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作者: king_kobe    時間: 2008-5-6 02:09 PM     標題: [ESPN] 西部半决赛湖人与爵士的阵容分析 预计湖人4-2淘汰爵士

[ESPN] 西部半决赛湖人与爵士的阵容分析 预计湖人4-2淘汰爵士










Deron Williams
18.8 ppg
3.0 rpg
10.5 apg


Derek Fisher
11.7 ppg
2.1 rpg
2.9 apg




Ronnie Brewer
12.0 ppg
2.9 rpg
1.7 spg


Kobe Bryant
28.3 ppg
6.3 rpg
5.4 apg




Andrei Kirilenko
11.0 ppg
4.7 rpg
1.51 bpg


Vladimir Radmanovic
8.4 ppg
3.3 rpg
1.9 apg



[ 本帖最後由 king_kobe 於 2008-5-6 02:12 PM 編輯 ]
作者: king_kobe    時間: 2008-5-6 02:10 PM



Carlos Boozer
21.1 ppg
10.4 rpg
1.23 spg


Lamar Odom
14.2 ppg
10.7 rpg
3.5 apg



Mehmet Okur
14.5 ppg
7.7 rpg
2.0 apg


Pau Gasol
18.9 ppg
8.4 rpg
3.2 apg





Paul Millsap
8.1 ppg
5.6 rpg
1.0 apg


Luke Walton
7.2 ppg
3.9 rpg
2.9 apg











[ 本帖最後由 king_kobe 於 2008-5-6 02:13 PM 編輯 ]
作者: king_kobe    時間: 2008-5-6 02:11 PM





These two teams entered their semifinals matchup fromtotally different perspectives. The Lakers outran super-fast Denver,while Utah out-toughed super-tough Houston. L.A. used patience embeddedin its transition game to sweep Denver. Utah relied on its terrificpoint guard to find holes in Houston's top-notch defense, and they allmade plays to win a grueling six-game series.
Both teams love to run, but rely on superioroffensive systems to get good shots in the half-court sets. L.A.'striangle is predicated on ball movement, timing and spacing. Utah's isbased on crushing screens, perfect routes and pinpoint interiorpassing.
Patience is the key for both teams, turning downaverage shots early to get good shots later in the shot clock. And eachteam has players who can command doubles inside and out.
L.A. has an early advantage in Games 1 and 2 in thatit is far more rested and prepared to play Utah, which it could focuson once the Jazz had a 3-1 lead. But Utah is not without itsadvantages. Coming off the most intense and hard-fought series of theeight first-round matchups, Utah is already playing at aplayoff-winning level. The Lakers, who cruised partially because Denveronly competed at the proper level in one game out of four, may notstart Game 1 in the proper state of mind. Houston fought Utah for everyinch of space and on most shots, Denver fought for almost nothing.
Utah is the team facing the biggest variable: How does it defend Pau Gasol and Kobe Bryant?Gasol did not play the Jazz as a member of the Lakers this season.Watching Denver tape, the Jazz will see that Gasol gets involvedquickly, oftentimes, in L.A.'s offensive sets, forcing teams to eitherrotate toward him and risk getting burned by Kobe on ball reversal, orleaving him alone and risk Gasol doing the damage himself. Or worse,when help defenders are shading toward Kobe, Gasol finds otherteammates cutting to the rim or spotting up opposite. Luke Walton and Lamar Odom can really hurt a team focused solely on Gasol and Kobe.
Kobe brings so many challenges -- but one thing theJazz have going for them is their physical style. Bryant will need resteach game if Phil Jackson expects him to close games in strong fashion,something McGrady could not do because he was exhausted. There are nosoft fouls coming from Utah. Kobe will get lots of free throws but willtake a beating along the way. He cannot rest on defense, either,because Utah's Flex or UCLA sets will free up his man off screens andget him easy looks inside if Kobe's not alert and engaged on his ownguy, rather than playing center field looking for steals. To play aswell as he did in the first round, he will have to take his game toanother level -- something few are capable of, but he's one of them.
For Utah to have a chance at pulling off four wins, more must be contributed from Carlos Boozerthan what he gave in the first round. Boozer has no foe from the otherside who can match his size, strength and skill set. A few 25-and-12games could be the answer Utah needs to open up Deron Williams and Mehmet Okuron the perimeter. Utah had the second-best offense in the regularseason, but Houston shut it down for large parts of games. L.A. has agood defensive team, but they are not at Houston's level. Sohigh-scoring games can be expected.


