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em... how ar??
先6/6 得出一边重一边轻,然后3/3 分2组,因为异常的只有一个球,所以得出其中一组3/3是等重的.反之另一组是有异常的. 在正常的取一个出来,得出4个,然后2/2  1/1 出结果
Anwser pls
4 vs 4, two case => a)same or b)diff.公仔箱論壇' M2 U0 c+ q; l0 L
a)the not weighted 4 have the target, take 3 to weight with normal => same=the forth is target, diff. can let us know the target is heavy or light, weight two of those contain the target will let us know the answer  , f  A7 f4 W0 x  y) B
b)diff. result will have light and heavy again 4vs 4, C vs D C=(3 normal + 1 heavy), D=(3 heavy + 1 light) => again 2 case same or diff., For diff. if C is heavier, than the target is that put in C, if D heavy, the 3 heavy can be weighted with 1 vs 1, heavy one is the target... For same, the target is in that 3 lighter ones, weight them 1 vs 1 will let u know the answer...
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1 \! y8 _, e5 D公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇0 F+ _% N6 ?8 w% F) M
7 N- ^. I& u! A1 x0 ?8 `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb第一次称,两边6个,甘样肯定有一边会重D。跟住重D果6个分开两份每份3个称第二次。又系肯定有一边重D。剩低3个。抽其中两个称,如果重量相等,则没有被选中嘅球系最重的。如果重量不等,则重的那一边就是那个ball了
, k) A( V* z" d. B3 B12球分两组后,重的一边 两个一组分三组,同时放上两组,如果天平平衡说明在没称重的那两个球里,然后把那连个球一边一个。马上出来,三步!如果在开始放的两组里面,把重的一组拿下来,一边一个,及的答案,也是三步
why= == == = = ==
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