Scientific Name | Common Name | Category | Population | Threats to Survival | Action Required |
Abies beshanzuensis | Baishan Fir | Conifer | 5 mature individuals | Agricultural expansion and fire | Ex-situ conservation and re-introduction, and establishment of a protected area |
Actinote zikani | | butterfly | Unknown, one population remaining | Habitat degradation due to pressure from human populations | Protection of habitat and Mikania obsoleta (host plant) |
Aipysurus foliosquama | Leaf scaled sea-snake | sea-snake | Unknown, two subpopulations remain | Unknown - likely degradation of coral reef habitat | Evaluate reasons for population decline and formulate appropriate management plans |
Amanipodagrion gilliesi | Amani Flatwing | butterfly | <500 individuals est. | Habitat degradation due to increasing population pressure and water pollution | Habitat protection |
Antilophia bokermanni | Araripe Manakin | bird | 779 individuals (est 2010) | abitat destruction due to expansion of agriculture and recreational facilities and water diversion | Formal protection of remaining habitat and protection of springs and streams |
Antisolabis seychellensis | Seychelles earwig | earwig | Unknown (declining) | Invasive species and climate change | Habitat management to prevent further invasion by introduced plants |
Aphanius transgrediens | | freshwater fish | Unknown (declining) | Competition and predation by Gambusia and road construction | Raise awareness in national conservation groups and governments, monitor and conserve current springs, develop action plan for lost springs and maintain captive populations |
Aproteles bulmerae | Bulmer's Fruit Bat | bat | 150 individuals (est) | Hunting and cave disturbance | Protection of Luplupwintern cave and enforced prohibition of hunting |
Ardea insignis | White bellied heron | bird | 70-400 individuals | Habitat destruction and degradation due to hydropower development | Develop captive rearing and release program, eliminate adverse uses of riverine habitat, and mitigate effects of hydroelectric development |
Ardeotis nigriceps | Great Indian Bustard | bird | 50 -249 mature individuals | Habitat loss and modification due to agricultural development | Establishment of protected areas and community reserves, and realignment of Indira Ghandi Nahar Canal Project |
Astrochelys yniphora | Ploughshare tortoise / angonoka | tortoise | 440-770 | Illegal collection for international pet trade | Enforcement of legal protection and protected area management |
Atelopus balios | Rio pescado stubfoot toad | toad | Unknown (declining) | Chytridiomycosis and habitat destruction due to logging and agricultural expansion | Protection of last remaining habitat |
Aythya innotata | Madagascar Pochard | bird | approximately 20 mature individuals | Habitat degradation due to slash-and-burn agriculture, hunting, and fishing / introduced fish | Formal protection of current breeding site, habitat restoration, and development of release programme for captive-bred individuals |
Azurina eupalama | Galapagos damsel fish | pelagic fish | Unknown (declining) | Climate Change - oceanographic changes associated with the 1982 / 1983 El Nino are presumed to be responsible for the apparent disappearance of this species from the Galapagos | Surveys to identify if the species still exists in Los Lobos Islands |
Bahaba taipingensis | Giant yellow croaker | pelagic fish | Unknown (declining) | Over-fishing, primarily due to value of swim-bladder for traditional medicine - cost per kilogram exceeded that of gold in 2001 | Establishment of appropriate protection in Hong Kong and enforcement of legal protection in China |
Batagur baska | Common Batagur/ Four-toed terrapin | turtle | Unknown (declining) | Illegal export and trade from Indonesia to China | Enforcement of CITES Appendix I restrictions and control of illegal trade |
Bazzania bhutanica | | liverwort | Unknown (declining) | Habitat degradation and destruction due to forest clearance, overgrazing and development | Protection of area to prevent future development damaging remaining habitat |
Beatragus hunteri | Hirola | antelope | < 1000 individuals | Habitat loss and degradation, competition with livestock, poaching | Establishment of protected areas and community conservancies, increase in level of management and protection of wild population |
Bombus franklini | Franklin's Bumble Bee | bee | Unknown (declining) | Disease from commercially bred bumblebees and habitat destruction and degradation | Protection of habitat containing nectar and pollen sources |