Deron Williams
18.8 ppg
3.0 rpg
10.5 apg


Derek Fisher
11.7 ppg
2.1 rpg
2.9 apg
Williams: Rolled through the first round andplayed the part of hero in Game 6 by going 6-for-9 on 3-pointers. Heaveraged 20.8 points on 50 percent shooting, and went 13-for-22 on 3sfor the series. He's more athletic than ever and pushes at a breakneckpace, but he can slow things down and get Utah into its sets. Dangerousin the post or off cuts -- and Utah looks to him there more often whenit needs buckets. Williams is good enough, now, to carry his team to asemifinal victory against any opponent. He scored well in four gamesversus L.A. this season (23.3 points), but no team from the West forcedmore turnovers against him, at 4.8 per game.
Fisher: Steady veteran who can play well infast or slow tempos. Needed to get the Lakers moving against Denverwithout looking to score much, and he did that well, committing justtwo turnovers in the four games. He's a dangerous shooter out of thetriangle or in transition, and he hit 6-of-12 from 3-point range in thefirst round. He's strong inside, and knows all of the nuanced optionsthe Jazz have on the offensive end. But he shot horribly this seasonagainst his old team -- just 28 percent from the field, his worstperformance against any team from the West.


Ronnie Brewer
12.0 ppg
2.9 rpg
1.7 spg


Kobe Bryant
28.3 ppg
6.3 rpg
5.4 apg
Brewer: Made his only 3-pointer of the seriesto help Utah ice Game 6, but is more of a slasher and midrange shooter.Played within himself and took good shots in the first round,conserving his energy for the defensive end and T-Mac. Now he getsKobe, a tougher task. Very athletic and physical, with long arms, he'llhave to be ready to race the floor and defend Kobe in the post in earlyoffense. He averaged more than 15 points against the Lakers in fourgames, using his size and Utah's offense to break free of Kobe, wholooks for steal opportunities off the ball.
Bryant: Like Chris Paul, Kobe took his MVPlevel up a notch, doing it all to sweep Denver. He averaged 33.5points, 6.3 assists and more than five rebounds in the first round, andrecorded at least one steal and one block in all four games. His 14points in the final six minutes of Game 4, the only truly competitivegame in the closing minutes, might have even overshadowed his 49-pointeffort in Game 2. Either way, he's the one player most likely to changea game and a series by himself. His will to win carries over to allaspects of the game and inspires his teammates, who consider him to bethe best "closer" in the game. The MVP winner roasted Utah this season,scoring 29.8 points on 56 percent shooting.


Andrei Kirilenko
11.0 ppg
4.7 rpg
1.51 bpg


Vladimir Radmanovic
8.4 ppg
3.3 rpg
1.9 apg
Kirilenko: Kirilenko started out on fire inGame 1 against Houston, scoring 21 points on 8-for-12 shooting. Then hefizzled after that, hitting just 14-for-42. Still made his presencefelt in every game, getting steals and blocks, but overall he was notvery effective. He had come into the playoffs red hot. The fast pace ofthis series should play more to his benefit. Scored 14.5 points in fourgames vs. L.A., and more importantly, took 5.5 free throws per game.His activity and shooting on the weak side will be crucial to Utahhaving success on offense.
Radmanovic: Inconsistent effort anddetermination against the Nuggets, and was outplayed by his backup,Luke Walton. He did hit 7-for-19 from 3, and can make plays on defensedue to his length. He is a talented shooter who can string together bigshooting games, so leaving him to help on Kobe or Pau is a riskyventure if he's on.


Carlos Boozer
21.1 ppg
10.4 rpg
1.23 spg


Lamar Odom
14.2 ppg
10.7 rpg
3.5 apg
Boozer: Boozer is the Jazz player who'shappiest the first round is history. He really struggled with his shotand overall game, scoring 20 points just once and averaging only 16points on 42.8 percent shooting (39-for-91). He is a matchup problemfor L.A., combining incredible strength and nimbleness around the rim,with a great feel for scoring with either hand. And he's a beast on theglass. He averaged 22 points and 12.7 rebounds in their regular-seasonmatchups against the Lakers. If he can score one-on-one versus Gasol,L.A. will really struggle to defend Utah. He needs to hit his perimeterjumper to force Pau to close him out hot, and then he can work past himoff the dribble, which is an underrated talent of his.
Odom: Almost as underrated as David West --can score in a variety of ways and really helps the Lakers on theglass. He can make plays on defense too, as he showed Denver byrecording two steals in three different games. He has made the smartdecision to take less 3-pointers this year and only attempted two inthe first round. That decision allows for more drives by him and higherpercentage shots by his teammates. Odom being locked in is a great signfor the Lakers overall. He had great looks against Utah in the regularseason, scoring 15 points on a sizzling 63 percent shooting.


