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本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2011-11-1 06:11 PM 編輯 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ y1 ^( A' u3 K- ~5 C  C# H

" @+ o4 ?* R5 |www2.tvboxnow.comThis post is total crap! 0 r+ v+ c, T) |& h! L0 u
Lets debunk it one by one:
7 k( t2 M2 x3 }4 ~) f: [* X0 [TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
, which press? what source?
1 m1 ?5 x1 _! f' ]- L$ H3 v% s) Mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
人權組織稱,從那以後,在阿壩鎮已有五名喇嘛自焚並死亡, ... 現在已有9名僧侶和尼姑在四川及周邊地區自焚,
www2.tvboxnow.com' `! e0 B9 U, ?1 E
Which 人權組織? You couldn't even hide your lie, 5 or 9 自焚?  What evidence are there., o$ E: N' F0 ^, M" L: t3 M6 y7 X( B
- X9 E  x0 d% I# [+ k1 t
According to the Tibetan tradition, there is no such thing as "尼姑", woman can never admitted to the Lama religion.
; ~) s$ z- s4 Uwww2.tvboxnow.comAll these rumor are probably spread by the so call "Free Tibet Movement", which is being bankrolled by the CIA.公仔箱論壇1 V# j5 R' L6 H
When I was at Yunnan, I was told there are over 25 different ethnic groups, living harmoniously together.
7 J9 ~6 Q, ~8 ~- k公仔箱論壇I could see why some young locals feel their life style is being threatened.  There are now bus loads of tourists (95% are Chinese from different region) coming to XiZang, Qinghai, and Yunnan, these tourists are coming for a holiday, many of them may not be sensitive to the local culture, they are eating up their food, trespassing onto their property, buying up the local artifacts.  If I were a young Tibetan being exposed to these for the first time, I would probably feel a bit threatened too.  Worse of all, there were some shady tour operators who ripoff both the locals and tourist, and nearly all of these  unscrupulous businessman are from other part of China.
! W0 r8 m! d# _. o1 {5 I' p( FAs for the Government, there are lots of good policy and goodwill toward the local ethnic groups.  Even though Yunnan as a province is not classified as an autonomous region, but many part of Yunnan, XiZang, QinHai are classified as autonomous regions.  So policy like one child policy does not apply to them.  And now there is a straight rule that the tour group must employ the local ethnic people as tour guide; and certain amount of levy is charged by the regional authority to each tourist for site refurbishment, and training of the local young people for the tourist industry.  As we all know, only the local would have true and intimate knowledge of the particular region.
5 ~) v+ K  V  y
! T3 ]2 j, A) Y# u8 _; x, d' j% \+ \公仔箱論壇This was true 30 years ago, back then, the lamas are the law, the judge, the army, the teacher, and the doctors.3 d/ `% S) S5 A) a4 Q6 ]6 q
All female were illiterate then, the only way for the boys to get to learn to read and write is by going to the Lama temple.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& b5 I% I* r' L  f
The Lama held the supreme power, they can condemn anyone who dare to doubt their authority to death, and not only that, those who were condemn were cast into the eternal low life.公仔箱論壇3 W9 k7 m! B( H. p; m  }7 [2 z# ^% V
Do you know the lama monks are not vegetarian?  They feast on beef and pork and drink the best wine that is available.  Their reason, because they live on high altitude, and thier "work" demand that sort of diet to sustain them.
$ ~2 x6 |4 s: Z+ M' e  QWhat a joke, a majority of the locals are vegetarians, not by choice, they just can't afford meat.  Roast potato is some kind of luxury to them.
: z& F6 m9 s( Q9 l& cwww2.tvboxnow.comWhy are the lama the doctors?  According to the Tibetan tradition, after someone die, he/she could have a choice of air or water burial.  Its the Lama who dissect the body, cut the body into pieces before they are fed to birds or fish.  So the Lamas are the only ones  with some anatomical knowledge.
2 h8 @8 R6 E/ u9 Y6 \$ ]8 @) bwww2.tvboxnow.comThe air and water burial is the tradition Tibetan culture, and I do very much respect that.
