本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-10-27 06:48 AM 編輯 $ V/ C6 j J( j7 A8 e) V; ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvb ) F" l; Y+ N ?! Q, ATVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。明報社評: 黨大法大未有定論 依法治國易成空談 2 `% y: b5 u/ p: f: W ( a/ j5 O' l$ o, w' L: u& B; \0 m9 Y7 G. [# e; U7 Y
3 S+ M2 @% A1 m z. Y中共十八屆四中全會閉幕,這次會議由始至終受到注目的原因,是會議重點是「依法治國」,綜合會議公報內容,這次全會就依法治國提出了六大任務以及具體做法。六大任務當中,包括了加強憲法實施、加快建設法治政府、提高司法公信力、增強全民法治觀念、加強法治隊伍建設,以及最受注目的中共「黨的領導」。前五項若能按此目標切實發展,當是內地法治觀念抬頭的彰顯,對內地人民更是好事;但是「黨的領導」這一環若仍未釐清中共與司法機關的關係,即未能做到司法獨立,前五大任務做得如何出色,依法治國仍然可能是空談。 r" K6 q& q: }# w1 F. c) h
" a: O5 f- s/ U; \. W四中全會新聞公報列出一些以前未見的內容,包括健全憲法實施及監督制度,內地法律學者認為,這可以視為較過去更重視憲法實施,未來人大有望通過監督制度,以助判定某些法律是否違憲。此外,公報中也有提及建立領導幹部干預司法活動、插手具體案件處理的紀錄,要求最高人民法院設立巡迴法庭,於實際司法工作而言,這些安排至低限度在司法工作層次可能起到某些作用。過往內地地方部門書記兼管政法的做法亦在扭轉當中,結合上述的新內容,如果能夠切實執行,對法治工作有一定提升。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 x' g% U- e* o ~9 X3 F% G1 ^6 X
/ r1 M% e1 S% t0 K" H
四中全會受到注目的原因,是因為中共在打貪運動後的一次全會,一般認為會就中共中央政治局前常委周永康案有所提及,但上周四發表的會議新聞公報沒有提到周永康,這可能是周案仍在調查當中。然而即便如此,周案到底涉及的罪行以及未來的司法程序,仍是內地政治的大事,中共切不可以為可以輕易走過場,否則的話,民心不服,對未來推動法治的努力事倍功半。www2.tvboxnow.com6 V. n7 |- j) ]( C
r) O) t& N) RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。公仔箱論壇! w6 [# f& }: z+ ~
政法委高於「兩高」tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ z6 R( ]# ~( ~* v( S
黨大於法彰彰明甚 " z7 t9 [ V: _& n8 p, c公仔箱論壇 , ?; V- s( m/ k( o0 ?/ x不過,周永康案畢竟已經展開調查,只差在調查及審訊會否有透明度,讓內地社會從中汲取教訓:像周永康般以「維穩」為名而上下其手,炮製獨立的司法王國政法系統,耗用幾千億維穩經費搞得全國上下緊張兮兮,像2008年北京奧運期間的嚴苛保安措施,北京卻因此變了鐵桶般密不透風。公仔箱論壇0 u7 s' c) |. X3 \2 L: m8 G% } y i
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, A0 J( g$ m. n0 L
中央政法委不屬於國家行政部門,是中共黨內一個機關,現任書記是中央政治局委員孟建柱,委員包括最高人民法院院長周強,以及最高人民檢察院檢察長曹健明,兩個本應獨立的法檢系統負責人,都在政法委書記麾下,這種以黨代政的做法,最好在依法治國方針之下清除淨盡,這樣法治才可以全面開展。四中全會之後接着舉行中紀委全會上,公開報道並未提及周永康案,未來發展值得留意。 - h$ L1 ]5 \- c" z) n8 ^. P3 V n
以黨治法現象的出現,客觀上與中共仍未解決「黨大抑或法大」的老問題有着千絲萬縷關係。這也是一個延續近30年仍未解決的司法發展死結,「黨大抑或法大」的質疑首先出現於1985年,時任人大委員長彭真被香港傳媒問到這個問題時,坦率表示「我也不清楚」。當時中共剛經歷文革,百廢待興,改革開放才起步,若那時未能就此釐清情有可原;惟是已近30年後的今天,四中全會的新聞公報仍未有就此說明清楚,而仍是強調「黨的領導」,「着力建設一支忠於黨、忠於國家、忠於人民、忠於法律的社會主義法治工作隊伍」,黨的排名高於其他,恐怕這一討論此刻不可能有清晰結果。 8 R- O% a9 c( k) d3 Y- o0 |+ ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwww2.tvboxnow.com4 R0 N2 t9 d8 g+ G& ]4 Y
法治教育長年匱乏TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 U% S. F3 \* d8 A/ }" W( H
地方官員干預司法 ' A5 m- l+ X* b7 ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 4 \3 R* E# P. xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb內地的法治多年來一直予人詬病「有法不依」,個別地方上的情况更是惡劣,這與法治教育不彰有關,但長久以來的官僚架構更是促成情况惡化的主要成因之一。黨政官員兼任政法工作,造成干預司法情况普遍,如此之下,不要說監察司法,連司法系統不受干擾也難以做到。今次四中全會受到注目,便是人們對「依法治國」能夠徹底落實,並且做到真正司法系統獨立的期許。習近平上台以來,在打貪方面展現強勢,貪官手到拿來,但如今「依法治國」所面對的是幾十年來的黨大於法的迷思,能否有所成,是國人目光所在。5 O$ n1 `/ Z5 }5 Y" u. Z7 b
本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-10-27 07:44 AM 編輯 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 ^# m- E6 B+ {9 x: h3 w* z
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; p# O* [/ t/ D 四中全會|耶大教授:中共「依法治國」的真正意思TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; N T( B9 Y+ b ^; V' U
