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標題: 神奇山客棧--Magic Mountain Lodge in northern Chile's Patagonia [打印本頁]

作者: shu6688    時間: 2013-6-19 01:47 PM     標題: 神奇山客棧--Magic Mountain Lodge in northern Chile's Patagonia

本帖最後由 shu6688 於 2013-6-19 01:49 PM 編輯 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ X$ d9 a; R: g* e# ^; v- h: S

- B5 ^/ W- ?/ u. D" g+ i. J占地廣闊的HUILO-HUILO私人生態保護區(Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve)座落在南美洲智利南部安第斯山脈中段的巴塔戈尼亞高原上,這片青蔥翠綠的原生森林中,出現了一座令人驚奇的建築-神奇山客棧(Magic Mountain Lodge),它採用了當地的木頭與石材,倚山構築而成,特殊的外觀爬滿了綠色植物,彷彿掩護得相當徹底的庇護所,與周遭大自然環境融為一體。更特別的是「山頂」會湧出清泉,水流順勢而下,整座「神奇山」霎時成了瀑布貫流的小山頭,客棧最上面,有座吊橋凌空而過,在這裡散散步,更是有種騰空於樹海之上的錯覺,神奇山客棧独特的造型充滿了魔幻氣息及森林的活力。 V# @* E; e( h. r2 q; C& W

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作者: SweetLemon    時間: 2013-6-19 05:37 PM

2 e" f- H# x% L+ ~1 wwww2.tvboxnow.com有電影魔戒的感覺。。。走吊橋要很大的勇氣如果不又會遺憾呢。。
作者: brampton    時間: 2013-6-20 12:57 AM

it is so romantic.0 S- D0 Q; P4 P8 r: w3 x
I like it.
8 z" R0 |1 v9 i3 C9 l) A8 _4 K公仔箱論壇Thanks
作者: wilson6339    時間: 2013-6-20 08:59 PM

When we first came across this green, mountain-like resort, we had to do a double take to see if it was for real! Called the Magic Mountain Lodge, the 13 room hotel looks like it came straight from middle earth. The lodge sits in the private Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve in northern Chile's Patagonia and is a celebration of the rich natural heritage that the preserve aims to protect. And get this-- visitors enter the establishment on a suspended rope bridge and are greeted by a cascade of water coming down from the cone shaped green roof.
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; m# F+ r" f  U, B/ O公仔箱論壇The Lodge sits on a diverse forest region in northern Patagonia and is a base camp at the Hulio Hulio preserve for ecotourists looking to spot a puma or explore the local waterfalls. The hotel is cone shaped with dormer windows peaking out of its vegetated and stone façade. A water spot on top pours over the roof, drenching the plants and anyone at the base of the building. The playful design is intended to evoke an ancient legend that speaks of a magic mountain in the area that grants wishes.
6 p6 Y5 L) L7 `( C9 `" C3 XTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。If you don’t get your wish fulfilled, at least there is a bar, a restaurant, and a sauna inside. Outside, there are hot tubs made from the hollows of tree stumps. The lodge is designed using local building materials and labor and all the wood was carefully harvested locally as well.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: ^# E$ s1 F7 z7 e. C1 n" O/ i
The reserve is a privately held 600 square kilometer park dedicated to the preservation of the region’s biodiversity and fauna. The surrounding land, located on the northern edge of Patagonia right in the center of Chile sees all four seasons and is a very wet region. The rich diversity of land types and the relatively undeveloped region is a huge draw for international tourists seeking to see one of the wildest places left on the planet.
作者: jony310906    時間: 2013-6-21 08:20 AM


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