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吉尔吉斯种族冲突 80人死逾千人受伤

吉尔吉斯种族冲突 80人死逾千人受伤 二零一零年六月十三日 下午五时三十二分9 C! l. w# [) q& ~' J

) p4 k7 o. M. f, ]- C8 |tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb(比什凯克13日综合电)吉尔吉斯南部种族暴力事件蔓延,死亡人数增加至80人,超过1000人受伤。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。6 ?4 Z- }4 n2 i4 b
在吉尔吉斯第二大城市奥什,数以千计的乌兹别克人逃离家园,该市许多地方已经烧毁。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* x2 u0 q6 U, f& y) z- Z) ?: u
5 G+ E' }1 r8 |) h" t: S1 Ywww2.tvboxnow.com居民表示,一些持枪的吉尔吉斯人从其他地区来到该村。这是今年4月吉尔吉斯总统被赶下台后,最严重的暴力冲突。
. i  M1 N- B: ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb临时政府颁紧急状态. e" |* `' F  M9 d! W. ~9 A8 Z
0 @; w/ v' r: H1 M1 |9 P$ I骚乱发生的地点位于吉尔吉斯南部城市奥什以及附近的地区,冲突的双方是当地的吉尔吉斯族居民和乌兹别克族居民。
( t% j/ x$ x3 D# Z军警获授权开火平息暴乱+ d' K$ P( e* K! A( R  u0 D
3 j' Q5 I! e; `& M当局周六发布命令,授权军警在对抗反公权力、阻止对方破坏政府和私有财产,以及保护平民的情况下,对叛乱份子使用致命武力。
- D* _, |% U6 stvb now,tvbnow,bttvb临时总理奥通巴耶娃稍早向莫斯科当局请求派兵协助。暴动发生至今将近3天,卫生部表示已造成至少80超过1000人受伤。她说:““如果我们不采取适时、有效的手段,动乱情形可能会更加严重,演变成区域冲突。”1 v& Z, y0 V& O$ C. ^0 F! l1 C
奥通巴耶娃在全国电视演说时表示:“周六起情况开始失控。我们需要外部军力帮忙平息动乱,因此向俄国请求协助。”www2.tvboxnow.com% l2 x& v9 A  D/ `6 S/ G% E$ x
虽然俄国迅速向身为前苏联一部分的中亚国家吉尔吉斯提供人道援助,但俄国新闻社报导,总统梅德韦杰夫发言人表示,俄国还没有派兵的打算。www2.tvboxnow.com" q  L7 w* w8 S. {  z% ?3 E- P- z4 O( N
) G  n- l4 y' F: o* [她又说,唯有在与联合国会商之后,才有可能派遣维和部队。www2.tvboxnow.com) l- e2 l$ ^$ r3 Y& u

4 S' o- `; a- Y( p6 w# |; Gwww2.tvboxnow.com
2 D' X# O) J# e! ~& I) Pwww2.tvboxnow.com相关照片
5 u8 M* X9 S$ `  [公仔箱論壇
' k3 ~% x- P. R1 k9 j- w/ e■ 临时总理奥通巴耶娃在全国电视演说,向莫斯科当局请求派兵协助。(美联社照片) TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  E& ^" r- L$ K; O

& a; J# a9 J, U7 G8 h, }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。■ 苏扎克地区的街上不时见到乌兹别克族人手持猎枪和木棒守卫家园和财产。(美联社照片) 公仔箱論壇: N9 w+ a# ^. g8 d  o* e4 q
www2.tvboxnow.com% Z. F- W# v! l' H) V- S
■ 吉尔吉斯乌兹别克族妇幼逃到吉尔吉斯和乌兹别克的边界,寻求乌兹别克政府庇护。(美联社照片)
! M& Q9 O- C- \5 @tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ h/ s; r. y6 I

* o9 ^& U  {) d+ X- ^  K' R


  • 无奈的寂寞

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2010-6-14 02:10 AM 編輯
+ ?/ ?* p+ K- I" J. P9 O$ yTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
) d4 \4 o1 I, i  e2 {tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThis incident has all the ingredients of ethnic conflicts, dirty politics and wars of the powers, in this case Russia and the US. The ousted president Bakiyev, who came to power in 2005 after the tulip revolution, has been accused of nepotism. Although he assumed the office of president under the banner of democracy, he soon was accused of rigging the election, appointing family members in key government positions. Kyrgyzstan is a destitute, landlocked mountainous nation of around five million people. The corruption, failure of economic policy and the jump in oil prices, which in part due to Russia levying high tariff on fuel exported to Kyrgyzstan as a retaliation to Bakiyev's position to the US, are the main reasons for the coup. The crux of dispute between the powers is the Manas airbase which is of strategic importance to both US's war in Afghanistan and Russian influence in Asia.  Some suspect the present interim Otunbayeva government received Russian help in staging the successful coup. The ethnic minority, Uzbeks, who wanted to annex to neighboring Uzbekistan actually found support in the pro-Bakiyev counter-revolutionary movement in southern Kyrgyzstan. Democracy has become a cliche which is devoid of meaning. Power wrangling and selfish motives are still the main undercurrent in international politics.


  • 无奈的寂寞
