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2147483647 long long way to go for me
ADTVB 發表於 2011-12-9 06:20 AM
u r long long way to go, still with future n look absolutely optimistic
but for me it is mission impossible, n even 007 cannot help me d...
fat chance, absolutely a infinity of  ZEROsssss ...
Happy NY 2012, & Chinese NY Hooi ge, misery, ob, orchid, firemic, vandas, showx2, godsai,
& av1
same to vandas, r u from toronto or vancouver
gold gold u neighbor, he is a toronto tofu
wah hear 賭神妹妹 all the boys so very excited n 热心问好
but that's normal n good actions
賭神妹妹, u give out win win tip?
翠兒 missing chow chow lo
morning hooi ge

loving you is so right
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2012-6-10 12:44 PM 編輯

walking hand in hand in courtship is sweet sweet
holding hands walking together in old age is touching
牵手 排走  幸福 ah

barbie look alike...yea she is a real barbie fr the Ukrains

Hooige Hooige Hooige.....

Image Rending of iPhone 5 Blackpool Creative

A Mitt Romney campaign iPhone app is seen here, with the word "America" misspelled in New York, May 30, 2012. Romney's presidential campaign misspelled the word "America" on a new iPhone app, the phrase "A Better America" is misspelled "A Better Amercia."

Samsung Galaxy S III

Apple MacBook Pro with Retina display review (mid 2012)
本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2012-6-14 07:06 PM 編輯

hOOI gE MoRning
