王慧麟:法治的脆弱1 R5 ~2 \! g- V, \. u8 W
香港司法界的挑戰,豈只是外籍法官出任終院法官的安排呢?司法界更需要處理的,包括如何提升基層法院的法官質素以及判案之一致性呢?如何改善市民的尋求公義制度呢?有沒有需要增加法官薪津以吸引人才呢?適度地引入其他普通法地區之法官以紓緩「法官荒」呢?檢視法官任免制度盡量減少行政及立法部門的參與及干預等等,這些也是刻不容緩的事。 ...公仔箱論壇2 z7 V4 Q( K5 e
felicity2010 發表於 2015-9-29 09:24 AM
「法院的決定有時未必迎合所有人,無論是個別人士、政治團體及其他團體,甚或是政府。但法院的角色並不是要作出受歡迎的決定。法院的職能是依據法律及其精神就糾紛作出裁決,而法官則是根據司法誓言,『公正廉潔,以無懼、無偏、無私、無斯之精神』,履行其職責。(Decisions of the court may sometimes not be to everybody's liking, whether they be private individuals, political and other groups, or even the government. But it is not the role of the court to make popular decisions. The function of the court is to adjudicate on dispute according to the law, and its spirit, and judges are to discharge their responsibilities in accordance with their judicial oath, namely to do so honestly, and with integrity without fear or favor self-interest or deceit.)」馬道立又指,指花了4年時間,將舊立法會大樓改建為終審法院,大樓對香港社會而言,象徵的意義是香港的法治。公仔箱論壇9 V y3 L: |! R' A" b; i, ]. l
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