良哥, 你都識講由蘭花死去花芯攞起. 這些多莖蘭花開花後葉會掉下, 莖頭變乾. 但不是死去花芯, 它會從旁邊長出一些新芽來, 像你的照片一樣.
b-boomer 發表於 2014-2-21 01:32 AM
Yours is orchid for sure, isn't that an old orchid bulb next to it in one of the pot too. I have many pots big and small crying out to be divided and potted. Haven't got around to it yet.
Mr. ...
norman.ho 發表於 2014-2-20 03:10 PM
chowold2 發表於 2014-2-21 03:00 PM
蘭花有點心得, 有時間買幾種
蘭花種下先, 到時再請教師兄
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