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標題: 2014的瓜、菜、果收成 [打印本頁]

作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:23 PM     標題: 2014的瓜、菜、果收成

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-30 04:52 PM 編輯





西生菜、唐生菜 Lettuce

青瓜 Cucumber

甘筍 Carrot

雪豆(荷蘭豆)Snow Pea

四季豆 Green Bean

合掌瓜 Chayote



西紅柿(蕃茄) Tomato

辣椒 Pepper


西瓜 Watermelon 'Sugar Baby'

蜜瓜 Melon 'Ambrosia'


作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:24 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-30 02:04 PM 編輯

萵苣:球萵苣(西生菜)Iceberg Lettuce、綠葉萵苣 (唐生菜)Green leaf Lettuce

菊科 Asteraceae 萵苣屬 Lactuca




[attach]2948709[/attach] 10天出苗

[attach]2948710[/attach] 25天

[attach]2948712[/attach] 間苗後 40天大




[attach]2948716[/attach] 第一批成熟 需時45天



[attach]2948719[/attach] 用盆子種植不可太擠迫,直徑12吋的盆子種3株就好了

[attach]2948720[/attach] 盆種的慢一點點,12天後

[attach]2948721[/attach] 留下一些嘗試令其開花結籽


作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:25 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-29 04:48 PM 編輯

青瓜 Cucumber

葫蘆科 Cucurbitaceae 甜瓜屬 Cucumis

青瓜的莖與葉片皆覆有絨毛,心形葉;3-7 淡裂,花單性;雌雄同株;黃色,成熟時黃綠色。果實為長形或棒形,表面有小剌或瘤狀凸起,果肉呈白色,口感脆嫩,一般長約 15-30 厘米。



[attach]2948733[/attach] 42天

[attach]2948735[/attach] 15天後(共57天)

[attach]2948736[/attach] 受粉後開始成果


[attach]2948738[/attach] 再18天後(共75天)


[attach]2948740[/attach] 82天

[attach]2948741[/attach] 不摘取的話則繼續生長,皮變厚變硬再漸漸轉黃成老瓜,可作留種用

作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:25 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-29 04:52 PM 編輯

甘筍 Carrot

繖形科 Apiaceae 胡蘿蔔屬 Daucus


具健脾、明目,化痰止咳,清熱解毒的功效。胡蘿蔔含有豐富的鉀、鈣、鎂、鐵 磷等礦物質,以及可轉化成維生素A的胡蘿蔔素,有助預防夜盲症。葉黃素和玉米素則有助預防視網膜病變。胡蘿蔔在中醫學上有多方面的保健功效,因此被譽為「小人參」。





[attach]2948767[/attach] 72天 挖出來看看,時日未夠吧




作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:26 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-29 04:56 PM 編輯

雪豆(荷蘭豆)Snow Pea

蝶形花科 Papilionaceae 豌豆屬 Pisum







[attach]2948775[/attach] 共42天

作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:26 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-29 05:00 PM 編輯

四季豆 Green Bean

豆科 Fabaceae 菜豆屬 Phaseolus

可分叢生(矮性)品種 bush beans(2呎以下)及蔓性品種 pole beans(可長至10呎)兩種




[attach]2948778[/attach] 約需60天可採收



作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:26 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-29 05:06 PM 編輯

合掌瓜 Chayote

葫蘆科 Cucurbitaceae 佛手瓜屬 Sechium


[attach]2948786[/attach] 不同日子在菜市場買來已經發芽的合掌瓜


[attach]2948788[/attach] 八星期後

[attach]2948789[/attach] 踏進110天,天氣轉涼仍然生長健壯


作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:27 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-30 02:22 PM 編輯

西紅柿(蕃茄) Tomato

茄科 Solanaceae 茄屬 Solanum

番茄屬漿果,果球形、扁球形、長圓形或卵形,直徑 3-8 厘米,大小不等。當番茄成熟時,色澤會由青變紅,皮薄而富彈力。另外,由於番茄有多個品種,顏色亦各有不同,分別有黃色、橙色、紅色等。

常見的櫻桃番茄與梨形番茄皆為變種,櫻桃番茄(L. esculentum var. cerasiforme),葉較細小而薄,果實呈黃色或紅色的圓球形;
梨形番茄(L. esculentum var. pyriforme),葉較大而略厚,果實為紅色的洋梨形。

[attach]2949510[/attach] Pink Beefsteak

[attach]2949511[/attach] 櫻桃番茄


[attach]2949514[/attach] 梨形番茄



作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:27 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-30 02:25 PM 編輯

辣椒 Pepper

茄科 Solanaceae 辣椒屬 Capsicum






作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:27 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-30 02:35 PM 編輯


禾本科 Poaceae 玉米屬 Zea

玉米是風媒花,玉米的花並沒有蜜腺可以製造花蜜來吸引昆蟲幫助花朵授粉, 因此雄花開在植株頂部並且產生大量的小顆粒花粉(直徑60微米),散播在空氣中;好讓長在植株中間位置的雌蕊能夠授粉。


