a funnel web spider is theirweb/burrow. As you can see from the picture above, their burrow is made in theshape of a tunnel, which can be up to 30cm deep.

The majorityof funnel web spiders are venomous and highly dangerous! It has been claimed that approximately 10- 25% of biteswill produce significant toxicity.


Another venomous spider found in Australia, and alsoaround the world, is the RED BACK SPIDER.

This species of spider is usuallyblack, with a red stripe on its abdomen. They have a small body size but longslender legs.
Redback bites occur frequently, particularly over the summer months, andare known to cause serious illness and sometimes death.

Itis recommended that first aid should be applied immediately if bitten by apoisonous spider:
- Elevate the area where the spider has bitten
- Applypressure by tying a bandage above the area (if on the arm or leg) to prevent further spread of the venom
- Avoid any movement

- Seek medical attention as soon as possible from nearest doctor or hospital



作者: vandas    時間: 2013-1-9 02:30 AM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2013-1-9 02:34 AM 編輯


They are sun-seekers, good swimmers, they're looking for love this summer and their bite can kill you.

After two snake bites this week and an earlier than usual summer debut for funnel web spiders, NSW Ambulance says there are simple precautions you can take to avoid a painful bite from either creature.

A first aid course is best but here are some basic rules you should follow:

- First up, if you see a snake, leave it alone and walk away; snakes won't usually bite if they don't feel threatened.

- Wear sensible, closed-in footwear if you're in a high-risk area, such as long grass or on a bushwalk.

- Be vigilant when you're in such an area and stay on clear tracks if you're bushwalking.

- Likewise, if you see a spider, resist the temptation to poke, prod or in any way aggravate it.

- But if you are bitten and can safely capture the spider, dead or alive, take it with you to hospital or the doctor.

- Check your shoes and clothes when possible, espcially if they've been on the ground.

- Also check in and around outdoor toilets or garden sheds. And put on some gardening gloves if you're working outside, checking the gloves before you slip them on.

If you are bitten by a snake, do the following:

- Stay calm. Simple but crucial.

- Do not attempt to catch the snake, just move yourself or the patient away from it into a safe place and then call triple zero and ask for the ambulance service. Keep the patient still.

- Apply a pressure bandage over the bite site and wraped the bandage up the limb. The bandage should not cut off circulation, it should be about the same pressure you'd put on a sprained ankle.

- Use a crepe roller bandage, which is available at all chemists, where possible. If you're in the bush or somewhere remote you will need to improvise. You may also need to use more than one bandage.

- If the bite is not on a limb, apply direct, firm pressure to the site with your hands. If it is on a limb, apply a splint to stop any movement.

- Never cut or excise the wound and do not try to suck the venom out. Do not apply a tourniquet, it could complicate the injury.

If you are bitten by a spider:

Your course of action is different depending on the species.

Paramedics say any bite from a large black spider should be assumed to be a funnel web bite until it can be proven otherwise.

It is crucial not to let the patient walk or move the affected limb - this will slow the spread of the venom.

For funnel webs:

- Apply a pressure bandage over the bite site and wrap it up the limb. Again, do not wrap the limb too tightly and cut off circulation.

- Symptoms may include local pain, mouth numbness, vomiting, abdominal pain, sweating and salivation.

For red backs:

- Place cold packs on the bite site but do not apply a compression bandage, because venom movement is slow and pressure will worsen the pain.

- Symptoms may include pain, which can become severe, sweating (always around the bite site), a muscular weakness, nausea and vomiting.

