Bello: What I told the media when I was asked about Hong Kong legislator Regina Ip's remark that Filipino household service workers seduce their employers: "Ms. Ip may be a woman but she expresses the same male sexist mentality that places the blame for sexual abuse on women because they dress or walk or smile 'in a certain way.' Filipino women are attractive and simpatica. That is simply what our people are. They're not trying to seduce anybody.公仔箱論壇7 K' i' `* O. N4 t2 a; K葉劉淑儀上周五在明報撰文,指外國傳媒借Erwiana一案,「渲染」本港為一個剝削外傭的地方,卻不報道在港外籍人士與女傭「發生不正常關係」,又自言於擔任保安局局長時,曾受到外籍婦女投訴,指當局「縱容菲籍女傭勾引其外籍丈夫」。她的言論受外傭團體炮轟,菲律賓駐港領事館也表示關注葉劉的言論。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ I, |- v1 ^! c8 ^# f7 Y# x# p
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Male employers who cannot control their libidinous drives should not hire a domestic worker in the first place. And female employers who are insanely jealous of anyone six feet away from their husbands should also refrain from doing so. I would not be surprised if Ms. Ip is publicly reflecting her domestic insecurities. In any event, the money of emotionally insecure Hong Kong men and women would be better spent on their seeing a psychotherapist to cure them of their unnatural tendencies rather than hiring a domestic worker.
While I was chair of the Committee on Overseas Workers' Affairs at the House, I heard stories about domestic workers who found it difficult to get on with the house work because of male employers who were constantly trying to get them to bed or wives who were insanely jealous of their every move. The really hellish situation, I was told, is that of the OFW who finds herself in a household with a lecherous employer and an obsessively jealous wife."tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb H+ J! A! \( A [
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