2008: Manchester United’s Best Bits In Pictures
红魔曼联中文网, f& P& s! L% l ^/ s) MJanuary·一月
+ B! ^3 O- I+ Q. r2 M0 wUnited beat Newcastle 6-0 and Ronaldo scores his first hattrick
9 H& C+ D, s' V& E' a1 J7 [曼联6:0击败纽卡斯尔,小小罗首次上演帽子戏法
United beat Arsenal 4-0 in the FA Cup
红魔曼联中文网. [/ R4 g0 n" O: W e足总杯,曼联4:0击败阿森纳
; r; w! f( g; YMarch·三月
红魔曼联中文网" b3 s# E1 b8 ^United beat Liverpool 3-0, Brown, Ronaldo and Nani scoring
红魔曼联中文网$ l9 M2 ?0 o1 k凭借布朗,CR,纳尼的进球,曼联3:0击败利物浦
Scholes scores against Barcelona to take us to the European Cup final
www.manutd.com.cn# J) d3 W& e3 U% P M2 WUnited win the league on the last day of the season thanks to goals from Ronaldo and Giggs
红魔曼联中文网& ]2 m3 t9 {4 F6 j Y凭借小小罗和吉格斯的进球,曼联在赛季的最后一天夺得英超冠军宝座
红魔曼联 • 中文球迷论坛9 ^/ \2 |) J6 {1 H9 k, K7 z" QUnited beat Chelsea on penalties in the European Cup final
红魔曼联中文网8 B* a0 ~& D1 C9 e4 s+ J欧冠决赛。在点球大战中,曼联击败切尔西夺得冠军
红魔曼联中文网' K$ y$ }, j5 R+ w2 J" C* t2 S" `August·八月
www.manutd.com.cn. D3 W a' y6 A% X# J' `4 P! DUnited beat Portsmouth in the Community Shield on penalties
www.manutd.com.cn9 A, }2 J) c. m$ g7 d& x, q7 N在社区盾与朴茨茅夫的比赛,曼联在点球大战中获得胜利
红魔曼联 • 中文球迷论坛& Q! i9 N( p- B9 W, \( @) b+ |September·九月
United get a point at Stamford Bridge, going one better than the defeat last season
www.manutd.com.cn5 @5 h9 d5 T" e7 ?) D曼联在斯坦福桥拿到了一分,比上个赛季毫无所获有些许进步
6 p# [0 C/ }# Q1 R+ f6 GOctober·十月
Rooney opens the scoring in the second half in our 4-0 win over West Brom
United win on derby day, Rooney scoring in a 1-0 win
www.manutd.com.cn3 p* B+ W# b5 C8 k G! |United are Champions of the World
红魔曼联 • 中文球迷论坛; D( ^ p; Z* Y# I4 E3 z曼联是世界冠军
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