[attach]1988709[/attach] Funnel Web Spider


繼本周悉尼兩起被毒蛇咬傷事件及悉尼漏斗狀劇毒蜘蛛(FUNNEL WEB SPIDER)比往年夏天更早出現後,NSW救護組織提請公眾多加注意下列事項,以防被毒物咬傷。


— 第一:如果不幸遇到蛇,不要驚動它,悄悄走開。通常蛇只在感覺到威脅時才咬人。

— 第二:如果去草深的地方或者叢林暴走(這些都是毒物出現幾率高的地方),最好穿上合適的、腳保護的比較好的鞋襪。

— 第三:如果身處第二條提及的地區,保持高度戒備,盡量沿著已有路徑走。

— 第四:見到蜘蛛也盡量不要去撥弄或者驚動它。

— 第五:一旦不幸被咬,如果能抓住蜘蛛的話(不論死活),帶去醫院給醫生看。

— 第六:穿鞋穿衣前盡量檢查下,尤其是放在地上的衣服鞋子更要仔細檢查。

— 第七:戶外的廁所、花園工具房裡外也要常檢查。戶外工作時戴上手套,當然,戴手套前也仔細檢查下手套裡面是不是安全。小心總是好。


— 保持冷靜。這一條非常簡單卻至關重要!

— 不要妄想抓住蛇。只要把自己或者被咬的人移到安全地帶就萬幸了。趕緊撥000要救護車。同時讓被咬人保持靜止狀態。

— 如果傷口在四肢,包扎傷口,在傷口上方繞上繃帶後扎緊。松緊程度相當於崴傷腳踝時的包扎,以保持血液循環。

— 可能的話,盡量使用在藥房抖可以買到的紗布繃帶包扎。如果不巧手頭沒有繃帶,自己撕塊布包扎吧。

— 如果傷口不在四肢,記得用雙手緊緊按住傷口。

— 千萬不要自己剜肉除毒 ,也不要試著趴在傷口上吸出毒液。不要在傷口貼止血帶,以免傷口惡化。


— 根據不同的蜘蛛種類,采取相應的應急手段。

— 醫護人員的建議是:被任何大的黑蜘蛛蟄咬都先假設它是漏鬥形蜘蛛。到底是不是,請醫生來判斷。

— 至關重要!!!不要讓被咬傷的人活動被咬傷部位(如果傷口在四肢的話),以免毒液加速擴散。


— 如果傷口在四肢,包扎傷口,在傷口上方繞上繃帶後扎緊。松緊程度相當於崴傷腳踝時的包扎,以保持血液循環。

— 症狀可能表現為:傷口疼痛、口腔麻木、嘔吐、腹痛、發汗、流涎。


— 在傷口敷冰袋,不要包扎傷口,因為毒液擴散慢,包扎傷口會加劇疼痛。

— 症狀包括:傷口疼痛(甚至劇痛)、發汗(傷口附近)、肌肉無力、惡心、嘔吐。

[attach]1988710[/attach] Red Back Spider

作者: w333333    時間: 2013-1-9 02:48 PM

very ... very good, brief descriptions and nice pictures
作者: shu6688    時間: 2013-1-11 06:08 AM

作者: vandas    時間: 2013-1-11 12:55 PM

謝謝,非常好的提醒及提供自我急救的基本知識,但即使不是被毒蜘蛛或大蜘蛛咬伤,也都得當心,本人曾在年前,用小棍子要撥掉结在後院fence上的蜘蛛網(網上有很多肉眼不易察覺的小蜘蛛),不小心把一隻小蜘蛛撥進眼晴裡,當時 ...
shu6688 發表於 2013-1-11 06:08 AM
每年春天不難發現園子裡不常到的角落成了蜘蛛基地, 新生的小蜘蛛聚集成群十分恐怖, 有一個環保配方可以消滅這些蜘蛛:
1茶匙 梳打粉baking soda + 1茶匙 肥皂液liquid soap + 1公升 清水 加入噴壺內混和後可即用.

雖然不想毒害牠們, 但無奈牠們選錯了落腳地點, 為了保護家人也不得已如此.
作者: vandas    時間: 2013-1-12 08:42 AM


w3333332013-1-12 08:42 AMTVB 201300 元

作者: 西葛西    時間: 2013-1-17 02:30 PM

作者: chengpengfei139    時間: 2013-1-18 04:05 PM

我喜欢蝎子 ~~希望有机会介绍一下~~

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