- ~4 V2 L8 p7 i4 H& @' E! Q6 qTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 * g n% v+ q* p* C' d0 O美國耶魯大學法學院教授兼該校中國法律中心主任葛維寶(Paul Gewirtz),就著近期香港爆發連串的民主抗爭,被中國官方《人民日報》標纖為「非法」及呼籲維護香港的「法治」,以至用「依法治國」為主題的四中全會,於《紐約時報》撰文,談及中國如何理解法治(rule of law)這個原則。 2 n# m& V/ {: K' u 6 t- @+ i" w' r葛維寶的文章題為<中國眼中的法治>(What China Means by “rule of law”),開宗明義提到《人民日報》強調香港的佔領者「違法」,並呼籲大眾維護「法治」,從而令人想到當權者想用法律來控制與規範社會。話雖如此,大陸對於所謂法治的解讀,比起《人民日報》此前所說的,可謂更為錯綜複雜。葛維寶認為,即使今天四中全會空前地以「依法治國」為重點,但這並不代表中國會有真正的司法獨立,也不代表中國會有政黨輪替,而司法制度改革的最大制肘,正是在中國一黨專政的體制當中。由此可見,在四中全會之後,所謂的「依法治國」,將是強調以法律來維持社會秩序的施政方針。 ( g4 Q3 b& K- ~* ?: b公仔箱論壇 ( P& j) k. g! h% rTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。不過,比起國家主席習近平經常引述的法家思想,「依法治國」實在有更深遠的含義。葛維寶指出,中國現時的法律及社會制度早就比二千多年前的法家社會 3 @$ c: L1 d$ X. p( q8 j/ |tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb大相逕庭,加上近年中國亦屢歷改革,領導層亦意識到需要變更管治手法,才能適應公眾期望,是以他們所謂的法治,也逐步走向「現代定義」。文章解釋,當下中國對於從前「法治」的釋義,已經對於原初立國時的定義有所不同,甚至更為豐富:使用死刑的次數比從前少約一半,而且也有較好的程序處理相關判刑;新的《刑事訴訟法》(Criminal Procedure Law)亦已被採納,讓被告及疑犯得到更高保障;「再勞教」的制度亦告取消。凡此種種,中國司法的公開性和透明度是有進步的。 ; z$ h. l" z3 w6 J7 y公仔箱論壇 : T3 R1 N- V( G9 _0 Wwww2.tvboxnow.com可是講到憲制主義,即憲法高於黨的地位,在中國仍然是一個未能觸及的領域。隨著中國一系列改革,反映政府與人民的關係也因「透明度」提高有所轉變;0 {9 @: t* y; d7 w2 @- b
然而,也有很多批評者覺得,中國官員屢次「妖魔化」憲政,繼而架空憲法的行徑,是最終不能有效看待法制改革的幕後黑手。葛維寶補充,目前中國並無有效機制確保憲法得以有效實施,是為一大缺陷,但可幸的是,這種敏感議題,至少在此時此刻,能夠讓有關方面藉此機會作出討論。. |+ N& z, P* r% y N" x N
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ Y/ V9 s! w9 T9 m
簡單來說,「依法治國」的意思是確立一個制度,不單是用來約束社會及其騷動,也是用來約束政府自身。最後,葛維寶總結,「依法治國」的方針並非是要 + d' Q5 W5 q: t( K5 q7 l公仔箱論壇推翻以往所說的「和諧社會」政策,也並非要對於異見分子--諸如西藏及新疆--的打壓。在中央領導人的眼中,「和諧社會」是一個造就穩定經濟發展、脫貧的施政策略;而「依法治國」,則是一個讓中央領導人窺看法治何以促進社會穩定的契機,進而履行法制改革。 , t! i [% r+ Gwww2.tvboxnow.com3 q4 t8 w! g) G* P1 r+ w; Q
葛維寶稱,在中國同樣包含了很多反對改革制度的社會人士,無不令改革派受到阻礙;對此,他認同中國改革的步伐與進程。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, @* T1 T6 b1 I% t2 H; V9 i
0 u @+ s* C/ a公仔箱論壇8 _: x, ?/ O' z' y% \
What China Means by ‘Rule of Law’ 4 U, Q3 ?, x* K \www2.tvboxnow.comBy PAUL GEWIRTZ ' a$ { F3 y% @' n% d" rTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 v' L }: a2 |1 m! \4 N4 t& j7 I
NEW HAVEN — Two weeks ago, with the democracy protests in Hong Kong in full swing, China’s official People’s Daily newspaper labeled them“illegal” and called for protecting “the rule of law” in Hong Kong. Such statements left observers with little doubt about a central meaning “the rule of law” has in the People’s Republic: the Communist Party’s use of law to control and regulate society.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" t# h7 \- Z2 [6 s4 |8 B( E
$ r% i9 {( S* w2 w9 d
Yet there’s plenty of evidence that China sees the rule of law in far more nuanced and complex ways. Today the Communist Party’s 18th Central Committee starts its Fourth Plenum, and the main topic will be the rule of law in China — the first time in party history that a meeting with the authority of a plenary session will focus on the rule of law. And there are reasons for a measure of optimism that the plenum will demonstrate more complex views about the roles law can play and also take meaningful steps to advance new legal reforms. 9 ~* f9 _% _: T$ YTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 * b, u! J3 q+ F9 r, Ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvbOf course, legal reform has major limits in China’s one-party authoritarian system. There won’t be true judicial independence. All bets are off whenever the party sees a threat to its continued power; steps toward the rule of law don’t mean steps toward multiparty political democracy, which China’s current leaders totally resist. When the plenum issues its report, it will surely underscore that one central role of law is to maintain social order.www2.tvboxnow.com* ]- {% L' }0 l4 `; l
