他更指出,由卡加利至卑詩省基隆拿的整個運輸過程,都由武裝保安員沿途護送。同時,他正與本地多家公司聯絡和作出特別安排,以確保拍賣前、拍賣期間以至完成拍賣後,該珍貴綠寶石完好無缺。 星島作者: ckd08 時間: 2012-1-25 04:32 AM
It certainly is very strange because there is very rare to have precious stone being created in nature that big. I believe it is called Teodora, or gift of God, in Portuguese. Obviously the buyer won't be able to cut it for a jewellery or something. I think it will only be stored in display or resell it to higher bidder !