We want to be free from a dictatorship. We want to be free from the politicians who work only for themselves, who are ready to shoot, to beat, to injure people, just for saving their money, just for saving their houses, just to saving their power.過去兩日,烏克蘭首都基輔獨立廣場的示威者遭到當局鎮壓,衝突造成至少26人死亡,已持續3個月的烏克蘭反政府示威再次登上國際新聞頭條。與此同時,一段拍攝於示威現場的影片在網絡廣泛流傳,片中一名基輔女示威者向世人解釋烏克蘭人為何不畏當權者的暴行,堅持示威,並呼籲國際社會聲援。
We are civilized people, but our government are barbarians. That's not a soviet union. We want our courts not to be corrupted. We want to be free.
我是烏克蘭人8 t- t& p9 p" |
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" N: |) z, x% N A
我是烏克蘭人,在基輔出生長大。現在我在獨立廣場上,在我城市的中心。我想讓你們知道,為什麼來自全國的好幾千人,都走上了街頭。只有一個理由:我們想要脫離獨裁。我們想要脫離那些只為自己利益著想的政治人物,那些人開槍、毆打、傷害人民,只為了保住他們的錢,他們的房子,他們的權力。在這裡抗爭的人們有尊嚴、有勇氣,我希望他們有一份正常的生活。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 I; D, b# [# W- c1 B& R2 a' [) Y4 v. B
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I am a Ukrainian, the native of Kiev. And now I am on Maidan, on the central part of my city. I want you to know why thousands of people all over my country are on the streets. There is only one reason: We want to be free from a dictatorship. We want to be free from the politicians who work only for themselves, who are ready to shoot, to beat, to injure people, just for saving their money, just for saving their houses, just to saving their power.公仔箱論壇4 V# B3 _4 r1 N2 G* k
I want these people who are here, who have dignity, who are brave, I want them to lead a normal life. We are civilized people, but our government are barbarians. That's not a soviet union. We want our courts not to be corrupted. We want to be free.
I know that maybe tomorrow we'll have no phone, no internet connection, and we will be alone here. And maybe police men will murder us, one after another, when it will be dark here.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 j% q. @4 ~- t& w/ q, N; Z
That's why I ask you now to help us. We have this freedom inside our hearts. We have this freedom in our minds. And now I ask you to build this freedom in our country. 公仔箱論壇( o% p. l1 W. W" U" `# m
You can help us only by telling this story to your friends, only by sharing this video. Please share, share it. Speak to your friends, speak to your family, speak to your government, and show that you support us.
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