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回復 #29 小☆天使 的帖子

& z5 r- H- r1 T! m: q4 K" V, atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb睇下你個avatar就知
' E& n- L$ X8 v( L4 _6 Q- d6 U又矮又肥, 個頭又大, 髮型仲好獨特呢

回復 #31 jwxie518 的帖子

你個死c仔~~~www2.tvboxnow.com( \2 ~. ]6 L% \6 |+ k8 [

回復 #32 小☆天使 的帖子

打獲我?公仔箱論壇- y+ b! d6 Y; l0 A/ l7 o. Q
.....俾你呢個肥妹仔(之前個頭像 )
0 Q+ l7 x( q9 c. E  @tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb打, 我好唔介意, 仲好享受 公仔箱論壇; X0 \9 ~% {# s. T+ R
打都唔打得, 感覺好似係度幫我按摩
wah...bitrthday got leng lui...i hope i can have it oso...
hey wow...the cake looks delicious~~
. m0 ~4 R" h6 |, o. _) Q8 Thouston,TX? unfortunately i m pretty far away from u, lolz....otherwise, definitely drop by to say hi~~enjoy the trip to China~!