[attach]2949530[/attach] 買來2株小苗

[attach]2949531[/attach] 3星期後


[attach]2949532[/attach] 雌花正在長出

[attach]2949533[/attach] 玉米鬚出現了

[attach]2949534[/attach] 玉米鬚承接長在高處雄花釋放的花粉
[attach]2949535[/attach] 一個月後

[attach]2949536[/attach] 這一枝不太飽滿,且看看。。。

[attach]2949537[/attach] 排列不太齊整。。。咬一口,充滿甜味還加上草青味卻完全欠缺玉米的味道

作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:28 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-30 03:18 PM 編輯

西瓜 Watermelon 'Sugar Baby'

[attach]2949551[/attach] 種植了2星期;沒長大跡象

[attach]2949552[/attach] 1個月後



[attach]2949555[/attach] 再1個月後

[attach]2949574[/attach] 又過了3星期


Sugar Baby Watermelon

Saves space in the garden and in the refrigerator. The only thing over sized is the flavor—rich and incredibly sweet. Compact vines produce plenty of 6- to 10-lb. fruits packed with sweet red-orange flesh.

Zones: 3 - 9 annual.

Botanical Name: Citrullus lanatus 'All Sweet'

Height: 8 - 10 inches.

Germination: 5 - 8 days.

Spacing: 3 - 5 feet between plants, 5 -.8 feet between rows.

Depth: 1 - 1 1/2 inches.

Spread: Vine.

Sun/Shade: Full sun.

Yield: Approximately 40 fruits per 100 foot row.

Fruit: Thin, hard, tough rind with distinct stripes when immature, becoming almost black when ripe.

Days To Maturity: 85 days.

Soil Requirements: Light, fertile, well-drained sandy loam soil.

Seed Count: Approximately 30 seeds per packet, 1/2 oz. is approximately 150 seeds.

Comments: Firm, sweet red-orange flesh. Small dark-brown apple like seeds. Early producer of small melons. Ideal size for storing in refrigerator. Drought resistant. Heavy producer.
作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:28 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-30 02:51 PM 編輯

蜜瓜 'Ambrosia’ Melon


[attach]2949561[/attach] 7星期後

[attach]2949559[/attach] 再2星期後

[attach]2949560[/attach] 開花卻無法成果



Extra-sweet and juicy with a delectable aroma, these melons are good right down to the rind.

Spacing: 24-36in (60-90cm)
Exposure: Full Sun - 6+ hours direct sun
Fruit size: 6in (15cm)
Days to harvest: 86

Ambrosia melon is an exotic melon hybrid that might be confused with a cantaloupe, but it’s quite different. Its flesh is very sweet, tender and pale orange in color with a flavor described as “a combination of all melons plus flowers.” These melons prefer full sun and require an inch of water each week. It’s best to grow them on some kind of support or trellis and you’ll know when they are ready to eat because the melon will slip off the vine.

Planting Instructions
Melons take some space to grow and vine, so leave enough room for them to spread. Grow in rows spaced 2 to 4 ft. (91 -121 cm) apart or in "hills" with groups of 2 or 3 plants per "hill". Melons can also be trained to grow on a trellis or fence to save space.

Choose a sunny location (6+ hours of sun) and dig a hole about two times as wide as your pot.

• Remove your plant from the pot by loosening the soil and tipping it out into your hand. Place your plant in the soil about as deep as it was in the pot.

• Refill the space around your plant with soil and press lightly to compact the dirt, keeping your plant firmly in the ground.

• Water immediately to settle the soil, and add more soil as needed, bringing it level to the rest of your garden.

Care Tips/Maintenance
Melons need a constant supply of water, and particular attention should be paid during summer dry spells. They are rarely bothered by pests and disease. It's best to rotate your melon crops each year ensuring that you are not planting melons in the same spot each year.

Harvest Instructions
Melons need to ripen fully on the vine and do not ripen well after they are harvested. Melons develop a wonderful fragrance when they are ready to pick – you can't miss it. The fruit should slip easily from the vine and the blossom end should feel soft to the touch.

Storage Instructions
Melons will last a week or more in the refrigerator.

Prep/Serving Information
Melons are delicious and refreshing summer snacks as well as a gourmet breakfast and dessert specialty.

Legend has it that cantaloupe seed was brought to America on one of Christopher Columbus's voyages.
作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-29 04:28 PM

本帖最後由 vandas 於 2014-9-30 04:50 PM 編輯

最健康水果 藍莓



作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2014-9-30 12:38 PM

Wow! Big harvest day & you don't have to go to the market for vegetables for a while!
作者: 亞良    時間: 2014-9-30 03:26 PM

師姐, 妳今年好豐收
作者: quit5100    時間: 2014-10-5 11:15 AM

作者: MsElly    時間: 2014-11-21 02:13 PM

嘩 :D, 我好中意你個花園呀!!!
作者: 亞良    時間: 2014-11-22 06:56 AM

啊```雖然不是我種, 但睇見豐滿收成都好開心, 師姐妳係得.
作者: chichi2012    時間: 2014-12-14 01:53 AM

作者: pknoface    時間: 2015-3-22 05:46 AM

Vandas姐真係好野, 好似開農場咁。種到咁多野出黎。

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