水龍頭「乾」「洗」一體化不少公廁都會安裝乾手機,讓用家洗手後烘乾雙手,英國著名電器生廠商Dyson認為這安排欠理想,正著手開發一款集洗手及乾手功能於一身的水龍頭,方便用家洗手後毋須「水濕濕」地離開洗手盆,周圍尋找乾手機或取紙巾抹乾雙手,方便之餘亦可減低洗手間地面出現濕滑。 # O0 z+ ~" S% u0 d& E5 Z0 E f. v( K公仔箱論壇4 b8 R' T4 B& p8 k$ y( q
現時一般洗手盆上的水龍頭僅設洗手功能,要乾手就要走到乾手機前吹乾雙手或拿抹手紙把手抹乾,較費時又麻煩。英國電器商Dyson正申請註冊一項將乾手功能注入水龍頭的專利,在水龍頭加裝乾手機。構思中集洗手及乾手功能於一身的水龍頭,兩邊裝有用來把手烘乾的熱風噴咀,只要用家把濕手放到噴咀前,噴嘴感應到有濕漉漉的手掌靠近,水龍頭便會吹出熱風,幫用家烘乾雙手。 : f2 U( D/ u: C2 Z( ETVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。詳情可登入phys.org/news/2012-12-dyson-patent-wash-dry-fixture.html 9 F& T) L) ?1 x6 b6 K/ n* kTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 5 M8 B, |" L4 g8 O" Ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. _8 c, t* t! Y9 `
Dyson patent shows wash-dry of hands from same fixtureDecember 4, 2012 by Nancy Owano ) x$ ?. ^ l! q3 H) m5 qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb - M5 M4 y: g L9 Y' ^tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇; @% u! F% o+ y p' L
/ E% @( N$ G0 y3 g, M% Vwww2.tvboxnow.com, j6 j4 D2 n' B6 ]5 q Enlarge公仔箱論壇# F" g7 m9 ]! `2 R (Phys.org)—Dyson, the British design and manufacturing company known for its vacuum cleaners, fans, and hand dryers, has yet another innovative cleaning design on the burner. This time Dyson has come up with the idea of providing a tap that washes and dries your hands from one and the same device. There would be no need to move away from the sink and use a hand towel if at home or to stand in line to wait for a free hand dryer at a public restroom. The idea is that a single faucet on the sink can behave as air blower and water spout for cleansing hands. Dyson, a British company, filed the patent in the U.S. on May 17.作者: Dandeliontvb 時間: 2012-12-20 04:07 PM