如果只是坚持自己的政治理念而漠视民意,咁同专政有么区别? 民主不是要响应民意而营生?泛民可以生存到今日,除佐是反政府之外,仲有么实质意义的留下?作者: oldfolks 時間: 2015-2-9 12:05 AM
The people of Hong Kong know we have limitation on choosing our Chief Executive. However, we could a more candidate on the list not just pro-communists ; pro-businessmen; pro-chinaleader ; pro-corrupted; pro-yesboss; we want pro-hongkong; pro-international. A real patriot who could say no to foreign countries' intervention as we as to those who low ranking Chinese officials that they think they can decide the destiny of 7 million Hong Kong people and their next generation. China is a very strong country today and we just want the leaders can trust Hong Kong people作者: jc2628 時間: 2015-2-9 09:30 AM