尋晚通霄整一個甜品叫 cinamon rolls【呢個基本上係一個牛油捲,係一個用玉桂粉加牛油焦糖、中間加 D 美洲山核桃仁(pecan)既甜品】,所以淨係去多謝左無名哥哥,其他人都冇覆佢地 D 回帖,亦基本上冇一個個打招呼,因為焗呢類甜點心,好多功夫,仲係整比一大班人食,整完仲要打包,等老公車番去比同事食嗰陣唔使哩咁hea,所以冇黎預祝貓貓香港旅途愉快添!!
You need to get into the American culture and eat more cheese and fat! Since you love cooking, when can I stop by for dinner?
Most employers offer health insurance so most people don't worry ...
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2014-8-29 03:37 PM
I love all kinds of good foods, but I don't like eating too much of anything. So I eat cheese and sometimes fatty greasy stuff, to enjoy the flavor, but simply don't like having too much. Stop by for dinner? Hmmm, let me check with my asssssssistant....
I didn't know that free health care is only for the people who cannot afford it! I guess if high rate tax didn't go to health care of most people, maybe it goes to taking care of retired citizens? In the United States, health care plans could be "purchased" by all, but employers offer that as part of employees benefits.
Didn't know that you could do that with Amazon to save!! It's always nice to learn new things; for us, shopping on Amazon, we only pay attention to whether it's a good deal, and how to avoid the shipping cost.