2 P0 _7 o1 N0 ~$ h, [! D; Q+ G6 Y% x
( p" X6 r; w- GTo be cont .... perhaps some other time.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2011-11-1 06:52 PM 編輯 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 y$ p4 _& B6 s9 v3 N4 A
公仔箱論壇" z' K  @& T- X
Well, I must qualify my previous comments a bit:
1 O" s( s- i: U# jwww2.tvboxnow.comI really think we should stop calling 藏人, 汉人; China is made up of over 40 different ethnic groups, and we are all brothers and sisters.  My ethnic background is from 广东, and I am no more or no less of mainland Chinese then 藏人.公仔箱論壇7 T4 r- H! W. f# @4 ]& b: S
My impression of people 藏 ethnic origin is that they are proud, intelligent, diligent, friendly and sincere people.  And that is my first hand experience.  I fully respect their culture and religion and lifestyle.
" X9 w' _. N. e9 ~- |TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Now having said that, we all know our country is trying very hard to catch up to the international standard in term of economy, politics, military balance and living standard of the general public.  We would like our 藏 brother and sister to take part and benefit from this as we go through this process.  The traditional  藏 economy was based on agriculture and small scale cattle farming.  You may find those terrace paddies so picturesque to look at, try imagine yourself plowing those fields and walking up and down those steep terrace carrying heavy wooden tools and leading a buffalo and the same time.
9 M5 @+ A! s) u7 m! m/ M/ s$ o7 t9 ewww2.tvboxnow.comWe like to give them training on the use modern machinery, educate the young generation on using proper power tools and mechanical skills so they can maintain their own machinery, we want to teach them business skill so they will be able to run their business, take a major role in the tourist and hospitality industry.
- \0 t5 r0 M& P) v, c* F) n( mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbAnd actually all these policies are already in place and being carried out, there are many more schools to cater for both the migrant children from other provinces and the local children.   The Lama Temples that was discreated during the cultural revolution are now being refurbished to their previous glory.公仔箱論壇9 F; }2 V/ G4 \
And the Lama religion is  well accepted by the central government.  
8 [/ V; O2 U0 G* _- L5 ~www2.tvboxnow.comWhat we don't approve of is a minority Lama monks who instigate to regain their imperial authorities, exploiting their followers in the name of Lamaism and inciting violence.
  V( Z4 a0 z4 C/ T( [/ dwww2.tvboxnow.comThere is always a role for religion in our society (though I am a stern atheist myself), but we can't allow those so call religious leaders who are trying to exploit their followers and to dominate the local authority.  # V6 k2 a& f! i4 W. I# ^
For what I've read, there were 2 young lama monks (18 - 20 years old) who committed self immolation, and there were 3 others who suffered serious injury doing that.  Young people of that age are very susceptible to subversive influence, which lead to these terribly incidents.  Do we ever see those Lama over 45 doing self immolation?  No, those instigators actually call themselves living Buddhas, feasting on beef and getting drunk on Cognacs.
% a' f. D. b  r; |$ g" Bwww2.tvboxnow.comAt his moment, China is seeking a balance on the international stage.  So don't let there external subversion cause any instabilities in our society.  Remember the disintegration of the old Soviet Union, the killing and suffering of the people due to the civil wars that is happening in Africa?  The foreign powers will be laughing their heads off if there is civil war in China, and heaven forbid, if that happens, it would put our economy and living standard backward by at least 50 years.
  R  C4 K2 R& a. p4 j+ CTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; v$ z. \" |) O+ U- x
PS:  My comment on this issue only reflect my view on the content of this post, there is absolutely no hard feeling toward the person who posted it, everyone is entitle to their own opinion, when I see there is a need to clarify some issue which I think is misleading, I will always respond to it.  So full respect to qqonqq for raising this issue.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
我们看回历史,历代专制帝王对疆土完整和统一都有情结,但是他们都肤浅的认为可以武力付诸之!上面那些无视生命,对喇嘛自焚不抱同情的朋友是否想过,只有到了绝望的人才会用以死抗争的!公仔箱論壇5 b/ K( R" f: n8 K% h$ r
中共在西藏和新疆都实行高 ...
