Of course "A". Violent is superficial, but "Bullie" can come in many forms and even unnoticeable. Many people believed 什甚普選或公投之類等政治玩意等如民主, 那麼台灣同日本有那麼多政治丑聞, 黑金捐獻等事實. 攪事四人幫和那些謂飯民和瀉民想用學生來渾亂視聽, 因為他們的黑金事件還有排查.
8 T' r9 b1 h0 h: T) r, U7 o- RThey just want to keep throwing bombs to the government to change focus and try to make their way out of trouble. If Hong Kong people have to right to vote for their CEO and his/her party, those people will definitely use money or other benefits to influence the result, and advantage themselves. ( See Mr 曾 and his dogs for real examples). www2.tvboxnow.com: o5 p, i, o/ j+ @
這個民主世界(看 英美澳 等民主國家), D話事人都要睇班有錢佬面口做嘢. 官商out结就梗局, 不你可以出聲講下 (不過無用) 咁解, 這就是民主 (你係民, 他做主). 香港政府都要食番D偉哥先可以攪掂班政棍s. |