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標題: [瞬間看地球] 企鵝被海豹「盯上」 大戰三小時驚險逃脫 [打印本頁]

作者: vandas    時間: 2013-8-23 03:21 PM     標題: 企鵝被海豹「盯上」 大戰三小時驚險逃脫

據英國《每日郵報》報導,南非攝影師本·克蘭克(Ben Cranke)近日在南極洲拍到了一組一隻海豹追逐企鵝群的精彩畫面,凶猛的海豹和憨態可掬的企鵝大戰了三小時的「老鷹捉小雞」之後,企鵝終於搖搖擺擺地在千鈞一髮之際逃脫了魔掌。




Phew. that was close! Panicked penguin in lucky escape from the jaws of hungry leopard seal as it narrowly makes it to shore after THREE HOUR chase

A panicked penguin narrowly escaped the gaping jaws of a hungry leopard seal after beating it to this rocky shoreline in Antartica.

An incredible set of pictures captured the scenes as fellow gentoo penguins desperately propelled themselves from the icy water after a feeding excursion off Cuverville Island.

The seal, around three-and-a-half metres in length, failed in its attempts to catch the penguins during the ordeal, which lasted around three hours.

P-p-p-pick up a penguin: A gentoo penguin runs for safety as a hungry leopard seal prepares to lunge

P-p-p-panicking now! The spooked penguin hops to safety as the sharp-toothed sea mammal surges forward in an attempt to snap it up

Phew... The penguin makes it out of the seal's reach as it waddles over the rocks of Cuverville Island in the Antartic

Ravenous: The hungry leopard seal shows off the fate which the panicking penguins have been so eager to avoid

It lurked around the shoreline, stalking the penguins underwater, until one landed in the right spot for the chase to be on.
South African-born Ben Cranke, 49, spent the day photographing Cuverville Island's large gentoo penguin colony. The rocky expanse in Antarctica, which lies just south of Argentina, is a popular nesting ground for gentoo penguins.

After scouting the shoreline, Mr Cranke, who's a veterinarian by training but switched to photography in 2006, found the ideal spot to watch the action from just two metres away.

He said: 'The penguins propelled themselves at great speed out of the icy waters and onto the rocks, scurrying past me to make their way inland. Then the reason for their panicked exits soon became apparent - a leopard seal was on the hunt and gentoo penguins were on the menu.

'The seal pursued its prey right out of the water, launching its body onto the rock shelf in an attempt to catch one.

'Some penguins literally escaped by their tail feathers - especially those which were completely unaware of the seal. Those that did see the seal would torpedo out of the water, fly for about ten metres, crash into the rock shelf and waddle off as fast as they could.'

Last time someone did that trick... A penguin is so eager to escape certain death at the jaws of the leopard seal he accomplishes the Biblical feat of walking on water

Move those little legs! Ben Cranke, 49, who took the photos, described how the flightless marine birds 'propelled themselves at great speed' as they made their escape

Ducking and diving: A penguin makes a quick switch and move to avoid the seal's predatory advances

If only these wings worked: A penguin flaps furiously as the seal approaches, but fails to take flight

I'm outta here: This crafty bird has left the hungry seal half beached on a rock as he hops out of harm's way

After lunging for a penguin and missing, the seal languished on the rocks before sliding into the water and disappearing.

Mr Cranke described how the seal would reappear, pop out of the water and look him in the eye - as if to say 'I know you're there!'.
He added: 'The seal unsuccessfully hunted a few dozen penguins before disappearing to try his luck elsewhere.'
作者: vandas    時間: 2013-8-23 03:22 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2013-8-24 01:36 PM 編輯

作者: tvbkk123    時間: 2013-8-23 04:04 PM

作者: sumsxyz    時間: 2013-8-23 11:33 PM

作者: sundot33    時間: 2013-8-24 10:39 AM

1# vandas thanks for your sharing
作者: riderkid    時間: 2013-8-24 11:38 AM

我以為海豹只是捉下沙甸魚食下, 斯斯文文, 原來都咁猴擒.  但係佢哋都俾鯊魚食返, 成隻拋起玩嚟玩去至開餐, 搞到成海都係血紅色.

又唔係人類社會, 肚餓可以落7仔買咁方便, 公仔點心, 或者係屋企咁打開個雪柜就有得食.
如果佢地肯讀書寫字, 就會有文化, 有品味, 好似我哋咁係中環落柯打叫碟燒味飯嚟食, 斯斯文文, 雙併又得!
作者: fidodidow2k    時間: 2013-8-24 12:43 PM

作者: tropicana90    時間: 2013-8-24 04:16 PM

作者: kin2121    時間: 2013-8-24 05:38 PM

作者: cowbboy    時間: 2013-8-24 08:54 PM

作者: wibi    時間: 2013-8-26 06:56 PM

作者: shake31    時間: 2013-8-27 01:05 PM

作者: nuggetsiverson    時間: 2013-8-27 06:11 PM

作者: xcyong89    時間: 2013-8-27 10:15 PM

精彩~~~海豹行动这么迅速都抓不到企鹅~肯定很槌心肝 XD
作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2013-8-28 03:33 PM

This penguin is lucky this time but not all the time. In the other hand, the seals are part of the food for whales!
作者: kuoyein1    時間: 2013-8-30 08:47 AM

作者: lrc4512    時間: 2013-8-30 05:11 PM

好有趣的视频 谢谢分享
作者: digiboy8866    時間: 2013-9-24 12:46 AM


作者: linggo    時間: 2013-9-24 05:09 PM

作者: pcphilip    時間: 2013-9-27 09:16 PM

This is wild ilfe, food for living thanks sharing
作者: xdXDPan    時間: 2013-9-29 01:22 PM

作者: koonwah    時間: 2013-10-1 09:57 AM

作者: sawchuchu    時間: 2013-10-1 06:24 PM

thanks for sharing
作者: Superboy88    時間: 2013-10-2 08:29 PM

Our world are so wonderful ,that why have many type of species animal from our Ocean.but those animal also need have food to survive then they will kill and eat each other which were smaller than him.this is circulation of the world.
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作者: jacky7373    時間: 2015-5-9 08:17 PM

thanks for sahring nice pic..
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