Brachyteles hypoxanthus | Northern muriqui | primate | < 1,000 individuals | Habitat loss and fragmentation due to large-scale deforestation and selective logging | Habitat protection and commitment of resources to support the implementation of the national action plan |
Bradypus pygmaeus | Pygmy sloth | sloth | <500 individuals | Habitat loss due to illegal logging of mangrove forests for firewood and construction and hunting of the sloths | Enforcement of protection of the Isla Escudo de Veraguas nature sanctuary and raising awareness |
Callitriche pulchra | | freshwater plant | Unknown (declining) | Exploitation of the species’ habitat by stock, and modification of the pool by local people | Provide alternative water sources for stock, involve local people in the protection of the pool and document remaining water bodies on Gavdos |
Calumma tarzan | Tarzan's chameleon | chameleon | Unknown | Habitat destruction for agriculture | Support for nascent community conservation initiatives and protection of habitat |
Cavia intermedia | Santa Catarina's guinea pig | guinea pig | 40-60 individuals | Habitat disturbance and possible hunting; small population effects | Protected area enforcement and regulation of access to the island |
Cercopithecus roloway | Roloway Guenon | primate | Unknown | hunting for consumption as bushmeat, and habitat loss | Protection of habitat from logging and conversion to agricultural land |
Coleura seychellensis | Seychelles sheath-tailed bat | bat | <100 mature individuals (est 2008) | Habitat degradation and predation by invasive species | Removal of invasive vegetation and control of introduced predators, coupled with legal protection of habitat and roosting sites |
Cryptomyces maximus | | fungus | Unknown (declining) | Limited availability of habitat | continue protection of current populations and habitat regeneration projects |
Cryptotis nelsoni | Nelson's small-eared shrew | shrew | Unknown (declining) | habitat loss due to logging cattle grazing, fire and agriculture | |
Cyclura collei | Jamaican iguana | iguana | Unknown (declining) | Predation by introduced species and habitat destruction | Translocation to predator-free islands and control of deforestation development of legislation that will facilitate the protection of the Ironwood Forests |
Dendrophylax fawcettii | Cayman islands ghost orchid | orchid | Unknown (declining) | Habitat destruction due to infrastructure development | Development of legislation that will facilitate the protection of the Ironwood Forests |
Dicerorhinus sumatrensis | Sumatran rhino | rhino | <250 individuals | Hunting for horn -used in traditional medicine | Expansion and reinforcement of anti-poaching programmes and continuation of captive breeding efforts |
Diomedea amsterdamensis | Amsterdam Island albatross | bird | 100 mature individuals | disease and incidental capture in long-line fishing operations | Prevention of the spread of disease and promotion of best-practice measures in all fisheries within the species range |
Diospyros katendei | | tree | 20 individuals, one population | High pressure from communities for agricultural activity, illegal tree felling, habitat degradation due to alluvial gold digging and small population | Enforcement of legal protection of area, field surveys for further search and ex situ conservation in arboreta / botanic gardens |
Dipterocarpus lamellatus | | dipterocarp (tree) | 12 individuals | Habitat loss and degradation due to logging of lowland forest and creation of industrial plantations | Restoration of Sianggau Forest Reserve and re-introduction of species to previous range |
Discoglossus nigriventer | Hula painted frog | frog | Unknown (recent rediscovery in 2011) | Predation by birds and range restriction due to habitat destruction | restoration of habitat |
Discorea strydomiana | Wild Yam | yam | 200 individuals | Collection for medicinal use | Develop strategy for sustainable use and establish ex situ populations |
Dombeya mauritiana | | flowering plant | Unknown (declining) | Habitat degradation and destruction due to encroachment by alien invasive plant species and cannabis cultivation | Control of invasive plant species, habitat protection and re-introduction of propagated individuals |
Elaeocarpus bojeri | | flowering plant | <10 individuals | Small population and degraded habitat | Unknown - trees are currently being closely monitored to determine level of threat and how these should be addressed |
Eleutherodactylus glandulifer | La Hotte Glanded Frog | frog | Unknown (declining) | Habitat destruction due to charcoal production and slash-and-burn agriculture | Habitat protection |
