thx for share !
半生奔波,只因優柔寡斷的性格所累,想做又不夠勇氣,到立下決心時又為時已晚,因此在年輕時錯過不少發達契機。補救方法是學一門技能傍身,努力工作自然衣食無優。作者: sylarnie 時間: 2009-8-19 04:32 AM
逐禄,还算好吧。挺准的作者: funny_3 時間: 2009-8-19 12:46 PM
thx a lot.....作者: lucuntin 時間: 2009-8-19 01:53 PM
不准作者: hypocrat 時間: 2009-8-19 05:19 PM
so who's the poor guys? seems like everyone get enough money or will get rich....why are there beggers on the street if this is really ture...-.-""作者: jacky1138 時間: 2009-8-19 08:38 PM
thank you for sharing作者: jjj9930 時間: 2009-8-20 03:05 PM
受前世影響,今生與家人難和睦相處,別奢望可以靠屋企發達。財運先苦后甜,需依賴朋友致富,不妨找個有信用的拍檔做生意。晚景甚佳,積落不少金錢,長壽而健康。作者: aussier123 時間: 2009-9-18 04:55 AM
感谢楼主无私的分享作者: abckuong 時間: 2009-9-19 09:30 AM
I donot believe.I look at in the boardsee that ,I am 背祿-離鄉別井
,to me is rightbut when i look at my brother ,s board that is big different,my brother is 旺祿-大富大貴
,but he is not rich at all作者: vcd32 時間: 2009-9-21 04:41 PM
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽作者: qazplm12345 時間: 2009-9-26 01:28 AM