Dr.David Levy, you've done a fine job giving the Lakers a mental lube job,but we need you again. The end of the regular season draws near,expectations are on the rise, there's talk of a title -- and we'reworried.
David Levy,你曾经是湖人很好的润滑剂,而现在我们需要你。常规赛的末尾,人们的期待逐渐升温,总冠军的讨论越来越热,这个时候,我有一丝丝的担忧。
Wedon't want the Lakers getting ahead of themselves, we want them baskingin the now. We want to keep hearing that calming chant emanate from thelocker room on game nights: ohhhmmm! It's time for Kobe Bryant and hisbrothers to get back on the couch, just to make sure the good vibeskeep flowing.
Who would have thought we'd be here? Back when the season started, the Lakers were mental mushrooms. Bryant wanted out. Andrew Bynum was a nobody. When Mitch Kupchak spoke, everyone smirked.
ThenI found Levy, a Pepperdine psychology professor who happens to have abasketball jones and a Westside practice treating celebrities lost indysfunction.
The Lakers and Levy, this was a match made in heaven.
Inthis space in October, Levy explained that if they came to him he wouldtreat the Lakers like a dysfunctional family. Everyone would beassigned a familial role: from Old Man Jerry Buss, the wise andsometimes crotchety grandfather, to consigliere Phil Jackson, thetrusted family counselor. Nobody would be more important than theGolden Child: Kobe Bryant, the big brother whose good looks and geniushad so overshadowed his kid brothers that they'd come to love and loathhim, all at once.
TheLakers would be fine, Levy assured, as long as Bryant became a good bigbrother, taking Baby Brother Bynum and the others under his wing. Ifthis were to occur the Lakers would be able find their balance point --or, as Levy put it, their "homeostasis."
Levy'sadvice must have sunk in because when Bynum hurt his knee, step-dadKupchak stepped up. He'd found his voice. He shook the family andsurprised us all by aggressively trading for Pau Gasol, the craftySpaniard whom Levy likens to a foreign exchange student.
Weall know the Lakers have just kept on winning. The bum knee has hardlyderailed them. But when I drove to the Westside to pay him a visit theother day, Levy told me not to take that seamless transition forgranted.
"Ifa family does not have its footing, its equilibrium, an outsider can beperceived as a threat," Levy said. Sometimes, an exchange student walksin and suddenly the house is splintered by jealousy, backstabbing andhurt feelings. But cool, lanky Gasol walked in and everyone wrappedtheir arms around his pale shoulders.
Doc, how'd they pull it off?
"The months before, that winning, the way Kobe was being a good big brother, they had found that homeostasis we talked about."
Levy rubbed his chin, contemplative. I figured he was wondering why Britney Spears couldn't be this easy to treat.
利维摸了摸他的下巴,神色凝重。我猜他是在想Britney Spears应该没这么好对付吧。
Whatthe boys in purple and gold seem to have now is synergy, he said,before continuing. They've also got good gestalt. Wholeness. Superbsocial chemistry. They now can tell a coherent narrative aboutthemselves. Having taken a stranger in, they've become a near-perfect"blended family."
It won't be long before we see these guys on Oprah.
"Lookat the foreign exchange student," the doctor said. "The family sees himas an opportunity for them to grow and learn." Gasol has unique talent:the passing and cutting style he learned in Spain. He also hasunselfish ways: no attention-grabbing tattoos and no agenda. The Lakershave picked up on much of this.
"What's really cool," Levy said, "is that he's also learned from his new brothers."
Gasolhas always looked as if he should be hanging in a Barcelona cafe,mellowing out with a beret on his head and a book of poetry in hishands. But with the Lakers, he's starting to get a little Hollywood inhis veins. He dunks and thumps his chest and struts around with Lakersswagger. Yep, Doc, that's cool, in an L.A. sort of way.
Andthe Spaniard has freed the others to take ownership of their trueselves. Levy ran down the list. Buss and Kupchak. Wise Jackson and thekid brothers: Sasha Vujacic, Jordan Farmar, Ronny Turiaf -- all of themhave looked remarkably comfortable these last few weeks.
"Wow,look at [Lamar] Odom," he said, grinning broadly. "He's never lookedhappier or more confident." All the pressure of being Kobe's sidekickhad stunted his growth. "His new role has freed him to either be thebrother he always wanted to be, or the brother he is simply best suitedto be. Whatever it is, it's working . . . and amazing to watch."
I told Levy that if Bynum returns and Gasol moves to power forward, I see a championship run. Many of us do.
"Ah,watch it," the good doctor warned, leaning forward. "Sometimes thiskind of thing doesn't just keep going on a smooth and steady path."
Thisfamily can't consider itself completely healed: They still might comeoff the mental rails. Maybe they relax and lose focus. Maybe the GoldenChild comes home cranky one day, there's an argument and the youngerbrothers end up hanging their heads in shame.
Maybethey think they've happened upon enlightenment. Facing off against SanAntonio in the playoffs and Bruce Bowen's razor elbows will surely be areality check.
"They need to watch out for one thing right now," Levy said. "Hubris."
No worries. Hubris is fixable -- on the couch.
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