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Saying 'I Love You' .............in a special  way.

   A guy wanted to
; [8 z  D: ^2 W. j. S公仔箱論壇
$ _! c0 Z- a* e; d: q2 _5 r7 K2 Hexpress his unfathomable love to his sweetheart. So, 7 k" h) P' B) D( D/ s* U  W

: F$ K8 d. X2 z( l公仔箱論壇what did he do........?
He gave chocolates to all the girls living in the
) r% @4 H: y% n; n# ~9 lwww2.tvboxnow.comUniversity student apartments and asked them to turn
9 \) u8 k& Y2 K; o- ?  @公仔箱論壇8 F% A! r+ ^' X  J3 [
their lights on or off at 8pm that night. 公仔箱論壇* p1 I7 a/ q. L1 C% b' L) h8 K2 x; D
See the pic for the rest.............
Truly Breath taking !   You don't need to guess his
+ j/ n3 R& s: ^" W公仔箱論壇3 G! s8 y- o; E2 |" G
sweetheart's reaction.
$ O9 ?+ I8 R$ z3 owww2.tvboxnow.comHundreds of students came over later to witness this公仔箱論壇5 A3 c" h9 g$ q4 T  F! {4 L& b
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 w" ~6 t5 }3 N9 y0 l% M
great piece of Art driven by the Greatest Emotion ( y' v+ i) D& V: F: d- W8 j
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 r8 G! o2 M: C1 U$ O9 J2 e/ y
known to Man - 'Love'.
% b$ r2 ]9 h, G; U: Q+ g

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very romantic .............
哇.好靚 ...
very nice
wow. i wish someone can do this to me
wao../ f# z+ H: u7 Q: l& F2 ~
sorrying romantic!!
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