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標題: BT Setting problem [打印本頁]

作者: lilywong    時間: 2006-10-9 06:05 PM     標題: BT Setting problem

Recently, my BT download speed is very very slow, www2.tvboxnow.com1 G; C; \; v0 m* s6 L8 \7 K2 L
so i search some solutions from the websites, and change some of the settings.
' U' t' R7 H: y/ ^2 \# f2 k6 Z+ F$ ~6 C" W( b! S
3 a; X0 Y$ h" R
; N% b0 v! a' kusing this sofware EvID4226Patch.
3 [; m( b0 B3 [* y, g' g: ~9 [; E; [
but, the download speed is still slow, and i've print screen from my control pannel.6 b' P  l0 }% s

* K. u; p+ O  l* ?( Q公仔箱論壇i've a warning, what is Dhcp, what is this about ? v, B2 a( P4 ^; i8 e- l4 }

  @! f( g1 T0 {& R, S" zthank you so much if anyone can help !!!
作者: lilychau    時間: 2007-6-17 03:50 PM

have you try using utorrent?

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