Mehmet Okur
14.5 ppg
7.7 rpg
2.0 apg


Pau Gasol
18.9 ppg
8.4 rpg
3.2 apg
Okur: Only had a couple of big offensive gamesagainst the Rockets' rugged defense, but did come through in Game 6with 19 points after averaging just 13.2 for the series. But he wasvery active on the glass, pulling down 12.7 rebounds per game,including games of 16 and 18 boards. Such a valuable 3-point shooter ingeneral, skipping off ball screens or rubbing off influence screens inlast-second-shot situations. In Utah's 50 wins in which Okur played, heshot 42.8 percent from 3, but in their 22 losses, he made just 30.1percent. The Lakers respect his talent, and will work to take him outof the offense. He scored just nine points a game on 29 percentshooting (18 percent from 3) in his three games vs. the Lakers.
Gasol: Maybe he wasn't the MVP of the entirefirst round, but he was close. He destroyed Denver in half-court andtransition action, averaging 22.3 points on 58 percent shooting. Healso added nine boards and 2.8 blocks per game, too. Gasol is gifted asa passer inside the triangle offense -- he averaged five assistsagainst Denver. Gasol will command a double-team inside and often doesnot need help on defense -- a rare combination for a center in the NBA.He has not faced the Jazz this season. His unfair (and incorrect) labelof being "soft" will be put to rest against this physical team.
作者: king_kobe    時間: 2008-5-6 02:11 PM


Paul Millsap
8.1 ppg
5.6 rpg
1.0 apg


Luke Walton
7.2 ppg
3.9 rpg
2.9 apg
Paul Millsap: Utah's supersub was solidagainst Houston. He can make tough shots and is relentless on theboards. He loved playing the Lakers, scoring 10.5 points a game on 63percent shooting.
Matt HarpringNot a stat stuffer, but is integral to the Jazz strategy of poundingpeople and making everything difficult. Harpring is a great tough guyand capable of hitting pressure jumpers.
Kyle Korver:Had double figures in three of Utah's four first-round wins. Great3-point threat, but can also score inside off the shuffle cut and postagainst smaller guards. He is also an active defender.
Ronnie Price:Hit 3-of-4 from 3 in Games 1 and 2, all big shots. Never hit another,but should play better in this series. He is a very special athlete whoplays with confidence and courage.
Luke Walton: He doubled his scoring average inthe first round, at 14 points on 22-of-31 from the field and 4-of-5from 3. Just played lights-out and becomes a huge X factor if hemaintains that shooting stroke and confidence.
Jordan Farmar:Farmar is one of the few Lakers who did not play great against Denver.But he's capable of playing a big role off the bench, especially inwhat he can do on defense. He loved seeing the Jazz this season,hitting 62 percent of his shots and scoring 14.5 points per game.
DJ Mbenga: Must be ready to play spot minutes as the fourth big; seems to have improved since his Dallas days.
Sasha Vujacic:He played well and within himself -- making 10 of 21 shots and 8 of 16from 3. He's an underrated defender and can provide a spark for theLakers on either end of the floor.

Utah is a team talented enough to win a ring. Itsinside-outside combination should hurt L.A. Williams is making stridestoward real stardom, the type of player who carries a team to anotherround, and the Jazz are veterans of tough playoff matchups. They willnot be uncomfortable playing in this pressurized atmosphere. But theLakers are so well put together -- each piece seemingly a complement toanother. With Gasol inside and Kobe everywhere else, they have beenalmost unbeatable. There will be no sweep here -- in fact, Game 1 couldeasily go Utah's way -- but in the end I see the better team winningthe most games. And that team is Los Angeles.
Prediction: Los Angeles Lakers 4, Utah Jazz 2

作者: seacoconut    時間: 2008-5-6 03:32 PM

thanks for sharing
作者: 我系一督屎    時間: 2008-5-6 08:55 PM

作者: AKA_JOE    時間: 2008-5-8 10:11 AM

thx man... i like when u put it with english.... so then i dont have to translate them all cause i can't read simp. chinese...... but i dont think it'll take the Lakers 6 game in order to best Jazz..... i think it'll only take them 5 games to best Jazz

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