4 f: i6 E+ y$ u' s5 `6 l  u! O9 [lenway 發表於 2011-10-29 03:56 PM
. O  H  ^1 J  H2 B1 P  G2 e. ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvb别以为引用古人的话就有文化了5 }! e0 t  _: L0 l& n
! M; ~$ f, v# w$ |. V# _很傻很天真
本帖最後由 lenway 於 2011-11-3 04:28 PM 編輯
" U5 [1 `9 \2 Y3 fTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。公仔箱論壇3 e% |5 |1 q; O9 ^, H' J! T0 y
) _7 {. L; n0 a$ q8 ~公仔箱論壇别以为引用古人的话就有文化了8 Z4 N; g# \+ C- R5 W
: O& N* F, ~  W7 m3 z; s  T3 E很傻很天真
( O8 S( D& m; v) N. r2 \- I$ m' _* h公仔箱論壇123b 發表於 2011-11-3 02:23 PM
0 s4 `4 T' ~7 F. d) J1 e( \. Zwww2.tvboxnow.com" o  }+ U0 V4 C
' A# j) k% f- X4 K) b
1 \- U2 W6 ~7 x" n$ atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb为什么当局还要重兵把守呢?请别用什么“臭虫论”“过桥”!然后,为什么只有在公仔箱这个非GFW内的论坛才能看到,GFW内的甚至连“百度”搜“阿壩藏僧以死抗爭”都找不到任何信息,更别提电视,是不是要掩盖什么?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' j2 T7 d) j2 m" l& f
$ K% j3 ~- y( W5 |: JTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。你能否为我这个“很傻很天真”的人解释一下嘛!
! K/ i4 y7 r7 Y2 _, K( VTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
/ \, }7 }: K  ^7 x4 c6 g- rwww2.tvboxnow.com
# }- R% T* N; N% M$ O* Dwww2.tvboxnow.com会引用古人的话确实不算什么!所以请允许我引用现代关于“五毛党”的文章,这并不是针对任何人,请勿对号入座,如有雷同,纯属巧合!公仔箱論壇$ P! p$ a& y$ a1 ]* u* A6 O( r
( H: m, {" s% G6 p# v) a; \/ @
' d% e1 T3 \/ \4 Q, Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb五毛黨不斷發表美化中國共產黨與政府的帖子,而對異見帖子進行灌水甚至洗版,以求達到「和諧」的網絡環境。令人反感的是,每當出現對政府不利的事件的討論時,他們就會為政府辯護,甚至以官方口吻指責異見/反對者搞事。 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 Q6 k3 X1 M- m
8 c: G9 W' b8 @$ J& v五毛黨的成員經常回應有關政治或中共的帖子,故查看他們的回覆能夠容易從正常的社群分辨他們。另外,他們說話的口吻及行為可能有別於一般的網上社群,情緒亦可能特別激動。
. J5 ~4 T( I3 {8 N! W: z搶攻敏感主題編輯
5 q# k8 j1 b- Q公仔箱論壇五毛黨多數會在新聞討論版發言,發表支持中國共產黨及各級政府的言論,而且會搶攻敏感主題(例子見下),使相關主題出現一面倒支持官方說法的帖子。 公仔箱論壇$ ~" f0 M0 L- @0 C7 ?0 G# {. ?9 X
    ■六四事件 : C' A6 J. U  J# }) E
7 Z. ~# C- l; K; L: k& l8 j公仔箱論壇
. {  H* d, R! e1 N3 `$ Iwww2.tvboxnow.com常用技倆及特徵編輯tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 ?; N) e: J7 g& x& E
    ■批評 = 沒有自由 = 假民主 = 民主沒有用途
/ B- v" c5 N% e7 H: c# ?9 `公仔箱論壇    ■無視不利中共的回覆
% Q5 ?  i1 Y( O2 S7 S9 Uwww2.tvboxnow.com    ■視而不見,選擇性回覆 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 U. y7 V/ d6 z% ^5 E# t$ ~
: B7 g: j4 `. Q$ t" ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb    ■通常無論任何題目都會講不到三句就提到泛民、李卓人或香港精神 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 i$ f9 B6 L& E. O
. N' P& d+ Z7 \0 _6 B' [3 d! Htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb    ■通常不會接受批評,不斷反駁對方,但又無實質理據 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( f" i3 C3 t2 g9 x- ~9 i& k7 \- V9 J
