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[IQ題] 都几难架!!!

有兩間屋, 一間甲, 一間乙,甲屋有三個燈制, 乙屋有三個燈泡, 甲屋是看不 到乙屋, 而甲屋的每一個燈制是控制乙屋的其中一個燈泡,問你怎樣可以只停留在甲屋一次, 停留在乙屋一次, 而可以知道那個燈制是控制那個燈泡呢?   
" f/ {& b/ ^' Z0 d3 mwww2.tvboxnow.com3 H/ k' W1 E6 \, H; l2 P7 a; s. V
turn 1 switch on for 10 mins then off
" ~+ c1 `7 J3 R/ D7 {3 xturn another 1 on then go to the other house4 Z$ s8 f- I  z, ^4 L

, a* g- [) j1 n! ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvbthe hot light bulb is the first  the cold light bulb is the 3rd
it asked many times...
等帖子到15楼的时候     公布答案    (如果还没有人知道答案的话)
6 n1 k5 \- T$ ^( o+ c公仔箱論壇
1 {/ o8 ?3 H2 z' v公仔箱論壇等答案吧。
turn 1 switch on for 10 mins then off
2 c1 I5 H) `3 w+ b. D/ \公仔箱論壇turn another 1 on then go to the other house
! A* m' G3 m3 F, s* ~8 u6 J  C
) ~) j2 v4 K1 s8 @* f; N% ^: tthe hot light bulb is the first the cold light bulb is the 3rd
好難= =完全睇唔明
turn 1 switch on for 10 mins then off
7 C. {/ [8 R1 K! J* M* H8 n: rturn another 1 on then go to the other housewww2.tvboxnow.com' L6 `9 @& q1 @6 L" \' m; G/ r  ]

( z, G/ _5 B- T) _. a) I3 l' F  E4 athe hot light bulb is the first the cold light bulb is the 3rd' P# c- X. _6 s- w7 L

. o' F4 J4 E# K' W, k唔係已經有人答左咩
原帖由 Geai 於 2006-12-20 09:58 發表。   y! m5 {8 w8 [: W# z$ o/ B
turn 1 switch on for 10 mins then off
5 D2 j7 k0 d7 I3 V4 k* |# wturn another 1 on then go to the other house
: [0 w. @" x8 c  y8 V! R2 }. Otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇' Y. e7 U; i8 v  g, f* K7 d2 z
the hot light bulb is the first the cold light bulb is the 3rd
1 |, I6 c) T7 k# ^% b9 S我同意!
it too easy