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5 m! X2 H$ i! }/ H, K- Q0 btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb家里的电脑和打印机等产品虽然方便了我们的生活,但是却也会由于内部的振动而产生不小的噪音,如何才能尽量减少这种噪音呢?那就不妨来试试这款减震橡胶垫吧。
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它的功能与很多产品底部的橡胶垫作用相同。但是由于体积更大,因此这款产品的效果更好。而且由于完全是分体式的设计,所以更加方便更换。www2.tvboxnow.com2 s7 w( J9 x5 m* t5 c; E6 V
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is look like car, haha
design is cool and good.. thank for sharing.
Don't believe it. I had tested hard-disk before and most of them can take up to 100 times the earth gravity.