    ■不停重覆同一無實質理據的觀點 www2.tvboxnow.com  ~$ h* z1 f4 R+ c8 k
# e1 _# \. O7 n1 B6 [TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。    ■轉移視線 公仔箱論壇& g1 P+ q+ o7 }% t  A4 l( d
  r' J& {; E0 M$ H3 [# ?+ I' S* v) q( Z0 Bwww2.tvboxnow.com        ■以「被人罵為五毛」為由達致轉移視線,務求令其他人忽略討論的主題 3 f5 X% z" g+ c+ A0 _' z
        ■反指批評者為亂扣帽子,根本容不下他人的意見 公仔箱論壇$ h4 ]7 p6 u7 x' J, }; c, t
        ■若辦法已用盡,則會不斷留言大談其他問題,令其他人無法集中討論 公仔箱論壇) |& M3 o! o; a) y
/ q. {) B0 K( O& k( R
. R4 F8 F# x4 f$ b5 bwww2.tvboxnow.com2011年6月,《蘋果日報》一篇報道稱獲得一份機密文件,有組織在文件中詳列於網上論壇留言攻擊泛民主派的計劃,近期又自製動畫上載YouTube,嘲諷公民黨協助市民推翻《港珠澳大橋香港段工程環評報告》。這是網民首次能夠確定香港存在政治打手。
* R. m6 U. S$ V2 n% N+ rwww2.tvboxnow.com撰寫文件者名為「Gary Yeung」,與協助唐英年製作競選網站的互聯網專業協會(iProA)副秘書長楊文銳同名同姓。該組織籌備成立的社企「出格創作室」,理事會成員也包括楊文銳及 iProA 理事錢國強。
9 ?$ u% u9 f+ P; w3 s  h5 |公仔箱論壇報道指這份文件披露了香港「五毛黨」的詳細運作。其中「我們的工作」章節顯示,該組織於2010年6月開始運用網上內部溝通平台,觀察所有網上留言數目及內容等,以便分析。該文件匯報2011年5月工作時,該組織的「打手」角色原形畢露,分別以不同網名銳意在 facebook擴大社交圈子,更在網上論壇發表及回應了18,000個「文帖」,分佈三大網上討論區,又在微博上發言。此外,有關組織同時收集了網上輿論對熱門時事議題的看法,包括最低工資、高官及議員僭建風波、唐英年稱本港沒有地產霸權以及市民對派發6千元等的反應。值得留意的是,文件節錄的言論全都是泛民主派陣營被「批鬥」的內容。
, F3 u( e: L0 y2 ~! ^TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。報道中亦列舉了一些抹黑泛民主派的例子,報告更詳細列出總結,例如: 公仔箱論壇9 n0 O9 ^6 }7 d4 T; [5 O
■「我方集中評(抨)擊泛民主派,以引起網民對他們的不滿,有網民因而製作了『肛聞黨』圖片,以示對湯家驊不滿,指他選擇性失憶、政治誠信破產」 www2.tvboxnow.com" {! M% G3 B7 f
■「我方就此事製作了一段短片,配以文章,指出公民黨此舉浪費納稅人金錢,以市民利益作為政治手段」TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% Q- G+ M: H' `
■「相關議題有逾 3,000「文帖」、瀏覽人次達 15萬」 ; p! c1 B- _; P( i5 ^; B6 l- E
; ~3 d6 U  O' s1 b6 x, O公仔箱論壇■「我方發表了一些正面評論以平衡網上聲音」(財政司派發6千元一事)- A# @4 e  ?( j8 q
這些打手以不同短片、改圖及言論抹黑泛民主派,以引起網民對他們的不滿。報道中提及一惡搞公民黨的短片《功能袋,法庭精讀班》,但報道刊登後該短片已被移除。根據Google搜尋結果顯示,該短片擁有者原本發佈了13個不同短片,內容以批評及嘲笑泛民主派為主,但在《蘋果日報》報道刊登後所有短片都被移除。同日晚上,即這篇報道刊登的日子,上述短片發佈者把帳戶關閉。www2.tvboxnow.com/ l* S) V8 t- ~2 n2 w- k6 L8 [8 P
8 F- f+ Q' @5 l" D
0 e3 h0 E, i/ r1 Y' F. U公仔箱論壇我们伟大的党永远是对的
本帖最後由 lenway 於 2011-11-4 07:34 PM 編輯
) T0 n; J: F9 X% d, itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
& l- V3 q$ c2 }4 sTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
你很闲一句话回你好了公仔箱論壇4 D+ o2 h7 L: S. |
  f& _  Y2 p% B. F" ^2 Vwww2.tvboxnow.com123b 發表於 2011-11-4 11:53 AM
公仔箱論壇; v/ t/ v5 o  ?! \" ?

: Z* H/ f: ~! M好!感谢你的回答!请大家根据我之前引用《香港网络大典》的内容自行判断!
希腊取消公投正明民主是不人做决策的* T! c2 V  z, {% D0 N  c
! r" E5 q% D' F3 ^2 fwww2.tvboxnow.com民主做不了决策TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 f" ^3 I# [$ X+ ]4 q
' g/ D; O  Q) {' b, i可见背后指使的人是多么没人性4 e" E0 }- J9 I4 U+ _, F+ k