Should promote sex education during school time *** So many people didnt like use the condom ***作者: jj99xx 時間: 2006-11-6 12:55 AM
Africa is a little different. Most of the African countries are poor and politically unstable. The warlords had to control their people with strong military so they would let their soldiers to do whatever they like. In these African countries, 3/4 of their army are HIV positive. They contracted the deadly virus through unprotected sex. The army dudes don't like rubbers, so they just inore the education on protection. In 10 years, half of the African continent will be totally infected. I give China credit for at least having a diciplined PLA. But of course, the government can make you disappear if you bring IHIV to the military forces.; \2 @) I' |* j+ R! E
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China is grooming Chan Fung "I eat chicken everyday" Foo Chun to the top chair at WHO. The praised her on her distrubutions to the SAR and H5N1 ordeal in Hong Kong. I'm sure those who lost their loved ones disagree.8 V9 A; y' d: f8 F8 l
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I'd like to hear how she's going to address the AIDS issue worldwide in her campaign.作者: ap0406708 時間: 2006-12-25 10:22 AM