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[香港] 【短片】【焦點‧真相】還原警方小巴油麻地衝向示威者真相​

【短片】【焦點‧真相】還原警方小巴油麻地衝向示威者真相​tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& \! M- h6 B- D- N7 U
Speakout 港人講地
: ]1 A: L4 x# Vwww2.tvboxnow.com
//一條煙霧彌漫嘅影片加幾句旁白,以為就可以顛倒是非?真相係唔會因為你哋隻言片語就能暪天過海!//www2.tvboxnow.com' ~6 |! G0 K% z! c1 ]( K1 h5 A
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ l" `- r' E- m  G) y) |/ P

- S- L4 M9 t  H6 T, ?! KTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) l+ }( ]( y* }4 ]1 l0 x) q0 q
Anita Ip
19 分钟前
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公仔箱論壇) `2 d" B2 L! ^7 k; q. j& u

, G. E% G! ~# [' s
1 n; z9 K3 X* c感謝還原真相,不要俾暴徒抹黑港警!香港要靠你哋,真正有良知、如實報道的傳媒!
Tatt Fei Ho11 分钟前) E- ^; F8 |0 t# e( A

$ j5 Q) ]& o& ~% ]4 ^( X2 ]公仔箱論壇
" D" s5 j' \! S1 x6 N1 W3 X% z( ]
To anyone still complain about the use of force by the police. Please think about it this way.
9 a$ ]' \$ L% G. Z6 Q# x1) You're a citizen of HK right now and all this Molotov, brick and arrow is flying left and right, damaging and hurting people here and there and you or your family member might be 1 of the victim anytime. Do you still condemn the police got the use of force
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