中国(ZF)就是个臭垃圾啊!反感是正常的反映!作者: zijun_007 時間: 2008-10-1 06:46 AM 標題: go to hell
you are writing in chinese, which obviously mean you are chinese, and you are even proud of your country, at least you did not even protect the image of your country, you should go to hell, and sorry yourself, just go to hell and stop thinking yourself as a japanese, because i know you probably want to be a japanese作者: freerose 時間: 2008-10-3 04:54 AM
日本在愛好和平!!! this is a JOKE!!! They love to make war they love to be number one! now they are second to China! THIS IS THE REASON THEY DON'T LIKE CHINESE. 作者: e_kwock 時間: 2008-10-3 07:13 AM
为了拍马屁,自己做垃圾又何妨。作者: michaelyhlui 時間: 2008-10-15 04:33 AM