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- b! e( z! y# w' c4 s( i4 M公仔箱論壇曾先生於五點二十分左右到達旺角佔中現場,他本身是護士。他也是佔中的支持者,早前有參與佔中集會。他得知旺角佔中被很多身份可疑人士衝擊,很擔心學生的安全,故跑到現場,希望以自己的專業知識幫助學生,保障他們的安全。www2.tvboxnow.com' [& Q x) n2 u) e
" f$ O; e! U0 `www2.tvboxnow.com他到達後,加入佔中義工,即進入旺角匯豐中心被反佔中人士包團的大台位置。現場被大量反佔中人士包圍,他與其他示威者一起,組成了人鏈,保護大台及其他佔中市民。% z6 q% w: g/ z, D9 U. [1 s0 F) [' w8 d& k
9 D0 e* ?4 a/ W. H, @五點三十分左右,曾先生目賭女學生被反佔中人士非禮。一名女學生要從包圍圈外進入匯豐中心的留守區,當時有大量反佔中人士包圍著。據曾先生的惚述,一名四十多歲的,著住白色間條衫的反佔中人士,向其他人大叫:就算唔鐘意佢(女學生)都唔可以打架!在他大叫的同時,從後把女學生抱住,雙手摸女學生的胸部,女學生掙脫後,跑到示威區,男子在大笑。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. I( x3 o O& |' H" s% V7 z6 h
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入夜後,聲援佔中人士開始增加,反包圍了反佔中人士。後來,反佔中人士見聲援人士愈來愈多,自動離開了。曾生表示現在現場平靜。$ h# B- a* {$ }" b
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他說現場醫療護資源嚴重不足,佔中醫療隊只有兩名護士,沒有醫生,另外有四名自願在現場加入的護士義工。曾生表示,這樣的醫護資源,如果今晚有大規模的圍捕,或是再有大規模反佔中人士挑起衝突,都是危險的。: Q6 U3 U) C- ~- o
& S e. Q& P# R' H, mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb曾生表示將會留守到最後,直至所有示威者安全為止。他認為應該以自己的專業,保障佔中學生和市民的安全。
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2 _; V. J+ ]- B4 j" \ zMedical worker in Occupy Mong Kok: I saw female student indecently assaultedwww2.tvboxnow.com: K* d& W3 s7 Z2 T/ f* T! ?
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Mr. Tsang arrived the Mong Kok Occupied zone at around 5:20pm. He is a nurse by profession and also a supporter for the Occupy movement. He participated in previous Occupy protests before and since he heard the news of groups of thugs trying to provoke and attack the Occupy protesters in Mong Kok, he decided to come to Mong Kok this afternoon and try to use his professional knowledge to help and protect the students.
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Upon arrival, he joined a team of Occupy volunteers and entered the area near the main stage and the HSBC building, at which time was already surrounded by the “anti-Occupy protesters”. He joined other Occupy protesters to form a human chain in order to protect the main stage and other Occupy protesters.
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At around 5:30pm, Mr. Tsang witnessed a female student being indecently assaulted by the “anti-Occupy protesters”. A female student tried to enter the Occupied zone near the HSBC building, where it was surrounded by a large group of the “anti-Occupy protesters”. According to Mr. Tsang, a man at his 40’s, wearing striped white T-shirt, shouted to others, “We can’t beat her (the female student) even if we don’t like her!”. As he shouted, he held the female student from her back, both hands touching her breast. As she struggled and released herself from the man, she ran to join the Occupying crowd, while the man was laughing.
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Mr. Tsang said he also witnessed a lot of Occupy protesters being assaulted. He himself had helped out 3 cases of injury. For the first case, a man was kicked at his genital. He was fine after basic check up and stayed on the scene afterwards. The second case was more serious and involved a young male. His eye was hit by a hard object and there was a lot of bleeding. A doctor offered help and decided that he had to be taken to the hospital immediately. However, as the “anti-Occupy protesters” were surrounding the scene and refused to let the paramedics to leave, it took a long time before the injured can be taken away. The third case was also a male. He was beaten in the head by the “anti-Occupy protesters” and felt dizzy. But he chose to stay after basic check up and treatment. He said that it was very chaotic at the scene and the “anti-Occupy protesters” were causing the clashes.
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0 Z3 {' {: q! R+ J7 JAs the evening set in, more supporters for the Occupy moved in, and “counter-surrounded” the “anti-Occupy protesters”. The latter disappeared gradually as they saw themselves became the minority. Mr. Tsang reported that the scene became calm again.www2.tvboxnow.com' k/ `3 c# A0 H5 a
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He said there was seriously insufficient medical supply on the scene in Mong Kok and that there were only two nurses and no doctor in the Occupy medical team. In addition to this, there were four nurses who volunteered on the scene. Mr. Tsang reckoned that, given the limited medical supplies, it was dangerous if there would be massive arrest or further clashes provoked by the "anti-Occupy protesters”.
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3 P: ^6 i6 Q4 ^公仔箱論壇Mr. Tsang said he would continue to stay until the Occupy protesters became safe again. He wanted to protect the students and citizens using his professional knowledge. |