Eleutherodactylus thorectes | Macaya Breast-spot frog | frog | Unknown | Habitat destruction due to charcoal production and slash-and-burn agriculture | Protection of habitat |
Eriosyce chilensis | Chilenito | cactus | <500 individuals | Collection of flowering individuals | Protection of plants through construction of a fence and signage alerting people to threatened status |
Erythrina schliebenii | coral tree | flowering tree | < 50 individuals | Limited habitat and small population size increasing vulnerability to stochastic events | Complete establishment of Forest Reserves and continue propagation efforts, ex situ conservation |
Euphorbia tanaensis | | semi-deciduous tree | 4 mature individuals | Illegal logging and habitat degradation due to agricultural expansion and infrastructure development | Enforcement of legal protection in the Witu Forest Reserve, which has diminished due to civil insecurity |
Eurynorhynchus pygmeus | Spoon-billed sandpiper | bird | < 100 breeding pairs | Trapping on wintering grounds and land reclamation. | Maintenance of critical intertidal staging posts and reducing trapping on wintering grounds. |
Ficus katendei | | tree (ficus) | < 50 mature individuals | Agricultural activity, illegal tree felling and habitat degradation due to alluvial gold digging | ex-situ conservation in arboreta / botanic gardens; enforcement of protection to contain encroachment and habitat degradation; community development programmes in areas adjacent to the reserve |
Geronticus eremita | Northern Bald Ibis | bird | 200-249 mature individuals | Habitat degradation and destruction, and hunting | Protection of key breeding and roosting sites |
Gigasiphon macrosiphon | | flowering tree | 33 mature individuals | Timber extraction and habitat degradation due to agricultural encroachment and development, seed predation by wild pigs | Enforcement of protection in reserves and establishment of management plan to mitigate effects of water loss from hydroelectricity developments |
Gocea ohridana | | mollusc | Unknown (declining) | Habitat degradation due to increasing pollution levels, off-take of water and sedimentation events | Implement transboundary agreements to improve habitat management |
Heleophryne rosei | Table Mountain ghost frog | frog | Unknown (declining) | Habitat degradation due to invasive plants and water abstraction | Protection of habitat, continued implementation of management plans and integration of activities between sites |
Hemicycla paeteliana | | mollusc | Unknown (declining) | Habitat destruction due to overgrazing and trampling by goats and tourists | Conservation of habitat and control of goats, and limiting recreational access to area by tourists |
Heteromirafra sidamoensis | Liben Lark | bird | 90- 256 individuals | Habitat loss and degradation due to agricultural expansion, over-grazing and fire suppression | Restoration of grasslands, including establishing sustainable land management practices, clearing scrub and reinstating fire regime |
Hibiscadelphus woodii | | hibiscus | Unknown | Habitat degradation due to feral ungulates and invasive introduced plant species | Survey the extremely steep terrain for additional individuals. Control of invasive species in the remaining suitable habitat so that species can be reintroduced if more individuals are located |
Hucho perryi (Parahucho perryi) | Sakhalin taimen | salmonid | Unknown (declining) | Overfishing (sport fishing and commercial bycatch) and habitat loss from damming, agriculture and other land use practices. | Expansion of conservation protection in rivers in Russia and Japan and enforcement of fishing regulations |
Johora singaporensis | Singapore Freshwater Crab | crab | Unknown | Habitat degradation – reduction in water quality and quantity | Protection of remaining habitat and establishment of ex-situ populations |
Lathyrus belinensis | | sweet-pea | <1,000 (2010 est) | Habitat destruction due to urbanisation, over-grazing, conifer planting and road widening | Habitat protection, control of grazing, halt conifer planting and periodic sampling for ex situ seed conservation |
Leiopelma archeyi | Archey's frog | frog | unknown but declining | Chytridiomycosis and predation by invasive species | Continuation of current conservation efforts |
Lithobates sevosus | Dusky gopher frog | frog | 60-100 individuals (est 2003) | Fungal disease and habitat limitation due to climate change and land-use changes | Protection of habitat and management of population to prevent spread of disease |
Lophura edwardsi | Edward's pheasant | bird | Unknown | hunting and habitat loss | Effective law enforcement, habitat restoration and development of a captive breeding programme |
