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標題: [新聞] 餓壞了!海豹大開殺戒 瘋啃五猛鯊 [打印本頁]

作者: vandas    時間: 2013-2-1 04:22 AM     標題: 餓壞了!海豹大開殺戒 瘋啃五猛鯊


在南非開設鯊魚潛水公司的克里斯(Chris Fallows)現場直擊整個過程,克里斯表示,這實在是太可怕了,牠吃了第一隻,之後又將四隻鯊魚趕盡殺絕。他也觀察到,海豹只吃大青鯊的胃,因為裡面儲存著牠最愛的魚和烏賊,還有大青鯊的肝臟,是海豹的能量來源。

科學研究員Callan Duck表示,海豹通常吃魚,這樣的情況鮮少發生,但不代表鯊魚不會變成海豹的食物,大自然的原則就是,如果你是體型比我小的生物,我就會吃掉你。

Seal attack! Hungry creature eats five blue sharks in rare images of sea mammal turning the tables on predator of the deep

These extraordinary pictures show a South African seal devouring a blue shark - one of five that it attacked and ate for dinner.

The rare event took place off the coast of Cape Point and was witnessed and photographed by a group of shocked divers.

The seal ate only the stomach and liver of its prey before moving on to its next victim.

Carnage: A Cape fur seal grabs a blue shark in its jaws as it dines on five of the deep sea predators

'It was terrible to watch,' said South African photographer Chris Fallows, who owns a  shark diving company.

He had been taking a group on an expedition when they found the sharks, which were all around three or four feet long (1.1 to 1.4 metres).

'Suddenly a large Cape fur seal arrived and proceeded to catch and kill its first, then second shark,' he said.

It ate a further two in quick succession, before another shark drew its attention an hour later and it pounced once more.

'This was too much for us,' said Mr Fallows. 'We moved about three miles away. We certainly did not want to attract any more sharks to this seal.'

Stopping for a bite: Seals compete for food with fishermen, and this one is big enough to beat its toothy target

The photographer said it was the second time he has seen a seal attacking and killing a blue shark, but he has never heard anyone else describe the event.

He suspects the seal only ate the stomach because it would have contained fish or squid, which form seal’s preferred diet, and the liver would have been a good source of energy.

'I guess itjust ate the parts that gave it the most use,' he said.
The pictures come on the same day as images of a fur seal chewing on a Maori octopus, known locally as 'The Kraken', off the coast of Australia.

Photographer Phil Davison captured the rare sighting in Rye pier on the Mornington Peninsula, while out with a group of open-water scuba divers.

Callan Duck, a senior research scientist at the University of St Andrews' Sea Mammal Research Unit, said: 'It's usually the other way around. There is a lot of footage of great whites eating seals, particularly pups who stray into their paths.

'Seal normally eat fish, and the usual diet for a Cape fur seal would be one of two species of hake.'

One of these species has great commercial value so the seal is in competition with fishermen when it comes to catching them.

Mr Duck added: 'It may be that there are not many photos of this happening, but that doesn't mean sharks cannot be part of a seal's normal diet.

'Cape fur seal can weigh up to 700lbs (300 kilos). It's a question of size. If you are smaller than me, I will eat you.'

The sharks are likely to have been males, which are smaller than the females at around 6ft long and just 60 to 120lbs.

Mr Fallows added: 'If karma does indeed exist, the seal had better watch out if it returns during the great whites’ winter hunting season.'

Fur seals have sharp eyesight, keen hearing and can grow to nine feet (3m) long, weighing up to 700lb (315kg).
It can live for up to 30 years, either gathering in small groups or swimming alone.

Many fur seal populations have not rebounded from extensive hunting - and now have to cope with overfishing, which can limit their prey.

The African fur seal lives around the southern and southwestern coast of Africa, while the Australian sub-species lives in Bass Strait, off Victoria in south-east Australia and off Tasmania.

An African fur seal’s diet is thought to be 70 per cent fish, 20 per cent squid and 2 per cent crab, although it will eat many other things it finds, including crustaceans, cephalopods and sometimes birds.

African fur seals can dive as deep as 204m and for as long as 7.5 minutes.


作者: 麵包和牛奶    時間: 2013-2-1 12:08 PM

作者: xyz1602    時間: 2013-2-1 05:51 PM

大欺小 強壓弱 弱肉強食
海豹尖牙利齒  小鯊魚遇上當敗
作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2013-2-2 03:32 AM

Those were small sharks otherwise the seals may get killed!
作者: unixnet    時間: 2013-2-3 02:43 PM

作者: pipiq    時間: 2013-2-3 04:12 PM

作者: elho    時間: 2013-2-5 03:02 AM

thanks for sharing
作者: fidodidow2k    時間: 2013-2-5 12:23 PM

作者: shijin    時間: 2013-2-7 01:45 PM

海豹可算是 頂級掠食者 之一

看到這篇 又讓我想起 "「豹斑海豹」錯把攝影師當同伴 捕捉企鵝餵養"的相關報導

作者: mamale    時間: 2013-2-8 08:15 PM

作者: kht3yt_1wehsj    時間: 2013-2-9 03:13 PM

作者: timoslin    時間: 2013-2-12 10:04 AM

這可謂之 海豹的逆襲嗎...
你吃掉我親戚 我就吃掉你兒子之復仇錄...
作者: rakie    時間: 2013-2-13 06:34 AM

作者: laurencetmk    時間: 2013-2-13 12:00 PM

真罕見, 好小機會 睇到殺手撞殺手
作者: shadowhunter    時間: 2013-2-14 02:45 PM

作者: 暴力鵬爺    時間: 2013-2-16 03:59 AM

作者: name123    時間: 2013-2-16 08:58 AM

作者: w333333    時間: 2013-2-19 08:44 PM

Wow! Incredible images of the attack. I was quite surprised to read that a seal could be so vicious in their attack, and that they also feed on sharks. I always thought sharks were the main predators in the ocean!
作者: abanaba    時間: 2013-2-21 11:44 PM

作者: 26709394    時間: 2013-2-24 12:01 PM

作者: lalalol    時間: 2013-2-24 12:22 PM

wow.....if this guy bigger than shark...he will eat anytime, including a human.

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