9 h* ]0 j& e0 O$ F4 }tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbBut, contrary to what pessimistic observers have predicted, the plenum is not likely to treat law as merely a tool for the party to control Chinese society, a throwback to the “Legalist School” of philosophy from 2,200 years ago which President Xi Jinping seems fond of quoting. Chinese society and its legal system have already changed too fundamentally for that, and the current regime led by Mr. Xi has already signed onto many reforms and even adjustments in ideology that represent positive steps toward a modern system of rule of law. These changes aren’t just window-dressing; they reflect the leadership’s recognition that it needs to improve governance, address widespread public grievances, and respond to public opinion.www2.tvboxnow.com/ P0 S; N3 w9 s7 n) ]( ?+ |6 d
/ k$ F3 V0 \5 ^" Y4 o
Consider some legal reforms that have been made in just the last few years. Use of the death penalty has been cut roughly in half, with improved procedures for deciding on its use. A new Criminal Procedure Law has been adopted, providing significantly more protections to suspects and defendants. The odious system of “re-education through labor” has been abolished (though, to be sure, what will replace it is still not clear).7 w+ Y9 q: `* b s) z8 p _
# V, G: I: R2 y2 m$ I4 Y0 t% rTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。A sea change has taken place in government transparency, with important requirements of open government information changing the relationship between the state and citizens. Zhou Qiang, the strong new president of the Supreme People’s Court,recently issued a five-year judicial reform plan promising to enhance court independence from interfering local governments, increase judicial openness and transparency, improve fairness to individual litigants, and further professionalize judging.www2.tvboxnow.com4 l2 V+ {0 m5 q @, Q
- ^8 W! y( P' H. Uwww2.tvboxnow.comSome critics point to recent official statements demonizing “constitutionalism” and ask how can China be serious about legal reform if it denigrates or sidelines its own Constitution. In fact, “constitutionalism” has become a code word for a specific idea: importing Western political democracy, which China’s leaders will not accept. But as for the Constitution itself, Mr. Xi recently called it China’s “fundamental law” and said that to “govern the nation by law means to govern in accordance with the Constitution.” China currently has no effective mechanism for enforcing its Constitution — a major deficiency — but at least that crucial topic is now being openly discussed.www2.tvboxnow.com- _0 t; @$ p+ @+ @
' }! `4 O, {5 A8 t* h m, O& ~www2.tvboxnow.comChina’s leaders see improving the legal system not simply as a way to control society but as away to rein in wayward bureaucrats, insist that local officials carry out national policies, establish rules of the road for a more robust economy,provide peaceful ways for citizens to resolve disputes and seek redress for grievances, reduce the corruption that’s seen as the greatest threat to the Party’s continued hold on power — in short, to constrain government itself, not just to control society and contain social unrest. Mr. Xi may have been playing to the crowds when he recently spoke of “locking power in a cage,” but it was a recognition that the party needs to constrain some of its power in order to keep it.www2.tvboxnow.com; A1 {. E; t) ~ U" O9 X" w1 R