Magnolia wolfii | | magnolia | Unknown (declining) | Isolation of species and low regeneration rates | Protection of remaining population and exploration of potential for ex-situ conservation |
Margaritifera marocana | | mussel | <250 individuals (2010 est) | Habitat degradation and disturbance due to pollution and development | Habitat protection to mitigate effects of construction of hydroelectricity schemes and agricultural abstraction |
Moominia willii | | mollusc | < 500 individuals | Invasive species and climate change | Protection of habitat and control of invasive species |
Natalus primus | Cuban greater funnel eared bat | bat | <100 individuals (est 2005) | habitat loss and human disturbance | protection of cueva la barca and its surrounds |
Nepenthes attenboroughii | Attenborough's Pitcher Plant | carnivorous plant | Unknown | Poaching | Creation of a protected area and enforcement of current legal protection |
Neurergus kaiseri | Luristan newt | newt | <1000 mature individuals | Illegal collection for pet trade | Enforcement of protection |
Nomascus hainanus | Hainan Gibbon | primate | < 20 individuals | hunting | gun confiscation in the area of the Bawangling population and habitat protection |
Oreocnemis phoenix | Mulanje Red Damsel | butterfly | Unknown (declining) | Habitat destruction and degradation due to drainage, agricultural expansion and exploitation of forest | Enforcement of habitat protection |
Pangasius sanitwongsei | Pangasid catfish | freshwater fish | Unknown (declining) | Overfishing and collection for aquarium trade | Protection from overfishing and collection |
Parides burchellanus | | butterfly | < 100 individuals | Habitat degrdation due to pressure from human populations and range restriction | Protection of galley forest habitat |
Phocoena sinus | Vaquita | porpoise | <200 individuals and declining | Incidental capture in gillnets | Ban on use of gillnets throughout the species’ range |
Picea neoveitchii | | conifer | Unknown (declining) | Forest destruction | Ex-situ conservation and re-introduction; establishment of protected areas |
Pinus squamata | Qiaojia Pine | Conifer | < 25 mature individuals | Limited distribution and small population size | Ex-situ conservation and re-introduction; establishment of protected areas |
Poecilotheria metallica | Peacock Parachute Spider | spider | | Habitat loss and degradation as a result of deforestation, firewood collection and civil unrest | Habitat protection, awareness at community level, inclusion in the national Wildlife Protection Act and national and international trade legislation |
Pomarea whitneyi | Fatuhiva monarch | butterfly | 50 individuals | Predation by introduced species - Rattus rattus and feral cats | Increase control of introduced species and consider translocation, either to another island or by creating another, larger controlled area in an accessible part of Fatu Hiva |
Pristis pristis | Common Sawfish | sawfish | Unknown (declining) | Exploitation - has removed the species from 95% of its historical range | Further research required to understand current distribution and threats and ways of managing those |
Prolemur simus | Greater bamboo lemur | primate | 100-160 individuals | Habitat destruction due to slash-and-burn agriculture, mining and illegal logging | Habitat protection and reforestation in the Ivato and Karlanaga regions |
Propithecus candidus | Silky Sifaka | primate | 100 -1,000 individuals | Hunting and habitat disturbance | Continuation and expansion of efforts to end hunting and establishment of protected areas |
Psammobates geometricus | Geometric tortoise | tortoise | Unknown | Habitat destruction and degradation, and predation | Establishment of additional reserves and management of fire regimes |
Pseudoryx nghetinhensis | Saola | saola (bovid affinities) | Unknown | Hunting and habitat destruction | Increase enforcement efforts and habitat protection |
Psiadia cataractae | | flowering plant | Unknown | Habitat degradation and destruction due to development project and alien invasive plant species | Effective protection of the area, continuous and effective control of invasive alien plants particularly grasses and replanting of hardened nursery grown plants |
Psorodonotus ebneri | Beydaglari Bush-cricket | cricket | Unknown | climate change, habitat loss | Development of a bioacoustic monitoring scheme and strategic conservation action plan, establishment of a nature reserve, implementation of habitat management scheme, and research on population size, trends, distribution, and ecology |
