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標題: [疑難排除] 求救呀巴打 上唔到網呀!! [打印本頁]

作者: ray19571957    時間: 2008-11-18 09:15 AM     標題: 求救呀巴打 上唔到網呀!!

本人係使用Netvigator Broadband ge...
click拒個Netvigator broadband就出呢個error message..

跟住想reinstall Netvigator broadbad 又出4個error message..
(頭3個係一樣..Error 101, 106,111..,我無post111個o個出黎)

我用緊朋友部電腦上網咋 好慘....
hope someone can help me..
dunno if it's virus or not...=(

[ 本帖最後由 ray19571957 於 2008-11-18 09:34 AM 編輯 ]
作者: wayne7    時間: 2008-11-19 02:32 PM

作者: ray19571957    時間: 2008-11-19 04:38 PM


作者: wayne7    時間: 2008-11-19 07:36 PM

do u try to reinstall?
作者: ray19571957    時間: 2008-11-19 08:07 PM

i tried...then i get those error messages during installation
i get those broadband buttons on desktop
but when i click onto it, the OLD error message appears again!

some of my frd said it's virus which changed the settings..
but i dunno how/where to check!!
作者: wayne7    時間: 2008-11-19 10:14 PM

原帖由 ray19571957 於 2008-11-19 20:07 發表
i tried...then i get those error messages during installation
i get those broadband buttons on desktop
but when i click onto it, the OLD error message appears again!

some of my frd said it's virus wh ...
i gv u a suggestion is:
1) check ur netwoek hardware that u using now~~
2) try to install the antivirus to scan ur computer

finally way is: FORMAT YOUR COMPUTER~~<<This is the best way>>
作者: ray19571957    時間: 2008-11-20 10:10 AM

thanks wayne..lemme try first

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