( H. x$ | L* I0 t( Q5 c& l4 _" Hwww2.tvboxnow.comMoreover, China’s maturing legal community, as well as ordinary Chinese citizens, follow these developments carefully, so expectations have been raised. Failure to deliver and actually enforce reforms would create a destabilizing push back on China’s leaders. The most convincing reason for outsiders to be cautiously optimistic about these developments is that many legal figures within China, like the revered legal scholar and reformer Jiang Ping, have written about the plenum with cautious optimism. * X4 t1 J5 P: I8 a$ k公仔箱論壇This is not to say that China is about to abandon its preoccupation with “social stability,” which too often means silencing or imprisoning peaceful dissenters and activists who blow the whistle on some of the country’s many woes, including environmental degradation, abuses of power and needless policies against Tibetans and Uighurs.. But in the eyes of China’s leaders, social stability is what enabled China to lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in a mere few decades, generate huge economic growth, and peacefully re-establish China as a major power among nations. The prospects for legal reform will be greatly enhanced if China’s leaders come to see how the rule of law itself contributes to social stability. 3 F8 e' K" V/ u) A6 h, I4 t' {& j# Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwww2.tvboxnow.com) T! v& W3 P, l Y* R& _9 P
Above all, we should recognize that every reform made or promised in China, even in a regime that contains factions opposed to reform, provides an opening for a large group of scholars, activists, reform-minded officials, as well as ordinary citizens to push to implement the changes and to find new openings for reform. The constraints are real, but so are the dynamics for producing ongoing reforms.公仔箱論壇/ P! q' R5 H/ W2 v- \* n( o/ O# s
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) \+ i! o; w$ @4 n! w1 M+ y8 r- n
5 o" i- H. Z& h, {2 ` a5 qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbPaul Gewirtz is a professor of law, and the director of the China Center, at Yale Law School. 作者: maniac2000 時間: 2014-10-29 09:13 AM
中华人民共和国宪法序言第七段已经明文规定党领导一切,包括所谓的人大,人民民主专政,所以这次的四中全会,只是明确了党权高于一切而已,用反腐打击对手,提高自己个人形象与地位,再以明确法权属于党领导之下,强调一党独裁的合法性,这就是中共也是习近平的施政方针与理念。在四大全会的决议中,明文规定,可以对“不全时适"的法律进行修改,也就说明。党有修改法律的权力。这种根本就不是什么法治。完完全全的党权治国。与当纳粹上台后的所作所为没有一丝一毫区别。党权高于法权,党干部滥用党权,欺压法权,违法轻究,违法不究的年代即将开始。悲哉我中华大地,悲哉我中华百姓!作者: felicity2010 時間: 2014-10-31 07:08 AM
本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-10-31 07:09 AM 編輯 + e5 l! h. _$ s( h# Y8 N3 |
公仔箱論壇% ]' H3 d/ z6 m: \8 b, W1 y; Z: z
刑法修正案減言論維權空間 7 \5 N9 P' M. Q1 O造謠納刑事 擾亂法庭定義擴充TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ B& V4 {, i5 M( U0 A
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【明報專訊】明天即將結束的十二屆全國人大常委會第十一次會議,正在審議《刑法修正案(九)草案》,除了將9項非暴力罪名取消死刑,被指在尊重人權方面有所進步,但同時又增加了網絡犯罪的條款,造謠正式 納入刑事罪範圍,可能會壓縮網絡言論空間。此外,擾亂法庭秩序罪的範圍也有所擴充。有律師擔心,維權案件的辯護將更加艱難。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。# s6 v0 K1 Y' s$ D