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[奇人奇事] 法國滑輪大師成功挑戰湖南天門山99道彎

Speed demon! Daredevil makes 1,000ft mountain road descent wearing body armour equipped with 31 skateboard wheels  
By Damien Gayle

These incredible pictures show French  'Rollerman' daredevil Jean-Yves Blondeau as he speeds down hair-raising mountain  roads in China in his custom-made roller suit.

Mr Blondeau, 42, slid down the roads on  Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie, in south China's Hunan province, earlier  today.

The suit, which he designed, has 31  rollerblade-like wheels on the torso, back, and most of the major joints,  allowing him to ride in a number of positions at speeds of up to 70mph  downhill.

Rollerman: Frenchman Jean-Yves Blondeau in his roller suit slides down a corner at Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie, in south China's  Hunan province earlier today

Fast: Mr Blondeau's suit has 31 rollerblade-like wheels  on the torso, back, and most of the major joints, allowing him to ride in a number of positions at speeds of up to 70mph downhill

Mr Blondeau sped down the 10.77 kilometre road, which boasts 99 hairpin turns, in just 19 mins 34 sec - giving him an average speed of  roughly 33km/h (20mph)

Mr Blondeau sped down the 10.77 kilometre  road, which boasts 99 hairpin turns, in just 19 mins 34 sec - giving him an  average speed of roughly 33km/h (20mph).

Rolling part-way down the steep, tortuous  mountain road, and part way down a specially installed metal track, he used his  body to steer as he hurtled dangerously towards the finish.

He even felt confident enough to catch a  little air from a jump set up near the bottom of the track, before crossing the  finish line to exploding fire works.
It is just the latest stunt by Mr Blondeau,  who has taken his suit - nicknamed Buggy Rollin' - down luge tracks, mountain  roads and city streets across the world.

It is just the latest stunt by Mr Blondeau, who has taken his suit - nicknamed Buggy Rollin' - down luge tracks, mountain roads and  city streets across the world

I've done it! Mr Blondeau strikes a pose and, right,  roars with delight at the end of the course earlier today

Born 1970 in Aix-les-Bains, eastern France,  Mr Blondeau originally designed his roller suit as his graduation project at the  industrial design  school École nationale supérieure des arts appliqués et des métiers  d'art (also known as the Olivier de Serres) in Paris.

Since then, he has created 20 generations of  the superhero-type outfit, ranging from basic kneepads with rollers to  sophisticated full body armour like the one worn in the Tianmen Mountain  stunt.

It was using a model with 26 wheels at Mont  Ventoux, Provence, that Mr Blondeau made his speed record of 116km/h  (70mph).

Describing the motivation behind his  invention, Mr Blondeau told French paper Dauphine Libere earlier this year: 'I  wanted to work with the human body. Do feel the sensation of balance and  locomotion.'









