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[Windows] 怎樣才能將畫面設置為拆分在2台屏幕上? How do you split screen onto 2 monitors?

我的筆記本電腦使用的是Windows Vista Home Premium操作系統,內置屏幕不能正常操作,所以我用一個VGA 分配器(spliter) 連接2VGA連接線插入2台屏幕。現在我看到在兩個屏幕上有相同的畫面。

我怎樣才能將畫面設置為拆分在2台屏幕上?我知道我可以在“顯示設置”("display settings")中設置它,我曾試挑“1.(multiple monitors) on mobile Intel (R) 965 Express Chipset Family" "2. Generic PnP monitor on mobile Intel (R) 965 Express Chipset Family",然後單擊”將桌面擴展到該監視器上“("Extend the desktop onto this monitor"),但也不能將畫面設置為拆分。當我點擊“確定顯示器”("identify monitors"),兩個屏幕出現“1”。


my laptop is using Windows Vista Home Premium and the built-in screen is not functioning, so i used a spliter and plugged in 2 monitors with VGA cables. Now i see the same screen on both monitors. How can I set it to split the screen on the two monitors? I know that I can set it in "display settings", and i have tried to pick either "1. (multiple monitors) on mobile Intel (R) 965 Express Chipset Family" or "2. Generic PnP monitor on mobile Intel (R) 965 Express Chipset Family" and click "Extend the desktop onto this monitor", but it doesn't work. when i click "identify monitors", both screen appears "1". Please help! Thanks!      
3# lckiong

好像 Video Adapter ok.


thank you!
