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Today it's time to write down the "entangled coat-hanger theory of science " and life for that tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" B7 m8 X. r9 J- U" Z0 y
matter. A reckless evelopment that tends to send all matters directly into the realm of chaos. But , having said that what does each coat-hanger stand for ?  Once the coathangers get entangled your dead. But what does each coat-hanger stand for ?  SOME KIND OF ENTITY which works toward performing some kind of function at first independent but afterwards not , rather then it becomes sequetial in nature with every coat-hanger twisting this way and that nigt impossible which direction the whole mess will ptoceed in .These various random directions provide you with a resulting conflict . "What conflict ? " you might ask and I reply the conflict that is now science , or rather " science" , technology the "life sciences" are a good example.
7 ?: Y8 }' L: S9 _. A1 e9 H: UTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。            Perhaps the coat hangers stand for opinion , the various opinions in science. So, what is an opinion ? What is an scientific opinion ?