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[奇人奇事] Viet Buddhist Monk ignited himself

On June 11th 1963, Thích Quảng Đức, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, sat   down in the middle of a busy intersection in Saigon, covered himself in   gasoline and He then ignited a match, and set himself on fire. Đức   burned to death in a matter of minutes, and he was immortalized in a   famous photograph taken by a reporter who was in Vietnam in order to   photograph the war. All those who saw this spectacle were taken by the   fact that Duc did not make a sound while burning to death. Đức was   protesting President Ngô Đình Diệm’s administration for oppressing the   Buddhist religion.

Source: ramirezdahmerbundy
燒完自己都唔知結果...., 宗教既洗腦真係利害, 可以令人咁做. 好似西藏咁一咪叫 d 人去死, 條友就自己周遊列國遊山玩水皮笑肉不笑亂講野.....,