Rafetus swinhoei | Red River giant softshell turtle | turtle | 4 known individuals | Hunting for consumption and habitat destruction and degradation as a result of wetland destruction and pollution | Education and awareness programmes, and captive breeding |
Rhinoceros sondaicus | Javan rhino | rhino | < 100 individuals | Hunting for traditional medicine and small population size | Enforcement of protection laws and possible establishment of a captive breeding programme |
Rhinopithecus avunculus | Tonkin snub-nosed monkey | primate | < 200 individuals | habitat loss and hunting. Known from only a few records in small area of habitat ( less than 10km2), | Establishment of a conservation area for Khau Ca Conservation area in Ha Giang province and increase law enforcement to reduce hunting pressure |
Rhizanthella gardneri | West Australian underground Orchid | orchid | < 100 individuals | Land clearance for agriculture (96% habitat cleared to date), climate change and salinisation | In-situ protection of the two supporting organisms and protection of seed stocks and the fungus partner in the seed bank |
Rhynchocyon spp. | Boni Giant Sengi | sengi | Unknown (declining) | Highly restricted habitat and distribution, security issues, oil development in area with associated increase in human population in area | Formal protection of Boni-Dodori forest and finalisation of formal identification |
Risiocnemis seidenschwarzi | Cebu frill-wing | damsel-fly | Unknown (declining) | Habitat degradation and destruction. | Designation of area as ‘Critical Habitat’ – restricting human access to the areas |
Rosa arabica | | flowering tree | Unknown (declining) | Domestic animals grazing, climate change and drought, medicinal plant collection and restricted range | Protection of individuals from exploitation |
Salanoia durrelli | Durrell's Vontsira | vontsira (small carnivore) | Unknown (declining) | Habitat loss | Improved management for Lake Alaotra protected area |
Santamartamys rufodorsalis | Red-crested tree rat | rat | Unknown | Habitat loss through urban development and coffee cultivation | Surveys to map species range, continued habitat protection at known site of occurence |
Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis | Red-finned blue eye | freshwater fish | 2,000 - 4,000 individuals | Predation by introduced species | Control of the invasive species Gambusia holbrooki, and reintroduction of S.vermeilipinnis |
Squatina squatina | Angel shark | shark | Unknown (declining) | Benthic trawling | Protection of Canary Islands habitat and nearby continental shelf habitats from trawling |
Sterna bernsteini | Chinese crested tern | bird | < 50 mature individuals | Egg collection and habitat destruction | Protect breeding sites, strengthen legal protection status and raise awareness at breeding colonies |
Syngnathus watermeyeri | Estuarine Pipefish (River Pipefish) | pipefish | Unknown (declining) | Construction of dams altering river flows and flood events into estuaries | Establishment of a freshwater ‘reserve’, pollution control and implementation of water use allocations |
Tahina spectabilis | Suicide Palm | palm | 90 individuals | Habitat loss due to fires, logging and agricultural developments | Establishment of a protected area and development of a management plan |
Telmatobufo bullocki | Bullock’s false toad | toad | unknown | Habita destruction as a result of energy development | Halting development of the hydo-electricity scheme and protecting habitat |
Tokudaia muenninki | Okinawa Spiny Rat | rat | unknown (declining) | Habtiat loss and predation by feral cats | Surveys to map species range, protection of remaining habitat and feral cat control programme |
Trigonostigma somphongsi | Somphongs's rasbora | freshwater fish | Unknown (declining) | Habitat loss and degradation from farmland conversion and urbanization | Wetland restoration |
Valencia letourneuxi | | freshwater fish | Unknown (declining) | Habitat destruction, water abstraction and agressive interaction with Gambusia | Protection of habitat and control of Gambusia |
Voanioala gerardii | Forest Coconut | palm | < 10 individuals | Harvesting for consumption of palm heart and deforestation | Protection of individuals and habitat coupled with public awareness campaigns |
Zaglossus attenboroughi | Attenborough's Echidna | echidna | Unknown | Habitat modification and degradation due to logging, agricultural encroachment shifting cultivation and hunting by local people | Enhance awareness and cultural significance of the species and establish sustainable management practices and conduct additional surveys |
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