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' S& b" n9 {; Z6 T: V! q- }tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbimy iq is very low
原帖由 Penny.LEI 於 2006-11-26 01:39 AM 發表
0 o, g! t* P& m1 K公仔箱論壇% O2 A1 A# T  G8 G; {2 F

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8 u8 n& n9 y4 utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb是的,題目沒有明說异常的球是重是輕,這個方法應該不行
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lets look at the answer
xiang kan kan
i think divide 3 in a group, then measure 2 group, if the two group same, then mix the two other group, and divide it into 3 groups of 2 balls, and weigh again.
ans plz~~~~~~~~~
i think i have worked it out
watch ans ..:P