动物园的理事能负责吗,到时出事时你们除了出钱外还能补偿什么。。。作者: so7 時間: 2010-5-24 07:27 AM
A tiger is very powerful , what if it struggle and release the bondage ? It may be very dangerous. By the way, people must not maltreat the tiger like this.作者: werteen 時間: 2010-7-5 11:05 PM
oh no....abuse animal...feel pity about the tiger....
just put yourselves at the tiger place n u will know how much the tiger has suffered...
people...please care the animal too...
don't just simply because of your self happiness..you made other suffered...作者: 永天王 時間: 2010-7-8 11:05 AM