Reef Doctors is an Australian television drama series that premiered onNetwork Ten on 9 June 2013. The show revolves around Sam Stewart, the leader of a team of doctors serving the remote Hope Island Clinic. They look after residents of a small island community and neighbouring islands on the Great Barrier Reef, as well as holidaymakers and thrillseekers who visit the area. Sam is a single mother with an unusual interest in venom, hoping to extract the hidden secrets that may have the power to cure fatal diseases.
Network TEN
首播。該節目圍繞Sam Stewart,Hope Island Clinic醫生服務團隊的領導者。他們照顧一個小島社區和鄰近島嶼的the Great 大堡礁,以及訪問該地區的度假者。Sam 是一個單身母親,有一個不尋常的興趣"毒液",希望能提取治愈致命的疾病。