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標題: 【富貴浮雲 - The Riches 第2季 Season2】【全7集】中文字幕 [打印本頁]

作者: bandband    時間: 2008-3-19 12:43 PM     標題: 【富貴浮雲 - The Riches 第2季 Season2】【全7集】中文字幕


The Riches Promo
( blitzen2008 )

◆演員:Minnie Driver... Dahlia Malloy
                     Eddie Izzard... Wayne Malloy
                     Aidan Mitchell... Sam Malloy
                     Noel Fisher... Cael Malloy
                     Shannon Woodard... Di Di Malloy
                     Todd Stashwick... Dale Malloy
                     Margo Martindale... Nina


      對Wayne Malloy和Dahlia Malloy夫婦來說,路就是家,唯一的財產就是那部又老又破的旅行房車。他們是居無定所的旅行者,生命的一切意義就在於賺錢--賺其他人的錢,無論是合法的還是非法的--然後逃避法律的製裁。他們有三個孩子,Cael、Didi和Sam。和其他孩子一樣,他們的三個孩子天真可愛,充滿童趣。唯一不同的是,小傢伙們在父母的言傳身教下,早已將偷竊、撒謊和詐騙當成了家常便飯,而且屢屢"戰果輝煌"。
      但是有一天,戲劇性的轉變發生了。在和另一個家庭的旅行房車的"公路對抗賽"中,迎面而來的一輛轎車為了躲閃Malloy家的車,衝出了公路,裡面的Doug和Cherien Rich夫婦當場死亡。 Dahlia Malloy對這起交通悲劇深感不安,但是Wayne卻看到了"人生的轉折點"。
       Wayne和他的家人開始冒充Rich一家,但是這種身份詐騙是他們以前並沒有經歷過的。為了生存下去,他們必須說服疑神疑鬼的鄰居、孩子們的同學、工作中的同事、打掃衛生的女傭人甚至汽車租借公司的職員--他們的確是Rich一家。 Wayne的孩子們開始上最豪華的私立學校;Wayne不僅"擁有"了法律學位,而且是遠近聞名的"最佳律師";Dahlia也變成了猶太人。


       The Riches的第一季讓人又驚又喜,大家都以為它是喜劇,實際上這是一部意境深沉、頗有內涵的電視劇。裡面眾多角色的演技好到讓人驚嘆,女主角Minnie Driver更是憑藉Dahlia Malloy這個角色,獲得第59屆艾美獎最佳女演員提名。



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中字 (YDY)

Season 01 (全13集). [attach]261065[/attach]


[ 本帖最後由 bandband 於 2008-6-16 10:11 PM 編輯 ]
作者: bandband    時間: 2008-3-19 12:43 PM


Eddie Izzard 飾 Wayne Malloy

   British comedian and actor Edward John “Eddie” Izzard was born on February 7, 1962 in Aden, Yemen. To avoid the dangers of the political crises during the 1960’s, his family relocated frequently, finally settling down in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, England. Izzard attended Eastbourne College, and in 1968, lost his mother to cancer. His mother’s death deeply affected Izzard, but he was able to find some comfort in the comedy stylings of Monty Python, Steve Martin, Richard Pryor and Benny Hill. While he was an accountancy major at the University of Sheffield, Izzard worked as a stand-up comedian. When Izzard was expelled from the university, he became a street performer and eventually went back to doing stand-up in 1987. He attained international success with and earned two Emmy awards for his work on Dress to Kill and in 2003, he garnered a Tony award for Best Leading Actor for his work on a revival of A Day in the Death of Joe Egg. Currently, Izzard is appearing as a regular on the FX series, The Riches.

Wayne Malloy is portrayed by Eddie Izzard on the show The Riches. Wayne and his wife, Dahlia, have spent most of their married life living in their RV and teaching their kids how to become ruthless con artists. When they accidentally kill Doug and Cherien Rich in a vehicular accident, Wayne gets his family to pretend that they are the Riches, and in the process gains unlimited access to the wealthy, but dead, couple’s money and properties.

Minnie Driver 飾 Dahlia Malloy

   Born on January 31, 1971, British Actress Amelia Fiona “Minnie” Driver was a student of the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Arts in London. She also studied at finishing schools in Paris and Grenoble, and before she wowed the audience with her work on the 1995 film Circle of Friends, Driver spent most of her free time in London working as a jazz singer and a guitarist. Her film credits include Big Night, Sleepers, Grosse Point Blank, Return To Me, Ella Enchanted, Phantom of the Opera and Good Will Hunting, for which she earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress. She has also lent her voice to the animated films Tarzan and Princess Mononoke. As a singer, Driver released the album, Everything I’ve Got in My Pocket, which peaked at No. 44 on the UK album chart. Currently, Driver is appearing on the small screen for the FX series, The Riches.

Dahlia Malloy, portrayed by Minnie Driver on the show The Riches, is the cunning wife of Wayne Malloy. Both of them have made careers out of swindling people, but Dahlia suddenly begins to show a hint of a conscience when she and her family accidentally kill Doug and Cherien Rich with the RV. Nevertheless, Dahlia lets herself be pulled by the lure of the Riches’ wealthy lifestyle, and eventually finds herself assuming the identity of Cherien Rich. She will do anything for her children, does not like being bossed around.

Noel Fisher 飾 Cael Malloy

Cael Malloy is portrayed by Noel Fisher on the television series, The Riches. Cael tries hard to be the voice of morality for his family, but the bottom line is, he would do anything to protect them, even if it means having to use his computer skills to keep them from getting caught. He was against taking over the lives of the deceased Rich couple, but his devotion and loyalty to his family lead him to live a terrible lie.

Shannon Woodward Dehliah Molloy

Dehliah Malloy, on the television series The Riches, is played by Shannon Woodward. Dehliah Malloy is an intelligent and strong teenager, who has willingly taken part in all her family’s scams and illegal activities. Although she, like her older brother Cael, is hesitant at first about taking over the lives of the Rich couple, her mind quickly changes when she meets a hunky and rich teenage boy who lives just next door to them.

Aidan Mitchell Sam Malloy

Sam Malloy is portrayed by Aidan Mitchell on the show The Riches. Sam is the youngest of the three Malloy children, but this doesn’t mean that he is spared from taking part in his family’s cons and scams. He is a very quiet boy, and enjoys dressing up in girl’s clothing. His other interests include painting and crafts.



[ 本帖最後由 bandband 於 2008-3-19 02:16 PM 編輯 ]
作者: bandband    時間: 2008-3-24 12:03 AM

作者: tingchung    時間: 2008-4-8 10:27 PM

push ar.....
作者: abco    時間: 2008-4-15 06:15 AM

thx for sharing, i quite like this one
作者: linwodiao    時間: 2008-4-27 12:21 PM

作者: iwry@iwjy    時間: 2008-6-1 08:47 PM

THX FOR SHARING AR!~~~~~~~:onion05:
作者: aanniiee    時間: 2009-7-27 11:47 PM

please reseed S1 and S2, want to watch it very much........


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